File::Find::Object::Result - a result class for File::Find::Object


This is a class returning a single File::Find::Object result as returned by its next_obj() method.



Returns the base directory from which searching began.


Returns the full path of the result. As such $ffo->next_obj()->path() is equivalent to $ffo->next() .


Returns true if the result refers to a directory.


The components of the directory part of the path starting from base() (also the full path if the result is a directory) as an array reference.


Returns the basename of the file (if it is a file and not a directory.) Otherwise - undef().


Returns the full components of the result with the basename if it is a file.


The return value of "stat" in perlfunc for the result, placed inside an array reference. This is calculated by File::Find::Object and kept here for convenience and for internal use.

