POE::Kernel - an event driven threaded application kernel in Perl
POE comes with its own event loop, which is based on select() and written entirely in Perl. To use it, simply:
use POE;
POE can adapt itself to work with other event loops and I/O multiplex systems. Currently it adapts to Gtk, Tk,, or IO::Poll when one of those modules is used before POE::Kernel.
use Gtk; # Or Tk, Event, or IO::Poll;
use POE;
use POE qw(Loop::Gtk);
use POE::Kernel { loop => "Gtk" };
use POE::Session;
Methods to manage the process' global Kernel instance:
# Retrieve the kernel's unique identifier.
$kernel_id = $kernel->ID;
# Run the event loop, only returning when it has no more sessions to
# dispatch events to. Supports two forms.
FIFO event methods:
# Post an event to an arbitrary session.
$kernel->post( $session, $event, @event_args );
# Post an event back to the current session.
$kernel->yield( $event, @event_args );
# Call an event handler synchronously. Bypasses POE's event queue
# and returns the handler's return value.
$handler_result = $kernel->call( $session, $event, @event_args );
Original alarm and delay methods:
# Post an event which will be delivered at a given Unix epoch time.
# This clears previous timed events with the same state name.
$kernel->alarm( $event, $epoch_time, @event_args );
# Post an additional alarm, leaving existing ones in the queue.
$kernel->alarm_add( $event, $epoch_time, @event_args );
# Post an event which will be delivered after a delay, specified in
# seconds hence. This clears previous timed events with the same
# name.
$kernel->delay( $event, $seconds, @event_args );
# Post an additional delay, leaving existing ones in the queue.
$kernel->delay_add( $event, $seconds, @event_args );
June 2001 alarm and delay methods:
# Post an event which will be delivered at a given Unix epoch
# time. This does not clear previous events with the same name.
$alarm_id = $kernel->alarm_set( $event, $epoch_time, @etc );
# Post an event which will be delivered a number of seconds hence.
# This does not clear previous events with the same name.
$alarm_id = $kernel->delay_set( $event, $seconds_hence, @etc );
# Adjust an existing alarm by a number of seconds.
$kernel->alarm_adjust( $alarm_id, $number_of_seconds );
# Refresh an existing delay to a number of seconds in the future.
$kernel->delay_adjust( $delay_id, $number_of_seconds_hence );
# Remove a specific alarm, regardless whether it shares a name with
# others.
$kernel->alarm_remove( $alarm_id );
# Remove all alarms for the current session.
$kernel->alarm_remove_all( );
Symbolic name, or session alias methods:
# Set an alias for the current session.
$status = $kernel->alias_set( $alias );
# Clear an alias for the current session:
$status = $kernel->alias_remove( $alias );
# Resolve an alias into a session reference. Most POE::Kernel
# methods do this for you.
$session_reference = $kernel->alias_resolve( $alias );
# Resolve a session ID to a session reference. The alias_resolve
# method does this as well, but this is faster.
$session_reference = $kernel->ID_id_to_session( $session_id );
# Return a session ID for a session reference. It is functionally
# equivalent to $session->ID.
$session_id = $kernel->ID_session_to_id( $session_reference );
# Return a list of aliases for a session (or the current one, by
# default).
@aliases = $kernel->alias_list( $session );
Filehandle watcher methods:
# Watch for read readiness on a filehandle.
$kernel->select_read( $file_handle, $event, @optional_args );
# Stop watching a filehandle for read-readiness.
$kernel->select_read( $file_handle );
# Watch for write readiness on a filehandle.
$kernel->select_write( $file_handle, $event, @optional_args );
# Stop watching a filehandle for write-readiness.
$kernel->select_write( $file_handle );
# Watch for out-of-bound (expedited) read readiness on a filehandle.
$kernel->select_expedite( $file_handle, $event, @optional_args );
# Stop watching a filehandle for out-of-bound data.
$kernel->select_expedite( $file_handle );
# Pause and resume write readiness watching. These have lower
# overhead than full select_write() calls.
$kernel->select_pause_write( $file_handle );
$kernel->select_resume_write( $file_handle );
# Pause and resume read readiness watching. These have lower
# overhead than full select_read() calls.
$kernel->select_pause_read( $file_handle );
$kernel->select_resume_read( $file_handle );
# Set and/or clear a combination of selects in one call.
$kernel->select( $file_handle,
$read_event, # or undef to clear it
$write_event, # or undef to clear it
$expedite_event, # or undef to clear it
Signal watcher and generator methods:
# Watch for a signal, and generate an event when it arrives.
$kernel->sig( $signal_name, $event );
# Stop watching for a signal.
$kernel->sig( $signal_name );
# Handle a signal, preventing the program from terminating.
# Post a signal through POE rather than through the underlying OS.
# This only works within the same process.
$kernel->signal( $session, $signal_name, @optional_args );
State (event handler) management methods:
# Remove an existing handler from the current Session.
$kernel->state( $event_name );
# Add a new inline handler, or replace an existing one.
$kernel->state( $event_name, $code_reference );
# Add a new object or package handler, or replace an existing
# one. The object method will be the same as the eventname.
$kernel->state( $event_name, $object_ref_or_package_name );
# Add a new object or package handler, or replace an existing
# one. The object method may be different from the event name.
$kernel->state( $event_name, $object_ref_or_package_name, $method_name );
External reference count methods:
# Increment a session's external reference count.
$kernel->refcount_increment( $session_id, $refcount_name );
# Decrement a session's external reference count.
$kernel->refcount_decrement( $session_id, $refcount_name );
Kernel data accessors:
# Return a reference to the currently active session, or to the
# kernel if called outside any session.
$session = $kernel->get_active_session();
# Return the currently active event name, or an empty string if
# called outside any event.
$event = $kernel->get_active_event();
Exported symbols:
# A reference to the global POE::Kernel instance.
# Some graphical toolkits (Tk) require at least one active widget in
# order to use their event loops. POE allocates a main window so it
# can function when using one of these toolkits.
POE::Kernel is an event application kernel. It provides a lightweight, cooperatively-timesliced process model in addition to the usual basic event loop functions.
