Bio::Phylo::Forest::TreeRole - Extra behaviours for a phylogenetic tree
# some way to get a tree
use Bio::Phylo::IO;
my $string = '((A,B),C);';
my $forest = Bio::Phylo::IO->parse(
-format => 'newick',
-string => $string
my $tree = $forest->first;
# do something:
print $tree->calc_imbalance;
# prints "1"
The object models a phylogenetic tree, a container of Bio::Phylo::Forest::Node objects. The tree object inherits from Bio::Phylo::Listable, so look there for more methods.
- new()
Tree constructor.
Type : Constructor Title : new Usage : my $tree = Bio::Phylo::Forest::Tree->new; Function: Instantiates a Bio::Phylo::Forest::Tree object. Returns : A Bio::Phylo::Forest::Tree object. Args : No required arguments.
- new_from_bioperl()
Tree constructor from Bio::Tree::TreeI argument.
Type : Constructor Title : new_from_bioperl Usage : my $tree = Bio::Phylo::Forest::Tree->new_from_bioperl( $bptree ); Function: Instantiates a Bio::Phylo::Forest::Tree object. Returns : A Bio::Phylo::Forest::Tree object. Args : A tree that implements Bio::Tree::TreeI
- get_midpoint()
Gets node that divides tree into two distance-balanced partitions.
Type : Query Title : get_midpoint Usage : my $midpoint = $tree->get_midpoint; Function: Gets node nearest to the middle of the longest path Returns : A Bio::Phylo::Forest::Node object. Args : NONE Comments: This algorithm was ported from ETE
- get_terminals()
Get terminal nodes.
Type : Query Title : get_terminals Usage : my @terminals = @{ $tree->get_terminals }; Function: Retrieves all terminal nodes in the Bio::Phylo::Forest::Tree object. Returns : An array reference of Bio::Phylo::Forest::Node objects. Args : NONE Comments: If the tree is valid, this method retrieves the same set of nodes as $node->get_terminals($root). However, because there is no recursion it may be faster. Also, the node method by the same name does not see orphans.
- get_internals()
Get internal nodes.
Type : Query Title : get_internals Usage : my @internals = @{ $tree->get_internals }; Function: Retrieves all internal nodes in the Bio::Phylo::Forest::Tree object. Returns : An array reference of Bio::Phylo::Forest::Node objects. Args : NONE Comments: If the tree is valid, this method retrieves the same set of nodes as $node->get_internals($root). However, because there is no recursion it may be faster. Also, the node method by the same name does not see orphans.
- get_cherries()
Get all cherries, i.e. nodes that have two terminal children
Type : Query Title : get_cherries Usage : my @cherries = @{ $tree->get_cherries }; Function: Returns an array ref of cherries Returns : ARRAY Args : NONE
- get_root()
Get root node.
Type : Query Title : get_root Usage : my $root = $tree->get_root; Function: Returns the root node. Returns : Bio::Phylo::Forest::Node Args : NONE
- get_ntax()
Gets number of tips
Type : Query Title : get_ntax Usage : my $ntax = $tree->get_ntax; Function: Calculates the number of terminal nodes Returns : Int Args : NONE
- get_tallest_tip()
Retrieves the node furthest from the root.
Type : Query Title : get_tallest_tip Usage : my $tip = $tree->get_tallest_tip; Function: Retrieves the node furthest from the root in the current Bio::Phylo::Forest::Tree object. Returns : Bio::Phylo::Forest::Node Args : NONE Comments: If the tree has branch lengths, the tallest tip is based on root-to-tip path length, else it is based on number of nodes to root
- get_nodes_for_taxa()
Gets node objects for the supplied taxon objects
Type : Query Title : get_nodes_for_taxa Usage : my @nodes = @{ $tree->get_nodes_for_taxa(\@taxa) }; Function: Gets node objects for the supplied taxon objects Returns : array ref of Bio::Phylo::Forest::Node objects Args : A reference to an array of Bio::Phylo::Taxa::Taxon objects or a Bio::Phylo::Taxa object
- get_mrca()
Get most recent common ancestor of argument nodes.
