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App::Service - Provides core methods for App-Context Services


    use App::Service;

    # never really used, because this is a base class
    %named = (
        # named args would go here
    $service = App::Service->new(%named);


The App::Service class is a base class for all App-Context services.

    * Throws: App::Exception
    * Since:  0.01

Constructor Methods:


This constructor is used to create all objects which are App-Context services. Customized behavior for a particular service is achieved by overriding the _init() method.

    * Signature: $service = App::Service->new(%named)
    * Return:    $service       App::Service
    * Throws:    App::Exception
    * Since:     0.01

    Sample Usage: (never used because this is a base class, but the
    constructors of all services follow these rules)
    * If the number of arguments is odd, the first arg is the service name
      (otherwise, "default" is assumed)
    * If there are remaining arguments, they are variable/value pairs
    * If there are no arguments at all, the "default" name is assumed
    * If a "name" was supplied using any of these methods,
      the master config is consulted to find the config for this
      particular service instance (service_type/name).

    $service = App::Service->new();        # assumes "default" name
    $service = App::Service->new("srv1");  # instantiate named service
    $service = App::Service->new(          # "default" with named args
        arg1 => 'value1',
        arg2 => 'value2',


Returns the service type (i.e. CallDispatcher, Repository, SessionObject, etc.).

    * Signature: $service_type = App::Service->service_type();
    * Param:     void
    * Return:    $service_type  string
    * Since:     0.01

    $service_type = $service->service_type();


    * Signature: $content = $self->content();
    * Param:     void
    * Return:    $content   any
    * Throws:    App::Exception
    * Since:     0.01

    $content = $so->content();
    if (ref($content)) {
        print "\n";
    else {
        print $content, "\n";


    * Signature: $content_type = $service->content_type();
    * Param:     void
    * Return:    $content_type   string
    * Throws:    App::Exception
    * Since:     0.01

    Sample Usage: 

    $content_type = $service->content_type();


    * Signature: $content_description = $service->content_description();
    * Param:     void
    * Return:    $content_description   string
    * Throws:    App::Exception
    * Since:     0.01

Provide a description of the content which is useful for diagnostic purposes (such as for the timing log implemented in App::Context::HTTP).

This method can be overridden by an application-specific service such as a web application user interface widget to provide more useful information in the description.

    Sample Usage: 

    $content_description = $service->content_description();


    * Signature: $guts = $self->internals();
    * Param:     void
    * Return:    $guts     {}
    * Throws:    App::Exception
    * Since:     0.01

    $guts = $so->internals();
    print App::Reference->dump($guts), "\n";

Copy the internals of the current SessionObject to a new hash and return a reference to that hash for debugging purposes. The resulting hash reference may be printed using Data::Dumper (or App::Reference). The refe


    * Signature: $perl = $service->dump();
    * Param:     void
    * Return:    $perl      text
    * Throws:    App::Exception
    * Since:     0.01

    Sample Usage: 

    $service = $context->repository();
    print $service->dump(), "\n";


    * Signature: $service->print();
    * Param:     void
    * Return:    void
    * Throws:    App::Exception
    * Since:     0.01

    Sample Usage: 



    * Signature: $result = $service->substitute($target);
    * Signature: $result = $service->substitute($target, $values);
    * Param:     $target         HASH,string
    * Param:     $values         HASH
    * Return:    $result         string
    * Throws:    App::Exception
    * Since:     0.01

    Sample Usage: 

    $welcome_message = $service->substitute("Welcome, {default-user}");

    my $auto_params = { user => "{default-user}", org_id => "{org_id}", };
    my $auto_values = { org_id => 1, };
    $params = $service->substitute($auto_params, $auto_values);

The substitute() method scans the $target string (or hash of strings) for instances of variables (i.e. "{varname}") and makes substitutions. It makes substitutions from a hash of $values if provided or from the values of SessionObjects of the same name.

The substitute() method returns a string (or hash of strings) which is the result of the substitution.

Protected Methods:

The following methods are intended to be called by subclasses of the current class.


The _init() method is called from within the standard Service constructor. It allows subclasses of the Service to customize the behavior of the constructor by overriding the _init() method. The _init() method in this class simply calls the _init() method to allow each service instance to initialize itself.

    * Signature: _init($named)
    * Param:     $named      {}   [in]
    * Return:    void
    * Throws:    App::Exception
    * Since:     0.01

    Sample Usage: 



 * Author:  Stephen Adkins <>
 * License: This is free software. It is licensed under the same terms as Perl itself.


App, App::Context, App::Conf