POE::Kernel cooperates with three external event loops. This is discussed after the public methods are described.
The POE manpage describes a shortcut for using several POE modules at once. It also includes a complete sample program with a brief walkthrough of its parts.
This section discusses in more detail the POE::Kernel methods that appear in the SYNOPSIS.
Kernel Management and Data Accessors
These functions manipulate the Kernel itself or retrieve information from it.
- ID
ID() returns the kernel's unique identifier.
print "The currently running Kernel is: $kernel->ID\n";
Every POE::Kernel instance is assigned an ID at birth. This ID tries to differentiate any given instance from all the others, even if they exist on the same machine. The ID is a hash of the machine's name and the kernel's instantiation time and process ID.
~/perl/poe$ perl -wl -MPOE -e 'print $poe_kernel->ID' rocco.homenet-39240c97000001d8
- run
run() starts the kernel's event loop. It returns only after every session has stopped, or immediately if no sessions have yet been started.
#!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; use POE; # ... start bootstrap session(s) ... $poe_kernel->run(); exit;
The run() method may be called on an instance of POE::Kernel.
my $kernel = POE::Kernel->new(); $kernel->run();
It may also be called as class method.
The run() method does not return a meaningful value.
- run_one_timeslice
run_one_timeslice() checks for new events, which are enqueued, then dispatches any events that were due at the time it was called. Then it returns.
It is often used to emulate blocking behavior for procedural code.
my $done = 0; sub handle_some_event { $done = 1; } while (not $done) { $kernel->run_one_timeslice(); }
Note: The above example will "spin" if POE::Kernel is done but $done isn't set.
- stop
stop() forcibly stops the kernel. The event queue is emptied, all resources are released, and all sessions are deallocated. POE::Kernel's run() method returns as if everything ended normally, which is a lie.
This function has a couple serious caveats. Use it with caution.
The session running when stop() is called will not fully destruct until it returns. If you think about it, there's at least a reference to the session in its call stack, plus POE::Kernel is holding onto at least one reference so it can invoke the session.
Sessions are not notified about their destruction. If anything relies on _stop being delivered, it will break and/or leak memory.
stop() has been added as an experimental function to support forking child kernels with POE::Wheel::Run. We may remove it without notice if it becomes really icky. If you have good uses for it, please mention them on POE's mailing list.
FIFO Event Methods
FIFO events are dispatched in the order in which they were queued. These methods queue new FIFO events. A session will not spontaneously stop as long as it has at least one FIFO event in the queue.
post() enqueues an event to be dispatched to EVENT_NAME in SESSION. If a PARAMETER_LIST is included, its values will be passed as arguments to EVENT_NAME's handler.
$_[KERNEL]->post( $session, 'do_this' ); $_[KERNEL]->post( $session, 'do_that', $with_this, $and_this ); $_[KERNEL]->post( $session, 'do_that', @with_these ); POE::Session->create( inline_states => { do_this => sub { print "do_this called with $_[ARG0] and $_[ARG1]\n" }, do_that => sub { print "do_that called with @_[ARG0..$#_]\n" }, } );
The post() method returns a boolean value indicating whether the event was enqueued successfully. $! will explain why the post() failed:
ESRCH: The SESSION did not exist at the time of the post() call.
Posted events keep both the sending and receiving session alive until they're dispatched.
- yield EVENT_NAME
yield() enqueues an EVENT_NAME event for the session that calls it. If a PARAMETER_LIST is included, its values will be passed as arguments to EVENT_NAME's handler.
yield() is shorthand for post() where the event's destination is the current session.
Events posted with yield() must propagate through POE's FIFO before they're dispatched. This effectively yields timeslices to other sessions which have events enqueued before it.
$kernel->yield( 'do_this' ); $kernel->yield( 'do_that', @with_these );
The previous yield() calls are equivalent to these post() calls.
$kernel->post( $session, 'do_this' ); $kernel->post( $session, 'do_that', @with_these );
The yield() method does not return a meaningful value.
Synchronous Events
Sometimes it's necessary to invoke an event handler right away, for example to handle a time-critical external event that would be spoiled by the time an event propagated through POE's FIFO. The kernel's call() method provides for time-critical events.
call() bypasses the FIFO to call EVENT_NAME in a SESSION, optionally with values from a PARAMETER_LIST. The values will be passed as arguments to EVENT_NAME at dispatch time.
call() returns whatever EVENT_NAME's handler does. The call() call's status is returned in $!, which is 0 for success or a nonzero reason for failure.
$return_value = $kernel->call( $session, 'do_this_now' ); die "could not do_this_now: $!" if $!;
POE uses call() to dispatch some resource events without FIFO latency. Filehandle watchers, for example, would continue noticing a handle's readiness until it was serviced by a handler. This could result in several redundant readiness events being enqueued before the first one was dispatched.
Reasons why call() might fail:
ESRCH: The SESSION did not exist at the time call() was called.
Delayed Events (Original Interface)
POE also manages timed events. These are events that should be dispatched after at a certain time or after some time has elapsed. A session will not spontaneously stop as long as it has at least one pending timed event. Alarms and delays always are enqueued for the current session, so a SESSION parameter is not needed.
