Bio::Phylo::Adaptor::Bioperl::Matrix - Adaptor class for bioperl compatibility
use Bio::Phylo::Matrices::Matrix;
use Bio::Phylo::Adaptor;
my $matrix = Bio::Phylo::Matrices::Matrix->new;
$Bio::Phylo::COMPAT = 'Bioperl';
my $alignment = Bio::Phylo::Adaptor->new($matrix);
print "compatible!" if $matrix->isa('Bio::Align::AlignI');
This class wraps Bio::Phylo matrix objects to give them an interface compatible with bioperl.
- add_seq()
Adds another sequence to the alignment.
Title : add_seq Usage : $myalign->add_seq($newseq); Function : Adds another sequence to the alignment. *Does not* align it - just adds it to the hashes. Returns : nothing Argument : a Bio::LocatableSeq object order (optional)
See Bio::LocatableSeq for more information.
- remove_seq()
Removes a single sequence from an alignment.
Title : remove_seq Usage : $aln->remove_seq($seq); Function : Removes a single sequence from an alignment Returns : Argument : a Bio::LocatableSeq object
- sort_alphabetically()
Changes the order of the alignemnt to alphabetical on name followed by numerical by number.
Title : sort_alphabetically Usage : $ali->sort_alphabetically Function : Changes the order of the alignemnt to alphabetical on name followed by numerical by number. Returns : Argument :
- each_seq()
Gets an array of Seq objects from the alignment.
Title : each_seq Usage : foreach $seq ( $align->each_seq() ) Function : Gets an array of Seq objects from the alignment Returns : an array Argument :
- each_alphabetically()
Returns an array of sequence object sorted alphabetically.
Title : each_alphabetically Usage : foreach $seq ( $ali->each_alphabetically() ) Function : Returns an array of sequence object sorted alphabetically by name and then by start point. Does not change the order of the alignment Returns : Argument :
- each_seq_with_id()
Gets an array of Seq objects from the alignment.
Title : each_seq_with_id Usage : foreach $seq ( $align->each_seq_with_id() ) Function : Gets an array of Seq objects from the alignment, the contents being those sequences with the given name (there may be more than one) Returns : an array Argument : a seq name
- get_seq_by_pos()
Gets a sequence based on its position in the alignment.
Title : get_seq_by_pos Usage : $seq = $aln->get_seq_by_pos(3) # third sequence from the alignment Function : Gets a sequence based on its position in the alignment. Numbering starts from 1. Sequence positions larger than no_sequences() will thow an error. Returns : a Bio::LocatableSeq object Argument : positive integer for the sequence osition
- select()
Creates a new alignment from a continuous subset of sequences.
Title : select Usage : $aln2 = $aln->select(1, 3) # three first sequences Function : Creates a new alignment from a continuous subset of sequences. Numbering starts from 1. Sequence positions larger than no_sequences() will thow an error. Returns : a Bio::SimpleAlign object Argument : positive integer for the first sequence positive integer for the last sequence to include (optional)
- select_noncont()
Creates a new alignment from a subset of sequences.
Title : select_noncont Usage : $aln2 = $aln->select_noncont(1, 3) # first and 3rd sequences Function : Creates a new alignment from a subset of sequences. Numbering starts from 1. Sequence positions larger than no_sequences() will thow an error. Returns : a Bio::SimpleAlign object Args : array of integers for the sequences
- id()
Gets/sets the id field of the alignment.
Title : id Usage : $myalign->id("Ig") Function : Gets/sets the id field of the alignment Returns : An id string Argument : An id string (optional)
- missing_char()
Gets/sets the missing_char attribute of the alignment.
Title : missing_char Usage : $myalign->missing_char("?") Function : Gets/sets the missing_char attribute of the alignment It is generally recommended to set it to 'n' or 'N' for nucleotides and to 'X' for protein. Returns : An missing_char string, Argument : An missing_char string (optional)
- match_char()
Gets/sets the match_char attribute of the alignment.
Title : match_char Usage : $myalign->match_char('.') Function : Gets/sets the match_char attribute of the alignment Returns : An match_char string, Argument : An match_char string (optional)
- gap_char()
Gets/sets the gap_char attribute of the alignment.
Title : gap_char Usage : $myalign->gap_char('-') Function : Gets/sets the gap_char attribute of the alignment Returns : An gap_char string, defaults to '-' Argument : An gap_char string (optional)
- symbol_chars()
Returns all the seen symbols (other than gaps).
Title : symbol_chars Usage : my @symbolchars = $aln->symbol_chars; Function: Returns all the seen symbols (other than gaps) Returns : array of characters that are the seen symbols Argument: boolean to include the gap/missing/match characters
- is_flush()
Tells you whether the alignment is flush, ie all of the same length
Title : is_flush Usage : if( $ali->is_flush() ) : : Function : Tells you whether the alignment : is flush, ie all of the same length : : Returns : 1 or 0 Argument :
- length()
Returns the maximum length of the alignment.
Title : length() Usage : $len = $ali->length() Function : Returns the maximum length of the alignment. To be sure the alignment is a block, use is_flush Returns : Argument :
- maxdisplayname_length()
Gets the maximum length of the displayname in the alignment.
Title : maxdisplayname_length Usage : $ali->maxdisplayname_length() Function : Gets the maximum length of the displayname in the alignment. Used in writing out various MSE formats. Returns : integer Argument :
- no_sequences()
Number of sequence in the sequence alignment.
Title : no_sequences Usage : $depth = $ali->no_sequences Function : number of sequence in the sequence alignment Returns : integer Argument : None
- displayname()
Gets/sets the display name of a sequence in the alignment.
Title : displayname Usage : $myalign->displayname("Ig", "IgA") Function : Gets/sets the display name of a sequence in the alignment : Returns : A display name string Argument : name of the sequence displayname of the sequence (optional)
- set_displayname_flat()
Makes all the sequences be displayed as just their name, not name/start-end
Title : set_displayname_flat Usage : $ali->set_displayname_flat() Function : Makes all the sequences be displayed as just their name, not name/start-end Returns : 1 Argument : None
- Bio::Align::AlignI
Bio::Phylo::Adaptor::Bioperl::Matrix is an adaptor that makes Bio::Phylo character matrices compatible with Bio::Align::AlignI objects.
- Bio::Phylo::Manual
Also see the manual: Bio::Phylo::Manual.
CPAN hosts a discussion forum for Bio::Phylo. If you have trouble using this module the discussion forum is a good place to start posting questions (NOT bug reports, see below):
Please report any bugs or feature requests to
, or through the web interface at I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes. Be sure to include the following in your request or comment, so that I know what version you're using:
$Id: 4198 2007-07-12 16:45:08Z rvosa $
Rutger A. Vos,
- email:
- web page:
The author would like to thank Jason Stajich for many ideas borrowed from BioPerl, and CIPRES and FAB* for comments and requests.
Copyright 2005 Rutger A. Vos, All Rights Reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.