Type : Query Title : get_mrca Usage : my $mrca = $tree->get_mrca(\@nodes); Function: Retrieves the most recent common ancestor of \@nodes Returns : Bio::Phylo::Forest::Node Args : A reference to an array of Bio::Phylo::Forest::Node objects in $tree.
- is_binary()
Test if tree is bifurcating.
Type : Test Title : is_binary Usage : if ( $tree->is_binary ) { # do something } Function: Tests whether the invocant object is bifurcating. Returns : BOOLEAN Args : NONE
- is_ultrametric()
Test if tree is ultrametric.
Type : Test Title : is_ultrametric Usage : if ( $tree->is_ultrametric(0.01) ) { # do something } Function: Tests whether the invocant is ultrametric. Returns : BOOLEAN Args : Optional margin between pairwise comparisons (default = 0). Comments: The test is done by performing all pairwise comparisons for root-to-tip path lengths. Since many programs introduce rounding errors in branch lengths the optional argument is available to test TRUE for nearly ultrametric trees. For example, a value of 0.01 indicates that no pairwise comparison may differ by more than 1%. Note: behaviour is undefined for negative branch lengths.
- is_monophyletic()
Tests if first argument (node array ref) is monophyletic with respect to second argument.
Type : Test Title : is_monophyletic Usage : if ( $tree->is_monophyletic(\@tips, $node) ) { # do something } Function: Tests whether the set of \@tips is monophyletic w.r.t. $outgroup. Returns : BOOLEAN Args : A reference to a list of nodes, and a node. Comments: This method is essentially the same as &Bio::Phylo::Forest::Node::is_outgroup_of.
- is_paraphyletic()
Type : Test Title : is_paraphyletic Usage : if ( $tree->is_paraphyletic(\@nodes,$node) ){ } Function: Tests whether or not a given set of nodes are paraphyletic (representing the full clade) given an outgroup Returns : [-1,0,1] , -1 if the group is not monophyletic 0 if the group is not paraphyletic 1 if the group is paraphyletic Args : Array ref of node objects which are in the tree, Outgroup to compare the nodes to
- is_clade()
Tests if argument (node array ref) forms a clade.
Type : Test Title : is_clade Usage : if ( $tree->is_clade(\@tips) ) { # do something } Function: Tests whether the set of \@tips forms a clade Returns : BOOLEAN Args : A reference to an array of Bio::Phylo::Forest::Node objects, or a reference to an array of Bio::Phylo::Taxa::Taxon objects, or a Bio::Phylo::Taxa object Comments:
- is_cladogram()
Tests if tree is a cladogram (i.e. no branch lengths)
Type : Test Title : is_cladogram Usage : if ( $tree->is_cladogram() ) { # do something } Function: Tests whether the tree is a cladogram (i.e. no branch lengths) Returns : BOOLEAN Args : NONE Comments:
- calc_branch_length_distance()
Calculates the Euclidean branch length distance between two trees.
Type : Calculation Title : calc_branch_length_distance Usage : my $distance = $tree1->calc_branch_length_distance($tree2); Function: Calculates the Euclidean branch length distance between two trees Returns : SCALAR, number Args : NONE
- calc_branch_length_score()
Calculates the squared Euclidean branch length distance between two trees.
Type : Calculation Title : calc_branch_length_score Usage : my $score = $tree1->calc_branch_length_score($tree2); Function: Calculates the squared Euclidean branch length distance between two trees Returns : SCALAR, number Args : NONE
- calc_tree_length()
Calculates the sum of all branch lengths.
Type : Calculation Title : calc_tree_length Usage : my $tree_length = $tree->calc_tree_length; Function: Calculates the sum of all branch lengths (i.e. the tree length). Returns : FLOAT Args : NONE
- calc_tree_height()
Calculates the height of the tree.