The kernel manages two types of timed event. Alarms are set to be dispatched at a particular time, and delays are set to go off after a certain interval.
If Time::HiRes is installed, POE::Kernel will use it to increase the accuracy of timed events. The kernel will use the less accurate built-in time() if Time::HiRes isn't available.
If the use of Time::HiRes is not desired, for whatever reason, it can be disabled like so:
sub POE::Kernel::USE_TIME_HIRES () { 0 }
use POE;
- alarm EVENT_NAME
POE::Kernel's alarm() is a single-shot alarm. It first clears all the timed events destined for EVENT_NAME in the current session. It then may set a new alarm for EVENT_NAME if EPOCH_TIME is included, optionally including values from a PARAMETER_LIST.
It is possible to post an alarm with an EPOCH_TIME in the past; in that case, it will be placed towards the front of the event queue.
To clear existing timed events for 'do_this' and set a new alarm with parameters:
$kernel->alarm( 'do_this', $at_this_time, @with_these_parameters );
Clear existing timed events for 'do_that' and set a new alarm without parameters:
$kernel->alarm( 'do_that', $at_this_time );
To clear existing timed events for 'do_the_other_thing' without setting a new delay:
$kernel->alarm( 'do_the_other_thing' );
This method will clear all types of alarms without regard to how they were set.
POE::Kernel's alarm() returns 0 on success or EINVAL if EVENT_NAME is not defined.
alarm_add() sets an additional timed event for EVENT_NAME in the current session without clearing pending timed events. The new alarm event will be dispatched no earlier than EPOCH_TIME.
To enqueue additional alarms for 'do_this':
$kernel->alarm_add( 'do_this', $at_this_time, @with_these_parameters ); $kernel->alarm_add( 'do_this', $at_this_time );
Additional alarms can be cleared with POE::Kernel's alarm() method.
alarm_add() returns 0 on success or EINVAL if EVENT_NAME or EPOCH_TIME is undefined.
- delay EVENT_NAME
delay() is a single-shot delayed event. It first clears all the timed events destined for EVENT_NAME in the current session. If SECONDS is included, it will set a new delay for EVENT_NAME to be dispatched SECONDS seconds hence, optionally including values from a PARAMETER_LIST. Please note that delay()ed event are placed on the queue and are thus asynchronous.
delay() uses whichever time(2) is available within POE::Kernel. That may be the more accurate Time::HiRes::time(), or perhaps not. Regardless, delay() will do the right thing without sessions testing for Time::HiRes themselves.
It's possible to post delays with negative SECONDS; in those cases, they will be placed towards the front of the event queue.
To clear existing timed events for 'do_this' and set a new delay with parameters:
$kernel->delay( 'do_this', $after_this_much_time, @with_these );
Clear existing timed events for 'do_that' and set a new delay without parameters:
$kernel->delay( 'do_this', $after_this_much_time );
To clear existing timed events for 'do_the_other_thing' without setting a new delay:
$kernel->delay( 'do_the_other_thing' );
returns 0 on success or a reason for its failure: EINVAL if EVENT_NAME is undefined. - delay_add EVENT_NAME, SECONDS, PARAMETER_LIST
delay_add() sets an additional delay for EVENT_NAME in the current session without clearing pending timed events. The new delay will be dispatched no sooner than SECONDS seconds hence.
To enqueue additional delays for 'do_this':
$kernel->delay_add( 'do_this', $after_this_much_time, @with_these ); $kernel->delay_add( 'do_this', $after_this_much_time );
Additional alarms can be cleared with POE::Kernel's delay() method.
delay_add() returns 0 on success or a reason for failure: EINVAL if EVENT_NAME or SECONDS is undefined.
Delayed Events (June 2001 Interface)
These functions were finally added in June of 2001. They manage alarms and delays by unique IDs, allowing existing alarms to be moved around, added, and removed with greater accuracy than the original interface.
The June 2001 interface provides a different set of functions for alarms, but their underlying semantics are the same. Foremost, they are always set for the current session. That's why they don't require a SESSION parameter.
For more information, see the previous section about the older alarms interface.
- alarm_set EVENT_NAME, TIME
Sets an alarm. This differs from POE::Kernel's alarm() in that it lets programs set alarms without clearing them. Furthermore, it returns an alarm ID which can be used in other new-style alarm functions.
$alarm_id = $kernel->alarm_set( party => 1000000000 ) $kernel->alarm_remove( $alarm_id );
alarm_set sets $! and returns false if it fails. $! will be EINVAL if one of the function's parameters is bogus.
See: alarm_remove,
- alarm_adjust ALARM_ID, DELTA
alarm_adjust adjusts an existing alarm by a number of seconds, the DELTA, which may be positive or negative. On success, it returns the new absolute alarm time.
# Move the alarm 10 seconds back in time. $new_time = $kernel->alarm_adjust( $alarm_id, -10 );
On failure, it returns false and sets $! to a reason for the failure. That may be EINVAL if the alarm ID or the delta are bad values. It could also be ESRCH if the alarm doesn't exist (perhaps it already was dispatched). $! may also contain EPERM if the alarm doesn't belong to the session trying to adjust it.
- alarm_remove ALARM_ID
Removes an alarm from the current session, but first you must know its ID. The ID comes from a previous alarm_set() call, or you could hunt at random for alarms to remove.
