Test::Routine::Manual::Demo - a walkthrough, in code, of Test::Routine
version 0.023
The Demo
#!/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
# This test is both a test and an example of how Test::Routine works! Welcome
# to t/01-demo.t, I will be your guide, rjbs.
# This block defines the HashTester package. It's a Test::Routine, meaning
# it's a role. We define state that the test will need to keep and any
# requirements we might have.
# Before we can run this test, we'll need to compose the role into a class so
# that we can make an instance.
package HashTester;
use Test::Routine;
# We import stuff from Test::More because, well, who wants to re-write all
# those really useful test routines that exist out there? Maybe somebody,
# but not me.
use Test::More;
# ...but then we use namespace::autoclean to get rid of the routines once
# we've bound to them. This is just standard Moose practice, anyway, right?
use namespace::autoclean;
# Finally, some state! Every test will get called as method on an instance,
# and it will have this attribute. Here are some points of interest:
# - We're giving this attribute a builder, so it will try to get built with a
# call to $self->build_hash_to_test -- so each class that composes this
# role can provide means for these attributes (fixtures) to be generated as
# needed.
# - We are not adding "requires 'build_hash_to_test'", because then we can
# apply this role to Moose::Object and instantiate it with a given value
# in the constructor. There will be an example of this below. This lets
# us re-use these tests in many variations without having to write class
# after class.
# - We don't use lazy_build because it would create a clearer. If someone
# then cleared our lazy_build fixture, it could not be re-built in the
# event that we'd gotten it explicitly from the constructor!
# Using Moose attributes for our state and fixtures allows us to get all of
# their powerful behaviors like types, delegation, traits, and so on, and
# allows us to decompose shared behavior into roles.
has hash_to_test => (
is => 'ro',
isa => 'HashRef',
builder => 'build_hash_to_test',
# Here, we're just declaring an actual test that we will run. This sub will
# get installed as a method with a name that won't get clobbered easily. The
# method will be found later by run_tests so we can find and execute all
# tests on an instance.
# There is nothing magical about this method! Calling this method is
# performed in a Test::More subtest block. A TAP plan can be issued with
# "plan", and we can issue TODO or SKIP directives the same way. There is
# none of the return-to-skip magic that we find in Test::Class.
# The string after "test" is used as the method name -- which means we're
# getting a method name with spaces in it. This can be slightly problematic
# if you try to use, say, ::, in a method name. For the most part, it works
# quite well -- but look at the next test for an example of how to give an
# explicit description.
test "only one key in hash" => sub {
my ($self) = @_;
my $hash = $self->hash_to_test;
is(keys %$hash, 1, "we have one key in our test hash");
is(2+2, 4, "universe still okay");
# The only thing of note here is that we're passing a hashref of extra args
# to the test method constructor. "desc" lets us set the test's description,
# which is used in the test output, so we can avoid weird method names being
# installed. Also note that we order tests more or less by order of
# definition, not by name or description.
test second_test => { desc => "Test::Routine demo!" } => sub {
pass("We're running this test second");
pass("...notice that the subtest's label is the 'desc' above");
pass("...and not the method name!");
# This package is one fixture against which we can run the HashTester
# routine. It has the only thing it needs: a build_hash_to_test method.
# Obviously real examples would have more to them than this.
package ProcessHash;
use Moose;
with 'HashTester';
use namespace::autoclean;
sub build_hash_to_test { return { $$ => $^T } }
# Now we're into the body of the test program: where tests actually get run.
# We use Test::Routine::Util to get its "run_tests" routine, which runs the
# tests on an instance, building it if needed.
use Test::Routine::Util;
# We use Test::More to get done_testing. We don't assume that run_tests is the
# entire test, because that way we can (as we do here) run multiple test
# instances, and can intersperse other kinds of sanity checks amongst the
# Test::Routine-style tests.
use Test::More;
is(2+2, 4, "universe still makes sense") or BAIL_OUT("PANIC!");
# The first arg is a description for the subtest that will be run. The second,
# here, is a class that will be instantiated and tested.
run_tests('ProcessHash class' => 'ProcessHash');
# Here, the second argument is an instance of a class to test.
run_tests('ProcessHash obj' => ProcessHash->new({ hash_to_test => { 1 => 0 }}));