Type : Calculation Title : calc_tree_height Usage : my $tree_height = $tree->calc_tree_height; Function: Calculates the height of the tree. Returns : FLOAT Args : NONE Comments: For ultrametric trees this method returns the height, but this is done by averaging over all root-to-tip path lengths, so for additive trees the result should consequently be interpreted differently.
- calc_number_of_nodes()
Calculates the number of nodes.
Type : Calculation Title : calc_number_of_nodes Usage : my $number_of_nodes = $tree->calc_number_of_nodes; Function: Calculates the number of nodes (internals AND terminals). Returns : INT Args : NONE
- calc_number_of_terminals()
Calculates the number of terminal nodes.
Type : Calculation Title : calc_number_of_terminals Usage : my $number_of_terminals = $tree->calc_number_of_terminals; Function: Calculates the number of terminal nodes. Returns : INT Args : NONE
- calc_number_of_internals()
Calculates the number of internal nodes.
Type : Calculation Title : calc_number_of_internals Usage : my $number_of_internals = $tree->calc_number_of_internals; Function: Calculates the number of internal nodes. Returns : INT Args : NONE
- calc_number_of_cherries()
Calculates the number of cherries, i.e. the number of nodes that subtend exactly two tips. See for applications of this metric:
Type : Calculation Title : calc_number_of_cherries Usage : my $number_of_cherries = $tree->calc_number_of_cherries; Function: Calculates the number of cherries Returns : INT Args : NONE
- calc_total_paths()
Calculates the sum of all root-to-tip path lengths.
Type : Calculation Title : calc_total_paths Usage : my $total_paths = $tree->calc_total_paths; Function: Calculates the sum of all root-to-tip path lengths. Returns : FLOAT Args : NONE
- calc_redundancy()
Calculates the amount of shared (redundant) history on the total.
Type : Calculation Title : calc_redundancy Usage : my $redundancy = $tree->calc_redundancy; Function: Calculates the amount of shared (redundant) history on the total. Returns : FLOAT Args : NONE Comments: Redundancy is calculated as 1 / ( treelength - height / ( ntax * height - height ) )
- calc_imbalance()
Calculates Colless' coefficient of tree imbalance.
Type : Calculation Title : calc_imbalance Usage : my $imbalance = $tree->calc_imbalance; Function: Calculates Colless' coefficient of tree imbalance. Returns : FLOAT Args : NONE Comments: As described in Colless, D.H., 1982. The theory and practice of phylogenetic systematics. Systematic Zoology 31(1): 100-104
- calc_i2()
Calculates I2 imbalance.
Type : Calculation Title : calc_i2 Usage : my $ci2 = $tree->calc_i2; Function: Calculates I2 imbalance. Returns : FLOAT Args : NONE Comments:
- calc_gamma()
Calculates the Pybus gamma statistic.
Type : Calculation Title : calc_gamma Usage : my $gamma = $tree->calc_gamma(); Function: Calculates the Pybus gamma statistic Returns : FLOAT Args : NONE Comments: As described in Pybus, O.G. and Harvey, P.H., 2000. Testing macro-evolutionary models using incomplete molecular phylogenies. Proc. R. Soc. Lond. B 267, 2267-2272
- calc_fiala_stemminess()
Calculates stemminess measure of Fiala and Sokal (1985).
Type : Calculation Title : calc_fiala_stemminess Usage : my $fiala_stemminess = $tree->calc_fiala_stemminess; Function: Calculates stemminess measure Fiala and Sokal (1985). Returns : FLOAT Args : NONE Comments: As described in Fiala, K.L. and R.R. Sokal, 1985. Factors determining the accuracy of cladogram estimation: evaluation using computer simulation. Evolution, 39: 609-622
- calc_rohlf_stemminess()
Calculates stemminess measure from Rohlf et al. (1990).
Type : Calculation Title : calc_rohlf_stemminess Usage : my $rohlf_stemminess = $tree->calc_rohlf_stemminess; Function: Calculates stemminess measure from Rohlf et al. (1990). Returns : FLOAT Args : NONE Comments: As described in Rohlf, F.J., W.S. Chang, R.R. Sokal, J. Kim, 1990. Accuracy of estimated phylogenies: effects of tree topology and evolutionary model. Evolution, 44(6): 1671-1684
- calc_resolution()
Calculates tree resolution.