Upon success, alarm_remove() returns something true based on its context. In a list context, it returns three things: The removed alarm's event name, its scheduled time, and a reference to the list of parameters that were included with it. This is all you need to re-schedule the alarm later.
my @old_alarm_list = $kernel->alarm_remove( $alarm_id ); if (@old_alarm_list) { print "Old alarm event name: $old_alarm_list[0]\n"; print "Old alarm time : $old_alarm_list[1]\n"; print "Old alarm parameters: @{$old_alarm_list[2]}\n"; } else { print "Could not remove alarm $alarm_id: $!\n"; }
In a scalar context, it returns a reference to a list of the three things above.
my $old_alarm_scalar = $kernel->alarm_remove( $alarm_id ); if ($old_alarm_scalar) { print "Old alarm event name: $old_alarm_scalar->[0]\n"; print "Old alarm time : $old_alarm_scalar->[1]\n"; print "Old alarm parameters: @{$old_alarm_scalar->[2]}\n"; } else { print "Could not remove alarm $alarm_id: $!\n"; }
Upon failure, it returns false and sets $! to the reason it failed. $! may be EINVAL if the alarm ID is undefined, or it could be ESRCH if no alarm was found by that ID. It may also be EPERM if some other session owns that alarm.
- alarm_remove_all
alarm_remove_all() removes all alarms from the current session. It obviates the need for queue_peek_alarms(), which has been deprecated.
This function takes no arguments. In scalar context, it returns a reference to a list of alarms that were removed. In list context, it returns the list of removed alarms themselves.
Each removed alarm follows the same format as in alarm_remove().
my @removed_alarms = $kernel->alarm_remove_all( ); foreach my $alarm (@removed_alarms) { print "-----\n"; print "Removed alarm event name: $alarm->[0]\n"; print "Removed alarm time : $alarm->[1]\n"; print "Removed alarm parameters: @{$alarm->[2]}\n"; } my $removed_alarms = $kernel->alarm_remove_all( ); foreach my $alarm (@$removed_alarms) { ...; }
delay_set() is a handy way to set alarms for a number of seconds hence. Its EVENT_NAME and PARAMETER_LIST are the same as for alarm_set, and it returns the same things as alarm_set, both as a result of success and of failure.
It's only difference is that SECONDS is added to the current time to get the time the delay will be dispatched. It uses whichever time() POE::Kernel does, which may be Time::HiRes' high-resolution timer, if that's available.
- delay_adjust DELAY_ID, SECONDS
delay_adjust adjusts an existing delay to be a number of seconds in the future. It is useful for refreshing watchdog timers, for instance.
# Refresh a delay for 10 seconds into the future. $new_time = $kernel->delay_adjust( $delay_id, 10 );
On failure, it returns false and sets $! to a reason for the failure. That may be EINVAL if the delay ID or the seconds are bad values. It could also be ESRCH if the delay doesn't exist (perhaps it already was dispatched). $! may also contain EPERM if the delay doesn't belong to the session trying to adjust it.
Numeric Session IDs and Symbolic Session Names (Aliases)
Every session is given a unique ID at birth. This ID combined with the kernel's own ID can uniquely identify a particular session anywhere in the world.
Sessions can also use the kernel's alias dictionary to give themselves symbolic names. Once a session has a name, it may be referred to by that name wherever a kernel method expects a session reference or ID.
Sessions with aliases are treated as daemons within the current program. They are kept alive even without other things to do. It's assumed that they will receive events from some other session.
Aliases are passive work. A session with just an alias to keep it alive can't do anything if there isn't some other active session around to send it messages. POE knows this, and it will gladly kill off aliased sessions if everything has become idle. This prevents "zombie" sessions from keeping an otherwise dead program running.
- alias_set ALIAS
alias_set() sets an ALIAS for the current session. The ALIAS may then be used nearly everywhere a session reference or ID is expected. Sessions may have more than one alias, and each must be defined in a separate alias_set() call.
$kernel->alias_set( 'ishmael' ); # o/` A name I call myself. o/`
Aliases allow sessions to stay alive even when they may have nothing to do. Sessions can use them to become autonomous services that other sessions refer to by name.
Aliases keep sessions alive as long as the program has work to do. If a program's remaining sessions are being kept alive solely by aliases, they will be terminated. This prevents running, the remaining sessions will be terminated. This prevents deadlocks where two or more sessions are idly waiting for events from each other.
$kernel->alias_set( 'httpd' ); $kernel->post( httpd => set_handler => $uri_regexp => 'callback_event' );
alias_set() returns 0 on success, or a nonzero failure indicator:
The alias already is assigned to a different session.
- alias_remove ALIAS
alias_remove() clears an existing ALIAS from the current session. The ALIAS will no longer refer to this session, and some other session may claim it.
$kernel->alias_remove( 'Shirley' ); # And don't call me Shirley.
If a session is only being kept alive by its aliases, it will stop once they are removed.
alias_remove() returns 0 on success or a reason for its failure:
ESRCH: The Kernel's dictionary does not include the ALIAS being removed.
EPERM: ALIAS belongs to some other session, and the current one does not have the authority to clear it.
- alias_resolve ALIAS
alias_resolve() returns a session reference corresponding to its given ALIAS. This method has been overloaded over time, and now ALIAS may be several things:
An alias:
$session_reference = $kernel->alias_resolve( 'irc_component' );
A stringified session reference. This is a form of weak reference:
$blessed_session_reference = $kernel->alias_resolve( "$stringified_one" );
A numeric session ID:
$session_reference = $kernel->alias_resolve( $session_id );
alias_resolve() returns undef upon failure, setting $! to explain the error:
ESRCH: The Kernel's dictionary does not include ALIAS.
These functions work directly with session IDs. They are faster than alias_resolve() in the specific cases where they're useful.
- ID_id_to_session SESSION_ID
ID_id_to_session() returns a session reference for a given numeric session ID.
$session_reference = ID_id_to_session( $session_id );
It returns undef if a lookup fails, and it sets $! to explain why the lookup failed:
ESRCH: The session ID does not refer to a running session.
