Math::BLAS::Legacy - original Level 1, 2, and 3 BLAS



Level 1 BLAS

blas_dcopy (n, x, x_ind, x_incr, y, y_ind, y_incr)

Copy array elements.

  • First argument n is the number of array elements.

  • Second argument x is the source array (an array reference).

  • Third argument x_ind is the array index of the first array element for the array x.

  • Fourth argument x_incr is the array index increment for the array x.

  • Fifth argument y is the destination array (an array reference).

  • Sixth argument y_ind is the array index of the first array element for the array y.

  • Seventh argument y_incr is the array index increment for the array y.

Arguments x and y may be the same array.

blas_dswap (n, x, x_ind, x_incr, y, y_ind, y_incr)

Interchange array elements.

  • First argument n is the number of array elements.

  • Second argument x is the first array (an array reference).

  • Third argument x_ind is the array index of the first array element for the array x.

  • Fourth argument x_incr is the array index increment for the array x.

  • Fifth argument y is the second array (an array reference).

  • Sixth argument y_ind is the array index of the first array element for the array y.

  • Seventh argument y_incr is the array index increment for the array y.

Arguments x and y may be the same array.

blas_dset (n, alpha, x, x_ind, x_incr)

Set array elements to a constant.

  • First argument n is the number of array elements.

  • Second argument alpha is the constant value.

  • Third argument x is the array (an array reference).

  • Fourth argument x_ind is the array index of the first array element.

  • Fifth argument x_incr is the array index increment.

blas_dscal (n, alpha, x, x_ind, x_incr)

Multiply array elements by a constant.

  • First argument n is the number of array elements.

  • Second argument alpha is the constant value.

  • Third argument x is the array (an array reference).

  • Fourth argument x_ind is the array index of the first array element.

  • Fifth argument x_incr is the array index increment.

blas_daxpy (n, alpha, x, x_ind, x_incr, y, y_ind, y_incr)

Accumulate multiples of array elements.

  • First argument n is the number of array elements.

  • Second argument alpha is the multiplier.

  • Third argument x is the multiplicand array (an array reference).

  • Fourth argument x_ind is the array index of the first array element for the array x.

  • Fifth argument x_incr is the array index increment for the array x.

  • Sixth argument y is the accumulator array (an array reference).

  • Seventh argument y_ind is the array index of the first array element for the array y.

  • Eighth argument y_incr is the array index increment for the array y.

blas_ddot (n, x, x_ind, x_incr, y, y_ind, y_incr)

Return the inner product of two vectors.

  • First argument n is the number of array elements.

  • Second argument x is the left-hand side operand (an array reference).

  • Third argument x_ind is the array index of the first array element for the array x.

  • Fourth argument x_incr is the array index increment for the array x.

  • Fifth argument y is the right-hand side operand (an array reference).

  • Sixth argument y_ind is the array index of the first array element for the array y.

  • Seventh argument y_incr is the array index increment for the array y.

blas_dasum (n, x, x_ind, x_incr)

Return the sum of the absolute values, that is the one-norm of a vector.

  • First argument n is the number of array elements.

  • Second argument x is the array (an array reference).

  • Third argument x_ind is the array index of the first array element for the array x.

  • Fourth argument x_incr is the array index increment for the array x.

blas_dnrm2 (n, x, x_ind, x_incr)

Return the two-norm (Euclidean norm) of a vector.

  • First argument n is the number of array elements.

  • Second argument x is the array (an array reference).

  • Third argument x_ind is the array index of the first array element for the array x.

  • Fourth argument x_incr is the array index increment for the array x.

blas_idamax (n, x, x_ind, x_incr)

Return the index offset of the first array element having the maximum absolute value.

  • First argument n is the number of array elements to search.

  • Second argument x is the array (an array reference).

  • Third argument x_ind is the array index of the first array element for the array x.

  • Fourth argument x_incr is the array index increment for the array x.

Level 2 BLAS

The underlying mathematical formulation is

    y ← α A·x + β y

where A is a (m, n) matrix, x and y are vectors, and α and β are scalars.

If β is zero, y is set to the result of the matrix/vector multiplication. If β is one, the result of the matrix/vector multiplication is added to y. Otherwise, y is scaled by β before adding the result of the matrix/vector multiplication.

blas_dgemv (a_op, m, n, alpha, a, a_ind, a_incr, x, x_ind, x_incr, beta, y, y_ind, y_incr)

General matrix/vector multiplication.

  • First argument a_op is the transpose operator for the matrix A. Value is either BLAS_NO_TRANS or BLAS_TRANS.

  • Second argument m is the number of matrix rows.

  • Third argument n is the number of matrix columns.

  • Fourth argument alpha is the multiplier.

  • Fifth argument a is the matrix operand (an array reference).

  • Sixth argument a_ind is the array index of the first array element for the array a.

  • Seventh argument a_incr is the array index increment for the array a.

  • Eighth argument x is the vector operand (an array reference).

  • Ninth argument x_ind is the array index of the first array element for the array x.

  • Tenth argument x_incr is the array index increment for the array x.

  • Eleventh argument beta is the scale factor for the result vector.

  • Twelfth argument y is the result vector (an array reference).

  • Thirteenth argument y_ind is the array index of the first array element for the array y.

  • Fourteenth argument y_incr is the array index increment for the array y.

Level 3 BLAS

The underlying mathematical formulation is

    C ← α A·B + β C

where C is a (m, n) matrix, A and B are matrices, and α and β are scalars.

If β is zero, C is set to the result of the matrix/matrix multiplication. If β is one, the result of the matrix/matrix multiplication is added to C. Otherwise, C is scaled by β before adding the result of the matrix/matrix multiplication.

blas_dgemm (a_op, b_op, m, n, k, alpha, a, a_ind, a_incr, b, b_ind, b_incr, beta, c, c_ind, c_incr)

General matrix/matrix multiplication.

  • First argument a_op is the transpose operator for the matrix A. Value is either BLAS_NO_TRANS or BLAS_TRANS.

  • Second argument b_op is the transpose operator for the matrix B. Value is either BLAS_NO_TRANS or BLAS_TRANS.

  • Third argument m is the number of matrix rows.

  • Fourth argument n is the number of matrix columns.

  • Fifth argument k is the number of matrix columns of the matrix A and the number of matrix rows of the matrix B.

  • Sixth argument alpha is the multiplier.

  • Seventh argument a is the left-hand side matrix operand (an array reference).

  • Eighth argument a_ind is the array index of the first array element for the array a.

  • Ninth argument a_incr is the array index increment for the array a.

  • Tenth argument b is the right-hand side matrix operand (an array reference).

  • Eleventh argument b_ind is the array index of the first array element for the array b.

  • Twelfth argument b_incr is the array index increment for the array b.

  • Thirteenth argument beta is the scale factor for the result matrix.

  • Fourteenth argument c is the result matrix (an array reference).

  • Fifteenth argument c_ind is the array index of the first array element for the array c.

  • Sixteenth argument c_incr is the array index increment for the array c.




Ralph Schleicher <>