Bio::Phylo::Listable - List of things, super class for many objects
No direct usage, parent class. Methods documented here
are available for all objects that inherit from it.
A listable object is an object that contains multiple smaller objects of the same type. For example: a tree contains nodes, so it's a listable object.
This class contains methods that are useful for all listable objects: Matrices (i.e. sets of matrix objects), individual Matrix objects, Datum objects (i.e. character state sequences), Taxa, Forest, Tree and Node objects.
- insert()
Pushes an object into its container.
Type : Mutator Title : insert Usage : $obj->insert($other_obj); Function: Pushes an object into its container. Returns : A Bio::Phylo::Listable object. Args : A Bio::Phylo::* object.
- insert_at_index()
Inserts argument object in container at argument index.
Type : Mutator Title : insert_at_index Usage : $obj->insert_at_index($other_obj, $i); Function: Inserts $other_obj at index $i in container $obj Returns : A Bio::Phylo::Listable object. Args : A Bio::Phylo::* object.
- delete()
Deletes argument from container.
Type : Mutator Title : delete Usage : $obj->delete($other_obj); Function: Deletes an object from its container. Returns : A Bio::Phylo::Listable object. Args : A Bio::Phylo::* object. Note : Be careful with this method: deleting a node from a tree like this will result in undefined references in its neighbouring nodes. Its children will have their parent reference become undef (instead of pointing to their grandparent, as collapsing a node would do). The same is true for taxon objects that reference datum objects: if the datum object is deleted from a matrix (say), the taxon will now hold undefined references.
- clear()
Empties container object.
Type : Mutator Title : clear Usage : $obj->clear(); Function: Clears the container. Returns : A Bio::Phylo::Listable object. Args : Note. Note :
- keep_entities()
Keeps the container's contents specified by an array reference of indices.
Type : Mutator Title : keep_entities Usage : $list->keep_entities([9,7,7,6]); Function: Keeps a subset of contents Returns : A Bio::Phylo::Listable object. Args : An array reference of indices
- get_entities()
Returns a reference to an array of objects contained by the listable object.
Type : Accessor Title : get_entities Usage : my @entities = @{ $obj->get_entities }; Function: Retrieves all entities in the container. Returns : A reference to a list of Bio::Phylo::* objects. Args : none.
- first()
Jumps to the first element contained by the listable object.
Type : Iterator Title : first Usage : my $first_obj = $obj->first; Function: Retrieves the first entity in the container. Returns : A Bio::Phylo::* object Args : none.
- last()
Jumps to the last element contained by the listable object.
Type : Iterator Title : last Usage : my $last_obj = $obj->last; Function: Retrieves the last entity in the container. Returns : A Bio::Phylo::* object Args : none.
- current()
Returns the current focal element of the listable object.
Type : Iterator Title : current Usage : my $current_obj = $obj->current; Function: Retrieves the current focal entity in the container. Returns : A Bio::Phylo::* object Args : none.
- next()
Returns the next focal element of the listable object.
Type : Iterator Title : next Usage : my $next_obj = $obj->next; Function: Retrieves the next focal entity in the container. Returns : A Bio::Phylo::* object Args : none.
- previous()
Returns the previous element of the listable object.
Type : Iterator Title : previous Usage : my $previous_obj = $obj->previous; Function: Retrieves the previous focal entity in the container. Returns : A Bio::Phylo::* object Args : none.
- current_index()
Returns the current internal index of the container.
Type : Generic query Title : current_index Usage : my $last_index = $obj->current_index; Function: Returns the current internal index of the container. Returns : An integer Args : none.
- last_index()
Returns the highest valid index of the container.
Type : Generic query Title : last_index Usage : my $last_index = $obj->last_index; Function: Returns the highest valid index of the container. Returns : An integer Args : none.
- set_listener()
Attaches a listener (code ref) which is executed when contents change.
Type : Utility method Title : set_listener Usage : $object->set_listener( sub { my $object = shift; } ); Function: Attaches a listener (code ref) which is executed when contents change. Returns : Invocant. Args : A code reference. Comments: When executed, the code reference will receive $object (the container) as its first argument.