- alias_list SESSION
- alias_list
alias_list() returns a list of alias(es) associated with a SESSION, or with the current session if a SESSION is omitted.
SESSION may be a session reference (either blessed or stringified), a session ID, or a session alias. It will be resolved into a session reference internally, and that will be used to locate the session's aliases.
alias_list() returns a list of aliases associated with the session. It returns an empty list if none were found.
- ID_session_to_id SESSION_REFERENCE
ID_session_to_id() returns the ID associated with a session reference. This is virtually identical to SESSION_REFERENCE->ID, except that SESSION_REFERENCE may have been stringified. For example, this will work, provided that the session exists:
$session_id = ID_session_to_id( "$session_reference" );
ID_session_to_id() returns undef if a lookup fails, and it sets $! to explain why the lookup failed.
ESRCH: The session reference does not describe a session which is currently running.
Filehandle Watcher Methods (Selects)
Filehandle watchers emit events when files become available to be read from or written to. As of POE 0.1702 these events are queued along with all the rest. They are no longer "synchronous" or "immediate".
Filehandle watchers are often called "selects" in POE because they were originally implemented with the select(2) I/O multiplexing function.
File I/O event handlers are expected to interact with filehandles in a way that causes them to stop being ready. For example, a select_read() event handler should try to read as much data from a filehandle as it can. The filehandle will stop being ready for reading only when all its data has been read out.
Select events include two parameters.
holds the handle of the file that is ready.
contains 0, 1, or 2 to indicate whether the filehandle is ready for reading, writing, or out-of-band reading (otherwise knows as "expedited" or "exception").
contain optional additional parameters passed to POE::Kernel's various I/O watcher methods.
and the other event handler parameter constants is covered in POE::Session.
Sessions will not stop if they have active filehandle watchers.
- select_read FILE_HANDLE
select_read() starts or stops the kernel from watching to see if a filehandle can be read from. An EVENT_NAME event will be enqueued whenever the filehandle has data to be read. The optional ADDITIONAL_PARAMETERS will be passed to the input callback after the usual I/O parameters.
# Emit 'do_a_read' event whenever $filehandle has data to be read. $kernel->select_read( $filehandle, 'do_a_read' ); # Stop watching for data to be read from $filehandle. $kernel->select_read( $filehandle );
select_read() does not return a meaningful value.
- select_write FILE_HANDLE, EVENT_NAME
- select_write FILE_HANDLE
select_write() starts or stops the kernel from watching to see if a filehandle can be written to. An EVENT_NAME event will be enqueued whenever it is possible to write data to the filehandle. The optional ADDITIONAL_PARAMETERS will be passed to the input callback after the usual I/O parameters.
# Emit 'flush_data' whenever $filehandle can be written to. $kernel->select_writ( $filehandle, 'flush_data' ); # Stop watching for opportunities to write to $filehandle. $kernel->select_write( $filehandle );
select_write() does not return a meaningful value.
- select_expedite FILE_HANDLE, EVENT_NAME
- select_expedite FILE_HANDLE
select_expedite() starts or stops the kernel from watching to see if a filehandle can be read from "out-of-band". This is most useful for datagram sockets where an out-of-band condition is meaningful. In most cases it can be ignored. An EVENT_NAME event will be enqueued whenever the filehandle can be read from out-of-band. The optional ADDITIONAL_PARAMETERS will be passed to the input callback after the usual I/O parameters.
Out of band data is called "expedited" because it's often available ahead of a file or socket's normal data. It's also used in socket operations such as connect() to signal an exception.
# Emit 'do_an_oob_read' whenever $filehandle has OOB data to be read. $kernel->select_expedite( $filehandle, 'do_an_oob_read' ); # Stop watching for OOB data on the $filehandle. $kernel->select_expedite( $filehandle );
select_expedite() does not return a meaningful value.
- select_pause_read FILE_HANDLE
- select_resume_read FILE_HANDLE
- select_pause_write FILE_HANDLE
- select_resume_write FILE_HANDLE
select_pause_read() and select_pause_write() temporarily pause events that are generated when a FILE_HANDLE can be read from or written to, respectively.
select_resume_read() and select_resume_write() turn events back on.
These functions are more efficient than select_read() and select_write() because they don't perform full resource management within POE::Kernel.
Pause and resume a filehandle's readable events:
$kernel->select_pause_read( $filehandle ); $kernel->select_resume_read( $filehandle );
Pause and resume a filehandle's writable events:
$kernel->select_pause_write( $filehandle ); $kernel->select_resume_write( $filehandle );
These methods don't return meaningful values.
POE::Kernel's select() method alters a filehandle's read, write, and expedite selects at the same time. It's one method call more expensive than doing the same thing manually, but it's more convenient to code.
Defined event names set or change the events that will be emitted when the filehandle becomes ready. Undefined names clear those aspects of the watcher, stopping it from generating those types of events.
This sets all three types of events at once.
$kernel->select( $filehandle, 'do_read', 'do_flush', 'do_read_oob' );
This clears all three types of events at once. If this filehandle is the only thing keeping a session alive, then clearing its selects will stop the session.
$kernel->select( $filehandle );
This sets up a filehandle for read-only operation.
$kernel->select( $filehandle, 'do_read', undef, 'do_read_oob' );
This sets up a filehandle for write-only operation.
$kernel->select( $filehandle, undef, 'do_flush' );
This method does not return a meaningful value.
Signal Watcher Methods
First some general notes about signal events and handling them.
Sessions only receive signal events that have been registered with sig()
. In the past, they also would receive "_signal" events, but this is no longer the case.