Type : Calculation Title : calc_resolution Usage : my $resolution = $tree->calc_resolution; Function: Calculates the number of internal nodes over the total number of internal nodes on a fully bifurcating tree of the same size. Returns : FLOAT Args : NONE
- calc_branching_times()
Calculates cumulative branching times.
Type : Calculation Title : calc_branching_times Usage : my $branching_times = $tree->calc_branching_times; Function: Returns a two-dimensional array. The first dimension consists of the "records", so that in the second dimension $AoA[$first][0] contains the internal node references, and $AoA[$first][1] the branching time of the internal node. The records are orderered from root to tips by time from the origin. Returns : SCALAR[][] or FALSE Args : NONE
- calc_waiting_times()
Calculates intervals between splits.
Type : Calculation Title : calc_waiting_times Usage : my $waitings = $tree->calc_waiting_times; Function: Returns a two-dimensional array. The first dimension consists of the "records", so that in the second dimension $AoA[$first][0] contains the internal node references, and $AoA[$first][1] the waiting time of the internal node. The records are orderered from root to tips by time from the origin. Returns : SCALAR[][] or FALSE Args : NONE
- calc_node_ages()
Calculates node ages.
Type : Calculation Title : calc_node_ages Usage : $tree->calc_node_ages; Function: Calculates the age of all the nodes in the tree (i.e. the distance from the tips) and assigns these to the 'age' slot, such that, after calling this method, the age of any one node can be retrieved by calling $node->get_generic('age'); Returns : The invocant Args : NONE Comments: This method computes, in a sense, the opposite of calc_branching_times: here, we compute the distance from the tips (i.e. how long ago the split occurred), whereas calc_branching_times calculates the distance from the root.
- calc_ltt()
Calculates lineage-through-time data points.
Type : Calculation Title : calc_ltt Usage : my $ltt = $tree->calc_ltt; Function: Returns a two-dimensional array. The first dimension consists of the "records", so that in the second dimension $AoA[$first][0] contains the internal node references, and $AoA[$first][1] the branching time of the internal node, and $AoA[$first][2] the cumulative number of lineages over time. The records are orderered from root to tips by time from the origin. Returns : SCALAR[][] or FALSE Args : NONE
- calc_symdiff()
Calculates the symmetric difference metric between invocant and argument. This metric is identical to the Robinson-Foulds tree comparison distance. See
Type : Calculation Title : calc_symdiff Usage : my $symdiff = $tree->calc_symdiff($other_tree); Function: Returns the symmetric difference metric between $tree and $other_tree, sensu Penny and Hendy, 1985. Returns : SCALAR Args : A Bio::Phylo::Forest::Tree object Comments: Trees in comparison must span the same set of terminal taxa or results are meaningless.
- calc_fp()
Calculates the Fair Proportion value for each terminal.
Type : Calculation Title : calc_fp Usage : my $fp = $tree->calc_fp(); Function: Returns the Fair Proportion value for each terminal Returns : HASHREF Args : NONE
- calc_es()
Calculates the Equal Splits value for each terminal
Type : Calculation Title : calc_es Usage : my $es = $tree->calc_es(); Function: Returns the Equal Splits value for each terminal Returns : HASHREF Args : NONE
- calc_pe()
Calculates the Pendant Edge value for each terminal.
Type : Calculation Title : calc_pe Usage : my $es = $tree->calc_pe(); Function: Returns the Pendant Edge value for each terminal Returns : HASHREF Args : NONE
- calc_shapley()
Calculates the Shapley value for each terminal.
