SimpleDB::Class::HTTP - The network interface to the SimpleDB service.


version 0.0700


use SimpleDB::Class::HTTP;

my $http = SimpleDB::Class::HTTP->new(secret_key=>'abc', access_key=>'123');
my $hashref = $http->send_request('CreateDomain', {DomainName => 'my_new_domain'});


This class will let you quickly and easily inteface with AWS SimpleDB. It throws exceptions from SimpleDB::Class::Exception, but other than that doesn't rely on any of the other modules in the SimpleDB::Class system, which means it's very light weight. Although we haven't run any benchmarks, it should outperform any of the other Perl modules that exist today.

It's also got built-in AnyEvent support, so you can use it in your Coro, POE, or other event frameworks and it will handle its requests and timers in a non-blocking fashion.


The following methods are available from this class.

new ( params )


A hash containing the parameters to pass in to this method.


The access key given to you from Amazon when you sign up for the SimpleDB service at this URL:


The secret access key given to you from Amazon.

access_key ( )

Returns the access key passed to the constructor.

secret_key ( )

Returns the secret key passed to the constructor.

construct_request ( action, [ params ] )

Returns a string that contains the HTTP post data ready to make a request to SimpleDB. Normally this is only called by send_request(), but if you want to debug a SimpleDB interaction, then having access to this method is critical.


The action to perform on SimpleDB. See the "Operations" section of the guide located at


Any extra prameters required by the operation. The normal parameters of Action, AWSAccessKeyId, Version, Timestamp, SignatureMethod, SignatureVersion, and Signature are all automatically provided by this method.

send_request ( action, [ params ] )

Creates a request, and then sends it to SimpleDB. The response is returned as a hash reference of the raw XML document returned by SimpleDB. Automatically attempts 5 cascading retries on connection failure.

Throws SimpleDB::Class::Exception::Response and SimpleDB::Class::Exception::Connection.


See create_request() for details.


See create_request() for details.

handle_response ( body, headers )

Returns a hashref containing the response from SimpleDB.

Throws SimpleDB::Class::Exception::Response.


The XML returned by SimpleDB.


The HTTP headers.


SimpleDB::Class is Copyright 2009 Plain Black Corporation ( and is licensed under the same terms as Perl itself.