XML::Filter::Merger - Assemble multiple SAX streams in to one document
## See XML::SAX::Manifold and XML::SAX::Pipeline for easy ways
## to use this processor. XML::SAX::Manifold uses this
## processor to implement multipass document processing, for
## instance.
my $w = XML::SAX::Writer->new( Output => \*STDOUT );
my $h = XML::Filter::Merger->new( Handler => $w );
my $p = XML::SAX::ParserFactory->parser( Handler => $h );
$h->start_manifold_document( {} );
$p->parse_file( $_ ) for @ARGV;
$h->end_manifold_document( {} );
Combines several documents in to one. Here's how it works (by default):
The first document received after the call to start_manifold_document() is emitted all the way up to it's closing root element tag. This tag and all text, comments, PIs, etc. following it are buffered, as is the end_document event.
Each additional document is stripped of everything up to and including its root element start_element event and from the root element end_element event through the end_document event. All events between the root element start_element and end_element events are stripped.
When the end_manifold_document() method is called, the events that were buffered from the first document are then emitted, resulting in a well formed XML document that has the guts from each of the input documents sandwiched between the head and tail of the first document.
If the root element end_element event for the first document won't arrive until after all the intermediate documents, call the disable_buffering() option.
NOTE: All "between document" events are passed on, which is important for splitters like XML::Filter::DocSplitter that like to start and end several documents and emit stuff directly to the merger before, after and in between those documents.
TODO: Allow a lot of customization, like how deep to cut the roots off of each document (it just cuts down to and including the root element now), and allow some "glue" to be wrapped around each document and between documents.
- new
my $d = XML::Filter::Merger->new( \%options );
- start_manifold_document
This must be called before the first document's start_document arrives.
It is passed an empty ({}) data structure, which is passed on to the handler's start_document.
- end_manifold_document
This must be called after the last document's end_document is called. It is passed an empty ({}) data structure which is passed on to the next processor's end_document() call. This call also causes the end_element() for the root element to be passed on.
- set_include_all_roots
$h->set_include_all_roots( 1 );
Setting this option causes the merger to include all root element nodes, not just the first document's. This means that later documents are treated as subdocuments of the output document, rather than as envelopes carrying subdocuments.
Given two documents received are:
Doc1: <root1><foo></root1> Doc1: <root2><bar></root2> Doc3: <root3><baz></root3>
then with this option cleared (the default), the result looks like:
. This is useful when processing document oriented XML and each upstream filter channel gets a complete copy of the document. This is the case with the machine XML::SAX::Manifold and the splitting filter XML::Filter::Distributor.
With this option set, the result looks like:
This is useful when processing record oriented XML, where the first document only contains the preamble and postamble for the records and not all of the records. This is the case with the machine XML::SAX::ByRecord and the splitting filter XML::Filter::DocSplitter.
The two splitter filters mentioned set this feature appropriately.
Does not yet buffer all events after the first document's root end_element event.
Barrie Slaymaker <>
Copyright 2002, Barrie Slaymaker, All Rights Reserved.
You may use this module under the terms of the Artistic, GNU Public, or BSD licenses, you choice.