VCP::TestUtils - support routines for VCP testing
General utility functions
- copy_dir_tree
copy_dir_tree $src, $dest;
Copy source directory tree to a destination directory. Accepts absolute or relative directory names, but doesn't do tilde expansion.
- rm_dir_tree
rm_dir_tree $path;
Remove a directory tree. Does not complain if it's not there to remove.
- assert_eq
DEPRECATED. Use ok_or_diff() instead.
assert_eq $test_name, $expected, $got;
- ok_or_diff
ok_or_diff $got, $expected, ...;
Use instead of ok to compare two strings and output a diff if they are indeed different. Uses Test::Difference's eq_or_diff() if present, otherwise falls back to Text::Diff::diff(). Calls Test::ok().
If $got is empty and $expected is longer than 2 lines, diff() is not called and a special message is generated. This is to prevent SPAMming out huge diffs when no output is received but $expected is big.
- slurp
$guts = slurp $filename ; @lines = slurp $filename; read entire contents of file and return as a scalar, or array in array context (splitting on newlines.)
- perl_cmd
@perl = perl_cmd
Returns a list containing the Perl executable and some options to reproduce the current Perl options , like -I.
- find_command
@vcp = find_command "vcp"
Find a script within the main distro directory or one subdir under it. Looks for "bin/<cmd>" and "../bin/<cmd>". This should be adequate for almost all uses.
- vcp_cmd
@vcp = vcp_cmd
Returns a list containing the Perl executable and some options to reproduce the current Perl options , like -I.
vcp_cmd assumes it is called from within the main distro directory or one subdir under it, since it looks for "bin/vcp" and "../bin/vcp". This should be adequate for almost all uses.
vcp_cmd caches it's results to allow it to be run from other directories after the first time it's called. (this is not a significant performance improvement; running the vcp process takes several orders of magnitude longer than the quick checks vcp_cmd does).
If $ENV{VCPTESTCOMMAND} is set, it is treated as a path to the executable to run plus parameters. If the path includes spaces, it must be enclosed in quotation marks. If the path is relative, it is assumed to be relative to the current working directory.
- compile_dtd_cmd
@compile_dtd = compile_dtd_cmd
Returns a list containing the Perl executable and some options to reproduce the current Perl options , like -I.
compile_dtd_cmd assumes it is called from within the main distro directory or one subdir under it, since it looks for "bin/compile_dtd" and "../bin/compile_dtd". This should be adequate for almost all uses.
compile_dtd_cmd caches it's results to allow it to be run from other directories after the first time it's called.
- run
Run a command using IPC::Run3::run3(), but with logging and a verbose exception on non-0 result code.
Arguments are the same as and are passed to IPC::Run3::run3().
- run_p4
calls 'run' to run p4 binary after deciding which platform specific program to run.
determines p4 executable name based on operating system.
builds p4 options string from $p4_options hash
run_p4 \@args, \$stdin, \$stdout, \$stderr, $p4_options; run_p4 [ qw(files) ], \undef, \$stdout, $p4_options;
array of words to add to end of p4 command
remaining arguments passed on to 'run' sub (except final arg)
final arg:
p4_options hash (may contain: port, user, client, password ... ?)
- parse_files_and_revids_from_head_revs_db <options-hash>
options: state_dir repo_id remove_rev_root (string to be removed from front of filename)
given a vcp state directory and repo_id, dump the head revs to a string, and parse out the <name> and <rev_id> elements within each <rev>, then return a string (sorted by line) of the form:
<name1> <max_revision_num1> <name2> <max_revision_num2> <name3> <max_revision_num3> . . .
my $revs = parse_files_and_revids_from_head_revs_db { state_dir => $state_dir, repo_id => $repo_id } my $revs = parse_files_and_revids_from_head_revs_db $state_dir $repo_id { state_dir => $state_dir, repo_id => $repo_id, remove_rev_root => "/ignore/" }
- parse_files_and_revids_from_revml
given one or more revml filenames, slurp them up, parse out the <name> and <rev_id> elements within each <rev>, then return a string (sorted by line) of the form:
<name1> <max_revision_num1> <name2> <max_revision_num2> <name3> <max_revision_num3> . . .
