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biotree - Tree manipulations based on BioPerl


biotree [options] <tree file>

biotree [-h | --help | -V | --version | --man]

 biotree -t tree.newick                   # preview [t]ext tree
 biotree -l tree.newick                   # total tree [l]ength
 biotree -m tree.newick                   # [m]id-point rooting
 biotree -u tree.newick                   # list all OT[u]s
 biotree -d 'otu1,otu2,otu3' tree.newick  # [d]elete these OTUs
 biotree -s 'otu1,otu2' tree.newick       # [s]ubset these OTUs
 biotree -D '0.9' tree.newick             # [D]elete low-support (< 0.9) branches
 biotree -r 'otu1' tree.newick            # [r]eroot with a OTU as outgroup
 biotree -o 'tabtree' tree.newick         # [o]utput tree in text format
 biotree --ci 'binary-trait' tree         # consistency indices at informative sites


Designed as a UNIX-like utility, biotree reads a tree file and reformats branches and nodes based on these BioPerl modules: Bio::TreeIO, Bio::Tree::Tree, Bio::Tree::Node, and Bio::Tree::TreeFunctionsI.

Trees can be in any format supported by Bio::TreeIO in BioPerl. However, biotree has not been tested on all possible formats, so behavior may be unexpected with some. Currently, biotree does not support multiple trees per file.

biotree supports reading from STDIN, so that multiple tree manipulations could be chained using pipe ("|").


--as-text, -t

Draw an ASCII tree for quick preview (needs refinement). Default max screen width 100 characters.

--ci, -c 'binary-trait-file'

Attach a file containing binary trait values and prints consistency index for informative sites (not verified)

--clean-br, -b

Remove branch lengths from all nodes.

--clean-boot, -B

Remove all branch support values.

--del-otus, -d 'otu1,out2,etc'

Get a subtree by removing specified OTUs

--del-low-boot, -D 'cutoff'

Remove branches supported by less than specified cutoff value, creating a multi-furcating tree.

--depth 'node'

Prints depth to root. Accepts node names and/or IDs.

--dist 'node1,node2'

Prints the distance between a pair of nodes or leaves.


Prints half-matrix list of distances between all leaves.


Edge-length abundance distribution, a statistics of tree balance (O'Dwyer et al. PNAS 2015)

--input, -i 'format'

Input file format. Accepts newick and nhx.


Prepends ID to each leaf/node label. Useful when identifying unlabled nodes, such as when using --otus-desc or --subset.

--label-selected-nodes 'file'

Adds clade labels to selected internal nodes, based on a file containing, on each line, an internal id and a label. Internal id could be obtained by using "--label nodes" or "-U 'all'".

Nodes not in the file are unlabeled (or removed if bootstrap value exists).

--lca 'node1,node2,node3,etc'

Returns ID of most recent common ancestor across provided nodes. Returns direct ancestor if single leaf/node provided.

--length, -l

Print total branch length.

--length-all, -L

Prints all nodes and branch lengths.

--ltt 'number_of_bins'

For making lineage-through-time plot: Divides tree into number of specified segments and counts branches up to height the segment. Returns: bin_number, branch_count, bin_floor, bin_ceiling.

--mid-point, -m

Reroot tree at mid-point


Force a multi-furcating tree into a bifurcating tree (by randomly resolve nodes with multiple descendants)

--otus-all, -u

Print leaf nodes with branch lengths.

--otus-desc, -U 'internal_node_id' | 'all'

Prints all OTU's that are descended from the given internal node (identifiable by running --label-nodes). If 'all', a complete list of all internal nodes and their descendents is returned instead (given in the order of "walking" through the tree from the root node).

--otus-num, -n

Print total number of OTUs (leaves).

--output, -o 'format'

Output file format. Accepts newick, nhx, and tabtree.

--random sample_size

Builds a tree of a random subset of the original tree's OTUs.

--reroot, -r 'newroot'

Reroot tree to specified node by creating new branch.


For each pair of OTUs, print 1/0 if they are (or not) sister OTUs.

--subset, -s 'node1,node2,node3,etc'

Creates a tree of only the specified leaves/nodes and their descendants. Specifying a single internal node produces a subtree from that node.

--swap-otus 'OTU'

Output tree with each possible pairs swapped (can't remember why this method was written, please ignore)


Print a matrix of tree shapes (input file for R Package apTreeshape)

--walk, -w 'otu'

Walks along the tree starting from the specified OTU and prints the total distance traveled while reaching each other OTU. Does not count any segment more than once. Useful when calculating evolutionary distance from a reference OTU.

Options common to all BpWrappers utilities

--help, -h

Print a brief help message and exit.

--man (but not "-m")

Print the manual page and exit.

--version, -V

Print current release version of this command and exit.



  • Rocky Bernstein (testing & release)

  • Yözen Hernández yzhernand at gmail dot com (initial design of implementation)

  • Pedro Pegan (developer)

  • Lia Di (developer, --mid-point)

  • Weigang Qiu <> (maintainer)


  • Insert an option in biotree

  • Insert new code in lib/Bio/BPWrapper/ Test by using or adding a test file in test-files/.

  • Add documentation in POD in biotree


  • Bug: Bio::Tree reroot produces trees unreadable by R package "ape"

  • consistency index for DNA/protein alignments


  • Hernandez, Bernstein, Qiu, et al (2017). "BpWrappers: Command-line utilities for manipulation of sequences, alignments, and phylogenetic trees based on BioPerl". (In prep).

  • Stajich et al (2002). "The BioPerl Toolkit: Perl Modules for the Life Sciences". Genome Research 12(10):1611-1618.