# We could also just supply a class name and a set of args to pass to new.
# The below is very nearly equivalent to the above:
run_tests('ProcessHash new' => ProcessHash => { hash_to_test => { 1 => 0 }});
# ...and here, the second arg is not a class or instance at all, but the
# Test::Routine role (by name). Since we know we can't instantiate a role,
# run_tests will try to compose it with Moose::Object. Then the args are used
# as the args to ->new on the new class, as above. This lets us write
# Test::Routines that can be tested with the right state to start with, or
# Test::Routines that need to be composed with testing fixture classes.
'HashTester with given state',
HashTester => {
hash_to_test => { a => 1 },
# There's one more interesting way to run out tests, but it's demonstrated in
# 02-simple.t instead of here. Go check that out.
# ...and we're done!
# Welcome to part two of the Test::Routine demo. This is showing how you can
# write quick one-off tests without having to write a bunch of .pm files or
# (worse?) embed packages in bare blocks in the odious way that 01-demo.t did.
# First off, we use Test::Routine. As it did before, this turns the current
# package (main!) into a Test::Routine role. It also has the pleasant
# side-effect of turning on strict and warnings.
use Test::Routine;
# Then we bring in the utils, because we'll want to run_tests later.
use Test::Routine::Util;
# And, finally, we bring in Test::More so that we can use test assertions, and
# namespace::autoclean to clean up after us.
use Test::More;
use namespace::autoclean;
# We're going to give our tests some state. It's nothing special.
has counter => (
is => 'rw',
isa => 'Int',
default => 0,
# Then another boring but useful hunk of code: a method for our test routine.
sub counter_is_even {
my ($self) = @_;
return $self->counter % 2 == 0;
# Then we can write some tests, just like we did before. Here, we're writing
# several tests, and they will be run in the order in which they were defined.
# You can see that they rely on the state being maintained.
test 'start even' => sub {
my ($self) = @_;
ok($self->counter_is_even, "we start with an even counter");
$self->counter( $self->counter + 1);
test 'terminate odd' => sub {
my ($self) = @_;
ok(! $self->counter_is_even, "the counter is odd, so state was preserved");
pass("for your information, the counter is " . $self->counter);
# Now we can run these tests just by saying "run_me" -- rather than expecting a
# class or role name, it uses the caller. In this case, the calling package
# (main!) is a Test::Routine, so the runner composes it with Moose::Object,
# instantiating it, and running the tests on the instance.
# Since each test run gets its own instance, we can run the test suite again,
# possibly to verify that the test suite is not destructive of some external
# state.
run_me("second run");
# And we can pass in args to use when constructing the object to be tested.
# Given the tests above, we can pick any starting value for "counter" that is
# even.
run_me({ counter => 192 });
# ...and we're done!
# More Test::Routine behavior is demonstrated in t/03-advice.t and t/04-misc.t
# Go have a look at those!
use Test::Routine;
use Test::Routine::Util;
use Test::More;
use namespace::autoclean;
# xUnit style testing has the idea of setup and teardown that happens around
# each test. With Test::Routine, we assume that you will do most of this sort
# of thing in your BUILD, DEMOLISH, and attribute management. Still, you can
# easily do setup and teardown by applying method modifiers to the "run_test"
# method, which your Test::Routine uses to run each test. Here's a simple
# example.
# We have the same boring state that we saw before. It's just an integer that
# is carried over between tests.
has counter => (
is => 'rw',
isa => 'Int',
lazy => 1,
default => 0,
clearer => 'clear_counter',
# The first test changes the counter's value and leaves it changed.
test test_0 => sub {
my ($self) = @_;
is($self->counter, 0, 'start with counter = 0');
$self->counter( $self->counter + 1);
is($self->counter, 1, 'end with counter = 1');
# The second test assumes that the value is the default, again. We want to
# make sure that before each test, the counter is reset, but we don't want to
# tear down and recreate the whole object, because it may have other, more
# expensive resources built.
test test_1 => sub {
my ($self) = @_;
is($self->counter, 0, 'counter is reset between tests');
