Facebook::Graph::Picture - Get the URI for the picture of any object.
version 1.0100
my $fb = Facebook::Graph->new;
my $default_picture = $fb->picture('16665510298')->uri_as_string;
my $large_picture = $fb->picture('16665510298')->get_large->uri_as_string;
my $small_picture = $fb->picture('16665510298')->get_small->uri_as_string;
my $square_picture = $fb->picture('16665510298')->get_square->uri_as_string;
This module allows you to generate the URL needed to fetch a picture for any object on Facebook.
get_large ( id )
Get a large picture. 200 pixels wide by a variable height.
The unique id or object name of an object.
Example: For user "Sarah Bownds" you could use either her profile id sarahbownds
or her object id 767598108
get_small ( id )
Get a small picture. 50 pixels wide by a variable height.
The unique id or object name of an object.
Example: For user "Sarah Bownds" you could use either her profile id sarahbownds
or her object id 767598108
get_square ( id )
Get a square picture. 50 pixels wide by 50 pixels tall.
The unique id or object name of an object.
Example: For user "Sarah Bownds" you could use either her profile id sarahbownds
or her object id 767598108
uri_as_string ()
Returns a URI string based upon all the methods you've called so far on the query. You can throw the resulting URI right into an <img> tag.
Facebook::Graph is Copyright 2010 Plain Black Corporation ( and is licensed under the same terms as Perl itself.