Game::TextMapper::Schroeder::Square - a role for square map generators


# create a map
package World;
use Modern::Perl;
use Mojo::Base -base;
use Role::Tiny::With;
with 'Game::TextMapper::Schroeder::Base';
with 'Game::TextMapper::Schroeder::Square';
# use it
package main;
my $map = World->new(height => 10, width => 10);


This role provides basic functionality for map generation with square maps: the number of neighbours within one or two regions distance, how to pick a random neighbour direction, how to compute the coordinates of these neighbours, how to draw arrows towards these neighbours.

This inherits attributes and methods from Game::TextMapper::Schroeder::Base, such as width and height.



Reverses a direction.


The list of directions for neighbours one step away (0 to 3).


The list of directions for neighbours two steps away (0 to 7).


A random direction for a neighbour one step away (a random integer from 0 to 3).


A random direction for a neighbour two steps away (a random integer from 0 to 7).

neighbor($square, $i)

say join(",", $map->neighbor("0203", 1));
# 2,2

Returns the coordinates of a neighbor in a particular direction (0 to 3), one step away.

$square is an array reference of coordinates or a string that can be turned into one using the xy method from Game::TextMapper::Schroeder::Base.

$i is a direction (0 to 3).

neighbor2($square, $i)

say join(",", $map->neighbor2("0203", 1));
# 1, 2

Returns the coordinates of a neighbor in a particular direction (0 to 7), two steps away.

$square is an array reference of coordinates or a string that can be turned into one using the xy method from Game::TextMapper::Schroeder::Base.

$i is a direction (0 to 3).

distance($x1, $y1, $x2, $y2) or distance($coords1, $coords2)

say $map->distance("0203", "0003");
# 2

Returns the distance between two coordinates.


A helper that returns the SVG fragments for arrows in four directions, to be used in a defs element.


Game::TextMapper::Schroeder::Base Game::TextMapper::Schroeder::Hex