Type : Calculation Title : calc_shapley Usage : my $es = $tree->calc_shapley(); Function: Returns the Shapley value for each terminal Returns : HASHREF Args : NONE
The following methods are a - not entirely true-to-form - implementation of the Visitor design pattern: the nodes in a tree are visited, and rather than having an object operate on them, a set of code references is used. This can be used, for example, to serialize a tree to a string format. To create a newick string without branch lengths you would use something like this (there is a more powerful 'to_newick' method, so this is just an example):
'-pre_daughter' => sub { print '(' },
'-post_daughter' => sub { print ')' },
'-in' => sub { print shift->get_name },
'-pre_sister' => sub { print ',' },
print ';';
- visit_depth_first()
Visits nodes depth first
Type : Visitor method Title : visit_depth_first Usage : $tree->visit_depth_first( -pre => sub{ ... }, -post => sub { ... } ); Function: Visits nodes in a depth first traversal, executes subs Returns : $tree Args : Optional handlers in the order in which they would be executed on an internal node: # first event handler, is executed when node is reached in recursion -pre => sub { print "pre: ", shift->get_name, "\n" }, # is executed if node has a daughter, but before that daughter is processed -pre_daughter => sub { print "pre_daughter: ", shift->get_name, "\n" }, # is executed if node has a daughter, after daughter has been processed -post_daughter => sub { print "post_daughter: ", shift->get_name, "\n" }, # is executed whether or not node has sisters, if it does have sisters # they're processed first -in => sub { print "in: ", shift->get_name, "\n" }, # is executed if node has a sister, before sister is processed -pre_sister => sub { print "pre_sister: ", shift->get_name, "\n" }, # is executed if node has a sister, after sister is processed -post_sister => sub { print "post_sister: ", shift->get_name, "\n" }, # is executed last -post => sub { print "post: ", shift->get_name, "\n" }, # specifies traversal order, default 'ltr' means first_daugher -> next_sister # traversal, alternate value 'rtl' means last_daughter -> previous_sister traversal -order => 'ltr', # ltr = left-to-right, 'rtl' = right-to-left Comments:
- visit_breadth_first()
Visits nodes breadth first
Type : Visitor method Title : visit_breadth_first Usage : $tree->visit_breadth_first( -pre => sub{ ... }, -post => sub { ... } ); Function: Visits nodes in a breadth first traversal, executes handlers Returns : $tree Args : Optional handlers in the order in which they would be executed on an internal node: # first event handler, is executed when node is reached in recursion -pre => sub { print "pre: ", shift->get_name, "\n" }, # is executed if node has a sister, before sister is processed -pre_sister => sub { print "pre_sister: ", shift->get_name, "\n" }, # is executed if node has a sister, after sister is processed -post_sister => sub { print "post_sister: ", shift->get_name, "\n" }, # is executed whether or not node has sisters, if it does have sisters # they're processed first -in => sub { print "in: ", shift->get_name, "\n" }, # is executed if node has a daughter, but before that daughter is processed -pre_daughter => sub { print "pre_daughter: ", shift->get_name, "\n" }, # is executed if node has a daughter, after daughter has been processed -post_daughter => sub { print "post_daughter: ", shift->get_name, "\n" }, # is executed last -post => sub { print "post: ", shift->get_name, "\n" }, # specifies traversal order, default 'ltr' means first_daugher -> next_sister # traversal, alternate value 'rtl' means last_daughter -> previous_sister traversal -order => 'ltr', # ltr = left-to-right, 'rtl' = right-to-left Comments:
- visit_level_order()
Visits nodes in a level order traversal.
Type : Visitor method Title : visit_level_order Usage : $tree->visit_level_order( sub{...} ); Function: Visits nodes in a level order traversal, executes sub Returns : $tree Args : A subroutine reference that operates on visited nodes. Comments:
- chronompl()
Modifies branch lengths using the mean path lengths method of Britton et al. (2002). For more about this method, see:
Type : Tree manipulator Title : chronompl Usage : $tree->chronompl; Function: Makes tree ultrametric using MPL method Returns : The modified, now ultrametric invocant. Args : NONE Comments:
- grafenbl()
Computes and assigns branch lengths using Grafen's method, which makes node ages proportional to clade size. For more about this method, see:
Type : Tree manipulator Title : grafenbl Usage : $tree->grafenbl; Function: Assigns branch lengths using Grafen's method Returns : The modified, now ultrametric invocant. Args : Optional, a power ('rho') to which all node ages are raised Comments:
- agetobl()
Converts node ages to branch lengths
Type : Tree manipulator Title : agetobl Usage : $tree->agetobl; Function: Converts node ages to branch lengths Returns : The modified invocant. Args : NONE Comments: This method uses ages as assigned to the generic 'age' slot on the nodes in the trees. I.e. for each node in the tree, $node->get_generic('age') must return a number
- ultrametricize()
Sets all root-to-tip path lengths equal.