Child sessions are the ones created by another session. Signals are dispatched to children before their parents. By the time a parent receives a signal, all its children have already had a chance to handle it.
The Kernel acts as the parent of every session. Signaling it causes every interested session to receive the signal. This is how operating system signals are implemented.
It is possible to post signals in POE that don't exist in the operating system. They are placed into the queue as if they came from the operating system, but they are not limited to signals recognized by kill(). POE uses a few of these "fictitious" signals to notify programs about certain global events.
It is also possible to post signals to particular sessions. In those cases, POE only calls the handlers for that session and its children.
Some signals are considered terminal. They will terminate the sessions they touch if they are not marked as "handled". A signal is considered handled (or not) for all the sessions it touches. Therefore, one session can handle a signal for the entire program. All the other sessions will still receive notice of the signal, but none of them will be terminated if it's handled by the time it's fully dispatched.
The sig_handled() method is used to mark signals as handled.
POE also recognizes "non-maskable" signals. These will terminate a program even when they are handled. For example, POE sends a non-maskable UIDESTROY signal to indicate when the program's user interface has been shut down.
Signal handling in older versions of Perl is not safe by itself. POE is written to avoid as many signal problems as it can, but they still may occur. SIGCHLD is a special exception: POE polls for child process exits using waitpid() instead of a signal handler. Spawning child processes should be completely safe.
Here is a summary of the three signal levels.
- benign
Benign signals just notify sessions that signals have been received. They have no side effects if they are not handled.
- terminal
Terminal signal may stop a program if they go unhandled. If any event handler calls
, however, then the program will continue to live.The terminal system signals are: HUP, INT, KILL, QUIT and TERM. There are two terminal fictitious signals, IDLE and DIE. IDLE is used to notify leftover sessions when a program has run out of things to do. DIE is used to notify sessions that an exception has occurred.
POE's automatic exception handling can be turned off by setting the
constant subroutine inPOE::Kernel
to 0 like so:sub POE::Kernel::CATCH_EXCEPTIONS () { 0 }
- nonmaskable
Nonmaskable signals are similar to terminal signals, but they stop a program regardless whether it has been handled. POE implements two nonmaskable signals, both of which are fictitious.
ZOMBIE is fired if the terminal signal IDLE did not wake anything up. It is used to stop the remaining "zombie" sessions so that an inactive program will exit cleanly.
UIDESTROY is fired when a main or top-level user interface widget has been destroyed. It is used to shut down programs when their interfaces have been closed.
Some system signals are handled specially. These are SIGCHLD/SIGCLD, SIGPIPE, and SIGWINCH.
SIGCHLD and SIGCLD both indicate that a child process has terminated. The signal name varies from one operating system to another. POE::Kernel always sends the program a CHLD signal, regardless of the operating system's name for it. This simplifies your code since you don't need to check for both.
The SIGCHLD/SIGCLD signal event is delivered to handlers registered by both the sig() method and sig_child().
The SIGCHLD/SIGCHLD signal event comes with three custom parameters.
contains 'CHLD', even if SIGCLD was caught.ARG1
contains the ID of the exiting child process.ARG2
contains the return value from$?
. - SIGPIPE Events
Normally, system signals are posted to the Kernel so they can propagate to every session. SIGPIPE is an exception to this rule. It is posted to the session that is currently running. It still will propagate through that session's children, but it will not go beyond that parent/child tree.
SIGPIPE is mostly moot since POE will usually return an EPIPE error instead.
Window resizes can generate a large number of signals very quickly, and this can easily cause perl to dump core. This should not be a problem in newer versions of Perl (after 5.8.0) because they make signals safe for the world.
The Event module also claims to handle signals safely. Its signal handlers are written in C++, and they can do more interesting things than plain Perl handlers.
Finally, here are POE::Kernel's signal methods themselves.
sig() registers or unregisters a EVENT_NAME event for a particular SIGNAL_NAME. Signal names are the same as %SIG uses, with one exception: CLD is always delivered as CHLD, so handling CHLD will always do the right thing.
$kernel->sig( INT => 'event_sigint' );
To unregister a signal handler, just leave off the event it should generate, or pass it in undefined.
$kernel->sig( 'INT' ); $kernel->sig( INT => undef );
It's possible to register events for signals that the operating system will never generate. These "fictitious" signals can however be generated through POE's signal() method instead of kill(2).
The sig() method does not return a meaningful value.
- sig_child PID, EVENT_NAME
- sig_child PID
sig_chld() is a convenient way to deliver an event (EVENT_NAME) with some OPTIONAL_ARGS only when a child process specified by PID has been reaped. Omit EVENT_NAME and OPTIONAL_ARGS to stop waiting for a given PID.
sig_child() differs from using sig() to handle CHLD:
sig_child() notifies a session when a particular process ID has been reaped. sig(CHLD, EVENT) notifies a session for every SIGCHLD delivered regardless of the PID.
sig_child() keeps a session alive until the given PID has been reaped. The watcher is automatically removed when the event for the given process ID has been delivered. sig() does not keep a session alive.
- sig_handled
sig_handled() informs POE that a signal was handled. It is only meaningful within event handlers that are triggered by signals.
signal() posts a signal event to a particular session (and its children) through POE::Kernel rather than actually signaling the process through the operating system. Because it injects signal events directly into POE's Kernel, its SIGNAL_NAME doesn't have to be one the operating system understands.
For example, this posts a fictitious signal to some session:
$kernel->signal( $session, 'DIEDIEDIE' );
POE::Kernel's signal() method doesn't return a meaningful value.
- signal_ui_destroy WIDGET
This registers a widget with POE::Kernel such that the Kernel fires a UIDESTROY signal when the widget is closed or destroyed. The exact trigger depends on the graphical toolkit currently being used.
