FFI::Build::File::Cargo - Write Perl extensions in Rust!


Crete a rust project in the ffi directory that produces a dynamic library:

$ cargo new --lib --name my_lib ffi
      Created library `my_lib` package

Add this to your ffi/Cargo.toml file to get dynamic libraries:

crate-type = ["dylib"]

Your library goes in lib/

package MyLib;

use FFI::Platypus 1.00;

my $ffi = FFI::Platypus->new( api => 1, lang => 'Rust' );
# configure platypus to use the bundled Rust code


Your Makefile.PL:

use ExtUtils::MakeMaker;
use FFI::Build::MM;

my $fbmm = FFI::Build::MM->new;

    ABSTRACT       => 'My Lib',
    DISTNAME       => 'MyLib',
    NAME           => 'MyLib',
    VERSION_FROM   => 'lib/',
        'FFI::Build::MM'          => '1.00',
        'FFI::Build::File::Cargo' => '0.07',
    PREREQ_PM => {
        'FFI::Platypus'             => '1.00',
        'FFI::Platypus::Lang::Rust' => '0.07',

sub MY::postamble {

or alternatively, your dist.ini:



This module provides the necessary machinery to bundle rust code with your Perl extension. It uses FFI::Build and cargo to do the heavy lifting.

A complete example comes with this distribution in the examples/Person directory, incouding tests. You can browse this example on the web here:

The distribution that follows the pattern above works just like a regular Pure-Perl or XS distribution, except:


Running the make step builds the Rust library as a dynamic library using cargo, and runs the crate's tests if any are available. It then moves the resulting dynamic library in to the appropriate location in blib so that it can be found at test and runtime.


If you run the tests using prove -l (that is, without building the distribution), Platypus will find the rust crate in the ffi directory, build that and use it on the fly. This makes it easier to test your distribution with less explicit building.

This module is smart enough to check the timestamps on the appropriate files so the library won't need to be rebuilt if the source files haven't changed.

For more details using Perl + Rust with FFI, see FFI::Platypus::Lang::Rust.



The Core Platypus documentation.


Rust language plugin for Platypus.


Graham Ollis <>


This software is copyright (c) 2015 by Graham Ollis.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.