- notify_listeners()
Notifies listeners of changed contents.
Type : Utility method Title : notify_listeners Usage : $object->notify_listeners; Function: Notifies listeners of changed contents. Returns : Invocant. Args : NONE. Comments:
- clone()
Clones container.
Type : Utility method Title : clone Usage : my $clone = $object->clone; Function: Creates a deep copy of the container. Returns : A copy of the container. Args : NONE. Comments: Cloning is currently experimental, use with caution.
Many Bio::Phylo objects are segmented, i.e. they contain one or more subparts of the same type. For example, a matrix contains multiple rows; each row contains multiple cells; a tree contains nodes, and so on. (Segmented objects all inherit from Bio::Phylo::Listable, i.e. the class whose documentation you're reading here.) In many cases it is useful to be able to define subsets of the contents of segmented objects, for example sets of taxon objects inside a taxa block. The Bio::Phylo::Listable object allows this through a number of methods (add_set, remove_set, add_to_set, remove_from_set etc.). Those methods delegate the actual management of the set contents to the Bio::Phylo::Set object. Consult the documentation for Bio::Phylo::Set for a code sample.
- add_set()
Type : Mutator Title : add_set Usage : $obj->add_set($set) Function: Associates a Bio::Phylo::Set object with the container Returns : Invocant Args : A Bio::Phylo::Set object
- remove_set()
Type : Mutator Title : remove_set Usage : $obj->remove_set($set) Function: Removes association between a Bio::Phylo::Set object and the container Returns : Invocant Args : A Bio::Phylo::Set object
- get_sets()
Type : Accessor Title : get_sets Usage : my @sets = @{ $obj->get_sets() }; Function: Retrieves all associated Bio::Phylo::Set objects Returns : Invocant Args : None
- is_in_set()
Type : Test Title : is_in_set Usage : @do_something if $listable->is_in_set($obj,$set); Function: Returns whether or not the first argument is listed in the second argument Returns : Boolean Args : $obj - an object that may, or may not be in $set $set - the Bio::Phylo::Set object to query Notes : This method makes two assumptions: i) the $set object is associated with the container, i.e. add_set($set) has been called previously ii) the $obj object is part of the container If either assumption is violated a warning message is printed.
- add_to_set()
Type : Mutator Title : add_to_set Usage : $listable->add_to_set($obj,$set); Function: Adds first argument to the second argument Returns : Invocant Args : $obj - an object to add to $set $set - the Bio::Phylo::Set object to add to Notes : this method assumes that $obj is already part of the container. If that assumption is violated a warning message is printed.
- remove_from_set()
Type : Mutator Title : remove_from_set Usage : $listable->remove_from_set($obj,$set); Function: Removes first argument from the second argument Returns : Invocant Args : $obj - an object to remove from $set $set - the Bio::Phylo::Set object to remove from Notes : this method assumes that $obj is already part of the container. If that assumption is violated a warning message is printed.
There is a mailing list at!forum/bio-phylo for any user or developer questions and discussions.
Also see the manual: Bio::Phylo::Manual and
Objects inheriting from Bio::Phylo::Listable
- Bio::Phylo::Forest
Iterate over a set of trees.
- Bio::Phylo::Forest::Tree
Iterate over nodes in a tree.
- Bio::Phylo::Forest::Node
Iterate of children of a node.
- Bio::Phylo::Matrices
Iterate over a set of matrices.
- Bio::Phylo::Matrices::Matrix
Iterate over the datum objects in a matrix.
- Bio::Phylo::Matrices::Datum
Iterate over the characters in a datum.
- Bio::Phylo::Taxa
Iterate over a set of taxa.
- Bio::Phylo::NeXML::Writable
This object inherits from Bio::Phylo::NeXML::Writable, so methods defined there are also applicable here.
If you use Bio::Phylo in published research, please cite it:
Rutger A Vos, Jason Caravas, Klaas Hartmann, Mark A Jensen and Chase Miller, 2011. Bio::Phylo - phyloinformatic analysis using Perl. BMC Bioinformatics 12:63.