# we apply a "before" modifier to each test run, calling the clearer on
# the counter. When next accessed, it will re-initialize to zero. We could
# call any other code we want here, and we can compose numerous modifiers
# together onto run_test.
# If you want to clear *all* the object state between each test... you probably
# want to refactor.
before run_test => sub { $_[0]->clear_counter };
use Test::Routine;
use Test::Routine::Util;
use Test::More;
use namespace::autoclean;
# One thing that the previous examples didn't show was how to mark tests as
# "skipped" or "todo." Test::Routine makes -no- provisions for these
# directives. Instead, it assumes you will use the entirely usable mechanisms
# provided by Test::More.
# This is a normal test. It is neither skipped nor todo.
test boring_ordinary_tests => sub {
pass("This is a plain old boring test that always passes.");
pass("It's here just to remind you what they look like.");
# To skip a test, we just add a "skip_all" plan. Because test methods get run
# in subtests, this skips the whole subtest, but nothing else.
test sample_skip_test => sub {
plan skip_all => "these tests don't pass, for some reason";
is(6, 9, "I don't mind.");
# To mark a test todo, we just set our local $TODO variable. Because the test
# is its own block, this works just like it would in any other Test::More test.
test sample_todo_test => sub {
local $TODO = 'demo of todo';
is(2 + 2, 5, "we can bend the fabric of reality");
#!/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
use Test::Routine::Util;
use Test::More;
# One of the benefits of building our sets of tests into roles instead of
# classes is that we can re-use them in whatever combination we want. We can
# break down sets of tests into bits that can be re-used in different cases.
# With classes, this would lead to multiple inheritance or other monstrosities.
# Here's a first Test::Routine. We use it to make sure that one of our
# fixture's attributes is a numeric id.
package Test::ThingHasID;
use Test::Routine;
use Test::More;
requires 'id';
test thing_has_numeric_id => sub {
my ($self) = @_;
my $id = $self->id;
like($id, qr/\A[0-9]+\z/, "the thing's id is a string of ascii digits");
# A second one ensures that the thing has an associated directory that
# looks like a unix path.
package Test::HasDirectory;
use Test::Routine;
use Test::More;
requires 'dir';
test thing_has_unix_dir => sub {
my ($self) = @_;
my $dir = $self->dir;
like($dir, qr{\A(?:/\w+)+/?\z}, "thing has a unix-like directory");
# We might have one class that is only expected to pass one test:
package JustHasID;
use Moose;
has id => (
is => 'ro',
default => sub {
my ($self) = @_;
return Scalar::Util::refaddr($self);
# ...and another class that should pass both:
package UnixUser;
use Moose;
has id => (is => 'ro', default => 501);
has dir => (is => 'ro', default => '/home/users/rjbs');
# So far, none of this is new, it's just a slightly different way of factoring
# things we've seen before. In t/01-demo.t, we wrote distinct test roles and
# classes, and we made our class compose the role explicitly. This can be
# a useful way to put these pieces together, but we also might want to write
# all these classes and roles as unconnected components and compose them only
# when we're ready to run our tests. When we do that, we can tell run_tests
# what to put together.
# Here, we tell it that we can test JustHasID with Test::ThingHasID:
"our JustHasID objects have ids",
[ 'JustHasID', 'Test::ThingHasID' ],
# ...but we can run two test routines against our UnixUser class
"unix users have dirs and ids",
[ 'UnixUser', 'Test::ThingHasID', 'Test::HasDirectory' ],
# We can still use the "attributes to initialize an object," and when doing
# that it may be that we don't care to run all the otherwise applicable tests,
# because they're not interesting in the scenario we're creating. For
# example...
"a trailing slash is okay in a directory",
[ 'UnixUser', 'Test::HasDirectory' ],
{ dir => '/home/meebo/' },
# ...and we're done!
Ricardo Signes <>
This software is copyright (c) 2010 by Ricardo Signes.
This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.