XS::Framework::Manual::recipe05 - XS::Framework basics
Alien::libpanda offers lightweight intrusive smart pointer iptr
. Please, referer intrusive pointer from Boost library for introduction. The easiest way to add refcounted property to C++ class is to inherit from panda::Refcnt (1)
struct TimezoneRecipe05: public panda::Refcnt {
// (1)
const char* get_name() const { return name.c_str(); }
TimezoneRecipe05(const char* name_): name{name_} { }
~TimezoneRecipe05() { std::cerr << "~TimezoneRecipe05()\n"; }
std::string name;
using TimezoneRecipe05SP = panda::iptr<TimezoneRecipe05>;
Let's define typemap for timezone:
namespace xs {
template <>
struct Typemap<TimezoneRecipe05*> : TypemapObject<TimezoneRecipe05*, TimezoneRecipe05*, ObjectTypeRefcntPtr, ObjectStorageMG, StaticCast> {
/// (2) (e)
static std::string package () { return "MyTest::Cookbook::TimezoneRecipe05"; }
The typemap specialization (2) should be for timezone pointer (TimezoneRecipe05*
), as XS::Framework ships with auto-deduced typemaps for iptr<T>. The ObjectTypeRefcntPtr
lifetime policy should be specified.
There is no constraint for C++ class to let it inherit panda::Refcnt
: all is needed is that the class with refcounter semantics should define global functions refcnt_inc
, refcnt_dec
and refcnt_get
The xs-adapter is trivial; it should be defined for timezone pointer:
MODULE = MyTest PACKAGE = MyTest::Cookbook::TimezoneRecipe05
const char* TimezoneRecipe05::get_name() { RETVAL = THIS->get_name(); }
TimezoneRecipe05SP create(const char* name) { RETVAL = TimezoneRecipe05SP(new TimezoneRecipe05(name)); }
For the sake of completeness there is another mapped C++ class, which uses TimezoneRecipe05SP
. There is nothing new for a reader familiar with the previous recipes.
// C++ class
struct DateRecipe05 {
DateRecipe05() { update() ; }
void update() { epoch = std::time(nullptr); }
int get_epoch() const { return epoch; }
void set_timezone(TimezoneRecipe05SP tz_) { tz = tz_; }
TimezoneRecipe05SP get_timezone() { return tz; }
std::time_t epoch;
TimezoneRecipe05SP tz;
// typemap
namespace xs {
template <>
struct Typemap<DateRecipe05*> : TypemapObject<DateRecipe05*, DateRecipe05*, ObjectTypePtr, ObjectStorageMG, StaticCast> {
static std::string package () { return "MyTest::Cookbook::DateRecipe05"; }
// xs-adapter
MODULE = MyTest PACKAGE = MyTest::Cookbook::DateRecipe05
DateRecipe05* DateRecipe05::new() { RETVAL = new DateRecipe05(); }
void DateRecipe05::update()
std::time_t DateRecipe05::get_epoch()
TimezoneRecipe05SP DateRecipe05::get_timezone()
void DateRecipe05::set_timezone(TimezoneRecipe05SP tz)
The SV* wrapper identity is not preserved when it is set to Date and returned back, i.e. the same as in previous recipe.