Type : Tree manipulator Title : ultrametricize Usage : $tree->ultrametricize; Function: Sets all root-to-tip path lengths equal by stretching all terminal branches to the height of the tallest node. Returns : The modified invocant. Args : NONE Comments: This method is analogous to the 'ultrametricize' command in Mesquite, i.e. no rate smoothing or anything like that happens, just a lengthening of terminal branches.
- scale()
Scales the tree to the specified height.
Type : Tree manipulator Title : scale Usage : $tree->scale($height); Function: Scales the tree to the specified height. Returns : The modified invocant. Args : $height = a numerical value indicating root-to-tip path length. Comments: This method uses the $tree->calc_tree_height method, and so for additive trees the *average* root-to-tip path length is scaled to $height (i.e. some nodes might be taller than $height, others shorter).
- resolve()
Randomly breaks polytomies.
Type : Tree manipulator Title : resolve Usage : $tree->resolve; Function: Randomly breaks polytomies by inserting additional internal nodes. Returns : The modified invocant. Args : Comments:
- prune_tips()
Prunes argument nodes from invocant.
Type : Tree manipulator Title : prune_tips Usage : $tree->prune_tips(\@taxa); Function: Prunes specified taxa from invocant. Returns : A pruned Bio::Phylo::Forest::Tree object. Args : A reference to an array of taxon names, or a taxa block, or a reference to an array of taxon objects, or a reference to an array of node objects Comments:
- keep_tips()
Keeps argument nodes from invocant (i.e. prunes all others).
Type : Tree manipulator Title : keep_tips Usage : $tree->keep_tips(\@taxa); Function: Keeps specified taxa from invocant. Returns : The pruned Bio::Phylo::Forest::Tree object. Args : Same as prune_tips, but with inverted meaning Comments:
- negative_to_zero()
Converts negative branch lengths to zero.
Type : Tree manipulator Title : negative_to_zero Usage : $tree->negative_to_zero; Function: Converts negative branch lengths to zero. Returns : The modified invocant. Args : NONE Comments:
- ladderize()
Sorts nodes in ascending (or descending) order of number of children.
Type : Tree manipulator Title : ladderize Usage : $tree->ladderize(1); Function: Sorts nodes Returns : The modified invocant. Args : Optional, a true value to reverse the sort order
- sort_tips()
Sorts nodes in (an approximation of) the provided ordering. Given an array reference of taxa, an array reference of name strings or a taxa object, this method attempts to order the tips in the same way. It does this by recursively computing the rank for all internal nodes by taking the average rank of its children. This results in the following orderings:
(a,b,c,d,e,f); => $tree->sort_tips( [ qw(a c b f d e) ] ) => (a,c,b,f,d,e); (a,b,(c,d),e,f); => $tree->sort_tips( [ qw(a b e d c f) ] ); => (a,b,(e,(d,c)),f); ((a,b),((c,d),e),f); => $tree->sort_tips( [ qw(a e d c b f) ] ); => ((e,(d,c)),(a,b),f); Type : Tree manipulator Title : sort_tips Usage : $tree->sort_tips($ordering); Function: Sorts nodes Returns : The modified invocant. Args : Required, an array reference (or taxa object) whose ordering to match
- exponentiate()
Raises branch lengths to argument.
Type : Tree manipulator Title : exponentiate Usage : $tree->exponentiate($power); Function: Raises branch lengths to $power. Returns : The modified invocant. Args : A $power in any of perl's number formats.
