Amazon::DynamoDB - support for the AWS DynamoDB API
version 0.002
my $ddb = Amazon::DynamoDB->new(
implementation => 'Amazon::DynamoDB::LWP',
version => '20120810',
access_key => 'access_key',
secret_key => 'secret_key',
host => '',
scope => 'us-east-1/dynamodb/aws4_request',
ssl => 1,
debug => 1);
sub {
my $tbl = shift;
my $data = shift;
print "Batch get: $tbl had " . join(',', %$data) . "\n";
RequestItems => {
$table_name => {
Keys => [
name => 'some test name here',
AttributesToGet => [qw(name age)],
Provides a Future-based API for Amazon's DynamoDB REST API. See Amazon::DynamoDB::20120810 for available methods.
Current implementations for issuing the HTTP requests:
Amazon::DynamoDB::NaHTTP - use Net::Async::HTTP for applications based on IO::Async (this gives nonblocking behaviour)
Amazon::DynamoDB::LWP - use LWP::UserAgent (will block, timeouts are unlikely to work)
Amazon::DynamoDB::MojoUA - use Mojo::UserAgent, should be suitable for integration into a Mojolicious application. (not well tested)
Net::Amazon::DynamoDB - supports the older (2011) API with v2 signing, so it doesn't work with DynamoDB Local.
AWS::CLIWrapper - alternative approach using wrappers around AWS commandline tools
WebService::Amazon::DynamoDB - this module was based off of this initial code.
This module attempts to stick as close to Amazon's API as possible while making some inconvenient limits easy to work with.
Parameters are named the same, return values are as described. Documentation for each method is commonly found at:
For examples see the test cases, most functionality is well exercised via tests.
Rusty Conover <>
Based on code by:
Tom Molesworth <>
Copyright 2014 Lucky Dinosaur, LLC. Licensed under the same terms as Perl itself. Copyright Tom Molesworth 2013. Licensed under the same terms as Perl itself.
1 POD Error
The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:
- Around line 122:
=back without =over