App::Cmd::Command - a base class for App::Cmd commands


version 0.013



my ($cmd, $opt, $args) = $class->prepare($app, @args);

This method is the primary way in which App::Cmd::Command objects are built. Given the remaining command line arguments meant for the command, it returns the Command object, parsed options (as a hashref), and remaining arguments (as an arrayref).

In the usage above, $app is the App::Cmd object that is invoking the command.


This returns a new instance of the command plugin. Probably only prepare should use this.


$command_plugin->run(\%opt, \@args);

This method does whatever it is the command should do! It is passed a hash reference of the parsed command-line options and an array reference of left over arguments.


This method returns the App::Cmd object into which this command is plugged.


This method returns the usage object for this command. (See Getopt::Long::Descriptive).


This method returns a list of command names handled by this plugin. If this method is not overridden by a App::Cmd::Command subclass, it will return the last part of the plugin's package name, converted to lowercase.

For example, YourApp::Cmd::Command::Init will, by default, handle the command "init"


This method should be overridden to provide a usage string. (This is the first argument passed to describe_options from Getopt::Long::Descriptive.)

If not overridden, it returns "%c COMMAND %o"; COMMAND is the first item in the result of the command_names method.


This method should be overridden to provide option specifications. (This is list of arguments passed to describe_options from Getopt::Long::Descriptive, after the first.)

If not overridden, it returns an empty list.


$command_plugin->validate_args(\%opt, \@args);

This method is passed a hashref of command line options (as processed by Getopt::Long::Descriptive) and an arrayref of leftover arguments. It may throw an exception (preferably by calling usage_error, below) if they are invalid, or it may do nothing to allow processing to continue.


$self->usage_error("This command must not be run by root!");

This method should be called to die with human-friendly usage output, during validate_args.


This method returns a short description of the command's purpose. If this method is not overriden, it will return the abstract from the module's POD. If it can't find the abstract, it will return the string "(unknown")


See App::Cmd.