# Fire a UIDESTROY signal when this top-level window is deleted. $heap->{gtk_toplevel_window} = Gtk::Window->new('toplevel'); $kernel->signal_ui_destroy( $heap->{gtk_toplevel_window} );
POE::Session also discusses signal events.
Session Management Methods
These methods manage sessions.
- detach_child SESSION
Detaches SESSION from the current session. SESSION must be a child of the current session, or this call will fail. detach_child() returns 1 on success. If it fails, it returns false and sets $! to one of the following values:
ESRCH indicates that SESSION is not a valid session.
EPERM indicates that SESSION is not a child of the current session.
This call may generate corresponding _parent and/or _child events. See PREDEFINED EVENT NAMES in POE::Session's manpage for more information about _parent and _child events.
- detach_myself
Detaches the current session from it parent. The parent session stops owning the current one. The current session is instead made a child of POE::Kernel. detach_child() returns 1 on success. If it fails, it returns 0 and sets $! to EPERM to indicate that the current session already is a child of POE::Kernel and cannot be detached from it.
This call may generate corresponding _parent and/or _child events. See PREDEFINED EVENT NAMES in POE::Session's manpage for more information about _parent and _child events.
State Management Methods
State management methods let sessions hot swap their event handlers. It would be rude to change another session's handlers, so these methods only affect the current one.
- state EVENT_NAME
Depending on how it's used, state() can add, remove, or update an event handler in the current session.
The simplest form of state() call deletes a handler for an event. This example removes the current session's "do_this" handler.
$kernel->state( 'do_this' );
The next form assigns a coderef to an event. If the event is already being handled, its old handler will be discarded. Any events already in POE's queue will be dispatched to the new handler.
Plain coderef handlers are also called "inline" handlers because they originally were defined with inline anonymous subs.
$kernel->state( 'do_this', \&this_does_it );
The third and fourth forms register or replace a handler with an object method. These handlers are called "object states" or object handlers. The third form maps an event to a method with the same name.
$kernel->state( 'do_this', $with_this_object );
The fourth form maps an event to a method with a different name.
$kernel->state( 'do_this', $with_this_object, $calling_this_method );
The fifth and sixth forms register or replace a handler with a package method. These handlers are called "package states" or package handlers. The fifth form maps an event to a function with the same name.
$kernel->state( 'do_this', $with_this_package );
The sixth form maps an event to a function with a different name.
$kernel->state( 'do_this', $with_this_package, $calling_this_function );
POE::Kernel's state() method returns 0 on success or a nonzero code explaining why it failed:
ESRCH: The Kernel doesn't recognize the currently active session. This happens when state() is called when no session is active.
External Reference Count Methods
The Kernel internally maintains reference counts on sessions that have active resource watchers. The reference counts are used to ensure that a session doesn't self-destruct while it's doing something important.
POE::Kernel's external reference counting methods let resource watcher developers manage their own reference counts. This lets the watchers keep their sessions alive when necessary.
- refcount_increment SESSION_ID, REFCOUNT_NAME
- refcount_decrement SESSION_ID, REFCOUNT_NAME
refcount_increment() increments a session's external reference count, returning the reference count after the increment.
refcount_decrement() decrements a session's external reference count, returning the reference count after the decrement.
$new_count = $kernel->refcount_increment( $session_id, 'thingy' ); $new_count = $kernel->refcount_decrement( $session_id, 'thingy' );
Both methods return undef on failure and set $! to explain the failure.
ESRCH: There is no session SESSION_ID currently active.
Kernel Data Accessors
The Kernel keeps some information which can be useful to other libraries. These functions provide a consistent, safe interface to the Kernel's internal data.
- get_active_session
get_active_session() returns a reference to the session which is currently running. It returns a reference to the Kernel itself if no other session is running. This is one of the times where the Kernel pretends it's just another session.
my $active_session = $poe_kernel->get_active_session();
This is a convenient way for procedurally called libraries to get a reference to the current session. Otherwise a programmer would tediously need to include
with every call. - get_active_event
get_active_event() returns the currently active event name or an empty string if called outside any event.
- get_event_count
get_event_count() returns the number of pending events in the queue.
WARNING: probably will be DEPRECATED in the future!
- get_next_event_time
get_next_event_time() returns the priority of the next event ( look at POE::Queue for more information as it's actually $queue->get_next_priority )
WARNING: probably will be DEPRECATED in the future!
Kernel Internal Methods
Those methods are primarily used by other POE modules and are not for public consumption.
- new
Accepts no arguments and returns a singleton POE::Kernel instance.
- session_alloc
Allocates a session in the Kernel - does not create it! Fires off the _start event with the arguments given.
Using POE with Other Event Loops
POE::Kernel supports any number of event loops. Four are included in the base distribution, and others are available on the CPAN. POE's public interfaces remain the same regardless of the event loop being used.
There are three ways to load an alternate event loop. The simplest is to load the event loop before loading POE::Kernel. Remember that POE loads POE::Kernel internally.
use Gtk;
use POE;
POE::Kernel detects that Gtk has been loaded, and it loads the appropriate internal code to use it.
You can also specify which loop to load directly. Event loop bridges are named "POE::Loop::$loop_module", where $loop_module is the name of the module, with "::" translated to underscores. For example:
use POE qw( Loop::Event_Lib );
would load POE::Loop::Event_Lib (which may or may not be on CPAN).
If you'd rather use POE::Kernel directly, it has a different import syntax:
use POE::Kernel { loop => "Tk" };
The four event loops included in POE's distribution:
POE's default select() loop. It is included so at least something will work on any given platform. This provides compatibility with other modules requiring Event's loop. It may also introduce safe signals in versions of Perl prior to 5.8, should you need them.