The final (optional) argument may be a reference to a hash of parameters. Currently the only parameter is IGNORE_REVS_WITH_DELETE_FLAG, which if true, causes any revs containing the <delete /> or <delete/> tags to be ignored.
my $revs = parse_files_and_revids_from_revml $infile ; my $revs = parse_files_and_revids_from_revml $infile1, $infile2 ;
- parse_files_and_revids_from_p4_files
Run p4 files command line to get list of changed files. Parse the output so it can be diffed with the output of parse_files_and_revids_from_revml.
returns a string containing names and revision numbers, 1 per line. See that sub above for a description of the output format.
arguments are:
revision root, e.g. "//depot/something/". This string will be removed from the output so it may be diffed with parse_files_and_revids_from_revml output.
options hash for run_p4()
1 or more file[revRange] spec for p4 files command (run 'p4 help files' and 'p4 help revisions' command line for formatting help)
example usage:
parse_files_and_revids_from_p4_files $p4_rev_root, $p4_options, "//..."
- parse_files_and_revids_from_cvs_history
Run cvs history command line to get list of changed files. Parse the output so it can be diffed with the output of parse_files_and_revids_from_revml.
returns a string containing names and revision numbers, 1 per line. See that sub above for a description of the output format.
arguments are:
cvs root directory.
cvs module name. This string will be removed from the output so it may be diffed with parse_files_and_revids_from_revml output.
example usage:
parse_files_and_revids_from_cvs_history "/home/blah/blah/cvsroot_0/", "module-blah"
- get_vcp_output
@vcp = get_vcp_output "foo:", "-bar" ;
Does a:
run [ vcp_cmd, @_, "sort:", "--", "revml:", ... ], \undef, \$out or croak "`vcp blahdy blah` returned $?";
and returns $out. The "..." refers to whatever output options are needed to make the test output agree with
's test files (t/test-*.revml).You may pass in options as a hash reference as the final argument. The supported option is:
which, if present, is tacked on to the revml: output spec's list of options,
XML "cleanup" functions
These are used to get rid of content or elements that are known to differ when comparing the revml fed in to a repository with the revml that comes out.
- s_content
s_content $elt_type1, $elt_type2, ..., \$string1, \$string2, ..., $new_content ;
Changes the contents of the elements, since some things, like suer id or mod_time can't be the same after going through a repository.
If $new_val is not supplied, a constant string is used.
- rm_elts
rm_elts $elt_type1, $elt_type2, ..., \$string1, \$string2 rm_elts $elt_type1, $elt_type2, ..., qr/$content_re/, \$string1, \$string2
Removes the specified elements from the strings, including leading whitespace and trailing line separators. If the optional $content_re regular expression is provided, then only elements containing that pattern will be removed.
p4 repository mgmt functions
- p4_borken
Returns true if the p4 is missing or too old (< 99.2).
- tmpdir
my $d = tmpdir ## create a directory like /tmp/vcp_95cvs2p4_##### my $d = tmpdir( "foo" ); ## create a directory like /tmp/vcp_95cvs2p4_foo_#####
Return a temporary directory that will be deleted in an END block.
The prefix is advisory only and is meant to allow developers to intuit the purpose of a temporary directory from its name.
See File::Spec::Unix's tmpdir() function for details, but you can set the TMPDIR environment variable to control where the VCP test suite places temp dirs (and, after testing, where vcp places test dirs, but vcp has separate temp directory management functions).
CVS mgmt functions
- cvs_borken
Returns true if cvs -v works and outputs "Concurrent Versions System".
- init_cvsroot
my $cvs_options = init_cvsroot $prefix, $module_name ; my $cvs_options = init_cvsroot $prefix, $module_name, $rootdir ;
Creates a CVS repository containing an empty module. Also sets $ENV{LOGNAME} if it notices that we're running as root, so CVS won't give a "cannot commit files as 'root'" error. Tries "nobody", then "guest".
Returns the options needed to access the cvs repository.
VSS mgmt functions
- vss_borken
Returns true if MKSS may be run.
Copyright 2000, Perforce Software, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
This module and the VCP package are licensed according to the terms given in the file LICENSE accompanying this distribution, a copy of which is included in vcp.
3 POD Errors
The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:
- Around line 472:
Expected '=item 2'
- Around line 476:
Expected '=item 3'
- Around line 695:
Expected '=item 3'