- log_transform()
Log argument base transform branch lengths.
Type : Tree manipulator Title : log_transform Usage : $tree->log_transform($base); Function: Log $base transforms branch lengths. Returns : The modified invocant. Args : A $base in any of perl's number formats.
- remove_unbranched_internals()
Collapses internal nodes with fewer than 2 children.
Type : Tree manipulator Title : remove_unbranched_internals Usage : $tree->remove_unbranched_internals; Function: Collapses internal nodes with fewer than 2 children. Returns : The modified invocant. Args : NONE Comments:
- remove_orphans()
Removes all unconnected nodes.
Type : Tree manipulator Title : remove_orphans Usage : $tree->remove_orphans; Function: Removes all unconnected nodes Returns : The modified invocant. Args : NONE Comments:
- deroot()
Collapses on of the children of a basal bifurcation
Type : Tree manipulator Title : deroot Usage : $tree->deroot; Function: Removes root Returns : The modified invocant. Args : NONE Comments:
- clone()
Clones invocant.
Type : Utility method Title : clone Usage : my $clone = $object->clone; Function: Creates a copy of the invocant object. Returns : A copy of the invocant. Args : Optional: a hash of code references to override reflection-based getter/setter copying my $clone = $object->clone( 'set_forest' => sub { my ( $self, $clone ) = @_; for my $forest ( @{ $self->get_forests } ) { $clone->set_forest( $forest ); } }, 'set_matrix' => sub { my ( $self, $clone ) = @_; for my $matrix ( @{ $self->get_matrices } ) { $clone->set_matrix( $matrix ); } ); Comments: Cloning is currently experimental, use with caution. It works on the assumption that the output of get_foo called on the invocant is to be provided as argument to set_foo on the clone - such as $clone->set_name( $self->get_name ). Sometimes this doesn't work, for example where this symmetry doesn't exist, or where the return value of get_foo isn't valid input for set_foo. If such a copy fails, a warning is emitted. To make sure all relevant attributes are copied into the clone, additional code references can be provided, as in the example above. Typically, this is done by overrides of this method in child classes.
- to_nexus()
Serializes invocant to nexus string.
Type : Stringifier Title : to_nexus Usage : my $string = $tree->to_nexus; Function: Turns the invocant tree object into a nexus string Returns : SCALAR Args : Any arguments that can be passed to Bio::Phylo::Forest::to_nexus
- to_newick()
Serializes invocant to newick string.
Type : Stringifier Title : to_newick Usage : my $string = $tree->to_newick; Function: Turns the invocant tree object into a newick string Returns : SCALAR Args : NONE
- to_xml()
Serializes invocant to xml.
Type : Serializer Title : to_xml Usage : my $xml = $obj->to_xml; Function: Turns the invocant object into an XML string. Returns : SCALAR Args : NONE
- to_svg()
Serializes invocant to SVG.
Type : Serializer Title : to_svg Usage : my $svg = $obj->to_svg; Function: Turns the invocant object into an SVG string. Returns : SCALAR Args : Same args as the Bio::Phylo::Treedrawer constructor Notes : This will only work if you have the SVG module from CPAN installed on your system.
- to_dom()
Type : Serializer Title : to_dom Usage : $tree->to_dom($dom) Function: Generates a DOM subtree from the invocant and its contained objects Returns : an Element object Args : DOM factory object
There is a mailing list at!forum/bio-phylo for any user or developer questions and discussions.
- Bio::Phylo::Listable
The Bio::Phylo::Forest::Tree object inherits from the Bio::Phylo::Listable object, so the methods defined therein also apply to trees.
- Bio::Phylo::Manual
Also see the manual: Bio::Phylo::Manual and
If you use Bio::Phylo in published research, please cite it:
Rutger A Vos, Jason Caravas, Klaas Hartmann, Mark A Jensen and Chase Miller, 2011. Bio::Phylo - phyloinformatic analysis using Perl. BMC Bioinformatics 12:63.