Gtk and Tk event loops. These are included to support graphical toolkits. Others are on the CPAN, including Gtk2 and hopefully WxPerl soon. When using Tk with POE, POE supplies an already-created $poe_main_window variable to use for your main window. Calling Tk's MainWindow->new() often has an undesired outcome.
IO::Poll. This is potentially more efficient than POE's default select() code in large scale clients and servers.
Many external event loops expect plain coderefs as callbacks. POE::Session has postback() and callback() methods that create callbacks suitable for external event loops. In turn, they post() or call() POE event handlers.
Kernel's Debugging Features
POE::Kernel contains a number of assertion and tracing flags. They were originally created to debug POE::Kernel itself, but they are also useful for tracking down other problems.
Assertions are the quiet ones. They only create output when something catastrophic has happened. That output is almost always fatal. They are mainly used to check the sanity of POE's internal data structures.
Traces are assertions' annoying cousins. They noisily report on the status of a running POE::Kernel instance, but they are never fatal.
Assertions and traces incur performance penalties when enabled. It's probably a bad idea to enable them in live systems. They are all disabled by default.
Assertion and tracing flags can be defined before POE::Kernel is first used.
# Turn on everything.
sub POE::Kernel::ASSERT_DEFAULT () { 1 }
sub POE::Kernel::TRACE_DEFAULT () { 1 }
use POE; # Includes POE::Kernel
It is also possible to enable them using shell environment variables. The environment variables follow the same names as the constants in this section, but "POE_" is prepended to them.
Assertions will be discussed first.
ASSERT_DATA enables a variety of runtime integrity checks within POE::Kernel and its event loop bridges. This can impose a significant runtime penalty, so it is off by default. The test programs for POE all enable ASSERT_DEFAULT, which includes ASSERT_DATA.
ASSERT_DEFAULT is used as the default value for all the other assert constants. Setting it true is a quick and reliable way to ensure all assertions are enabled.
ASSERT_EVENTS enables checks for dispatching events to nonexistent sessions.
ASSERT_FILES enables some runtime checks on the file multiplexing syscalls used to drive POE.
ASSERT_RETVALS causes POE::Kernel to die if a method would return an error. See also TRACE_RETVALS if you want a runtime warning rather than a hard error.
ASSERT_USAGE enables runtime parameter checking in a lot of POE::Kernel method calls. These are disabled by default because they impart a hefty performance penalty.
Then there are the trace options.
TRACE_DEFAULT is used as the default value for all the other trace constants. Setting it true is a quick and reliable way to ensure all traces are enabled.
Enable TRACE_DESTROY to receive a dump of the contents of Session heaps when they finally DESTROY. It is indispensable for finding memory leaks, which often hide in Session heaps.
The music goes around and around, and it comes out here. TRACE_EVENTS enables messages that tell what happens to FIFO and alarm events: when they're queued, dispatched, or discarded, and what their handlers return.
By default, trace messages go to STDERR. If you'd like them to go elsewhere, set TRACE_FILENAME to the file where they should go.
TRACE_FILES enables or disables messages that tell how files are being processed within POE::Kernel and the event loop bridges.
This feature is experimental. No doubt it will change.
TRACE_STATISTICS enables runtime gathering and reporting of various performance metrics within a POE program. Some statistics include how much time is spent processing event callbacks, time spent in POE's dispatcher, and the time spent waiting for an event. A report is displayed just before run() returns, and the data can be retrieved at any time using stat_getdata().
stat_getdata() returns a hash of various statistics and their values The statistics are calculated using a sliding window and vary over time as a program runs.
TRACE_PROFILE switches on event profiling. This causes the Kernel to keep a count of every event it dispatches. A report of the events and their frequencies is displayed just before run() returns, or at any time via stat_show_profile().
TRACE_REFCNT displays messages about reference counts for sessions, including garbage collection tests (formerly TRACE_GARBAGE). This is perhaps the most useful debugging trace since it will explain why sessions do or don't die.
TRACE_RETVALS enables carping whenever a Kernel method is about to return an error. See ASSERT_RETVALS if you would like the Kernel to be stricter than this.
TRACE_SESSIONS enables messages pertaining to session management. These messages include notice when sessions are created or destroyed. They also include parent and child relationship changes.
TRACE_SIGNALS enables or disables information about signals caught and dispatched within POE::Kernel.
POE::Kernel Exports
POE::Kernel exports two symbols for your coding enjoyment: $poe_kernel
and $poe_main_window
. POE::Kernel is implicitly used by POE itself, so using POE gets you POE::Kernel (and its exports) for free.
- $poe_kernel
$poe_kernel contains a reference to the process' POE::Kernel instance. It's mainly useful for getting at the kernel from places other than event handlers.
For example, programs can't call the Kernel's run() method without a reference, and they normally don't get references to the Kernel without being in a running event handler. This gets them going:
It's also handy from within libraries, but event handlers themselves receive
parameters and don't need to use $poe_kernel directly. - $poe_main_window
Some graphical toolkits (currently only Tk) require at least one widget be created before their event loops are usable. POE::Kernel allocates a main window in these cases, and exports a reference to that window in
. For all other toolkits, this exported variable is undefined.Programs are free to use
for whatever needs. They may even assign a widget to it when using toolkits that don't require an initial widget (Gtk for now).$poe_main_window is undefined if a graphical toolkit isn't used.
See: signal_ui_destroy
The SEE ALSO section in POE contains a table of contents covering the entire POE distribution.
There is no mechanism in place to prevent external reference count names from clashing.
Probably lots more.
Please see POE for more information about authors and contributors.