Graph::Easy::Parser - Parse graph from textual description
# creating a graph from a textual description
use Graph::Easy::Parser;
my $parser = Graph::Easy::Parser->new();
my $graph = $parser->from_text(
'[ Bonn ] => [ Berlin ]'.
'[ Berlin ] => [ Rostock ]'.
print $graph->as_ascii( );
lets you parse simple textual descriptions of graphs, and constructs a Graph::Easy
object from them.
The resulting object can than be used to layout and output the graph.
The input consists of text describing the graph.
[ Bonn ] --> [ Berlin ]
[ Frankfurt ] <=> [ Dresden ]
[ Bonn ] --> [ Frankfurt ]
[ Bonn ] = > [ Frankfurt ]
The output will be a Graph::Easy object, see there for what you can do with it.
- nodes
Nodes are rendered (or "quoted", if you wish) with enclosing square brackets:
[ Single node ] [ Node A ] --> [ Node B ]
- edges
The edges between the nodes can have the following styles:
-> solid => double .> dotted ~> wave - > dashed .-> dot-dash ..-> dot-dot-dash = > double-dash
There is also the style "bold". Unlike the others, this can only be set via the (optional) edge attributes:
[ AB ] --> { style: bold; } [ ABC ]
You can repeat each of the style-patterns as much as you like:
---> ==> => ~~~~~> ..-..-..->
Note that in patterns longer than one character, the entire pattern must be repeated e.g. all characters of the pattern must be present. Thus:
..-..-..-> # valid dot-dot-dash ..-..-..> # invalid! .-.-.-> # valid dot-dash .-.-> # invalid!
In additon to the styles, the following two directions are possible:
-- edge without arrow heads --> arrow at target node (end point) <--> arrow on both the source and target node (end and start point)
Of course you can combine all directions with all styles. However, note that edges without arrows cannot use the shortcuts for styles:
--- # valid .-.- # valid .- # invalid! - # invalid! ~ # invalid!
Just remember to use at least two repititions of the full pattern for arrow-less edges.
You can also give edges a label, either by inlining it into the style, or by setting it via the attributes:
[ AB ] --> { style: bold; label: foo; } [ ABC ] -- foo --> ... baz ...> -- solid --> == double ==> .. dotted ..> ~~ wave ~~> - dashed - > = double-dash = > .- dot-dash .-> ..- dot-dot-dash ..->
Note that the two patterns on the left and right of the label must be the same, and that there is a space between the left pattern and the label, as well as the label and the right pattern.
You may use inline label only with edges that have an arrow. Thus:
<-- label --> # valid -- label --> # valid -- label -- # invalid!
To use a label with an edge without arrow heads, use the attributes:
[ AB ] -- { label: edgelabel; } [ CD ]
Please see the manual for a full description of the syntax rules.
The output will be a Graph::Easy object, see there for what you can do with it.
See Graph::Easy for an extensive list of examples.
supports the following methods:
use Graph::Easy::Parser;
my $parser = Graph::Easy::Parser->new();
Creates a new parser object.
Reset the status of the parser, clear errors etc.
my $graph = $parser->from_text( $text );
Create a Graph::Easy object from the textual description in $text
Returns undef for error, you can find out what the error was with error().
This method will reset any previous error, and thus the $parser
object can be re-used to parse different texts by just calling from_text()
multiple times.
my $graph = $parser->from_file( $filename );
my $graph = Graph::Easy::Parser->from_file( $filename );
Creates a Graph::Easy object from the textual description in the file $filename
The second calling style will create a temporary Graph::Easy::Parser object, parse the file and return the resulting Graph::Easy object.
Returns undef for error, you can find out what the error was with error() when using the first calling style.
my $error = $parser->error();
Returns the last error, or the empty string if no error occured.
$parser->parse_error( $msg_nr, @params);
Sets an error message from a message number and replaces embedded templates like ##param1##
with the passed parameters.
my $attributes = $parser->_parse_attributes( $txt );
Internal usage only. Takes a text like this:
attribute: value; attribute2 : value2;
and returns a hash with the attributes.
Exports nothing.
Copyright (C) 2004 - 2005 by Tels
See the LICENSE file for information.