A script to collect data in bins around a relative position.
SYNOPSIS --in <in_filename> --out <out_filename> [--options]
Options for existing files:
--in <filename>
Options for new files:
--db <name|file>
--feature <type | type:source | alias>, ...
Options for data collection:
--ddb <name|file>
--data <dataset_name | filename>
--method [mean|median|min|max|stddev|sum|rpm] (mean)
--value [score|count|length] (score)
--strand [all|sense|antisense] (all)
Bin specification:
--win <integer> (50)
--num <integer> (20)
--pos [5|m|3] (5)
--(no)sum (true)
General Options:
--out <filename>
--cpu <integer> (2)
The command line flags and descriptions:
- --in <filename>
Specify an input file containing either a list of database features or genomic coordinates for which to collect data. The file should be a tab-delimited text file, one row per feature, with columns representing feature identifiers, attributes, coordinates, and/or data values. The first row should be column headers. Bed files are acceptable, as are text files generated by other BioToolBox scripts. Files may be gzipped compressed.
- --out <filename>
Specify the output file name. Required for new files; otherwise, input files will be overwritten unless specified.
- --db <name | filename>
Specify the name of a
annotation database from which gene or feature annotation may be derived. A database is required for generating new data files with features. This option may skipped when using coordinate information from an input file (e.g. BED file), or when using an existing input file with the database indicated in the metadata. For more information about using annotation databases, see - --feature [type, type:source]
Specify the type of feature to map data around. The feature may be listed either as GFF type or GFF type:source. The list of features will be automatically generated from the database. This is only required when an input file is not specified.
- --ddb <name | filename>
If the data to be collected is from a second database that is separate from the annotation database, provide the name of the data database here. Typically, a second
or BigWigSet database is provided here. - --data <dataset_name | filename>
Specify the name of the data set from which you wish to collect data. If not specified, the data set may be chosen interactively from a presented list. Other features may be collected, and should be specified using the type (GFF type:source), especially when collecting alternative data values. Alternatively, the name of a data file may be provided. Supported file types include BigWig (.bw), BigBed (.bb), or single-end Bam (.bam). The file may be local or remote.
- --method [mean|median|min|max|stddev|sum|rpm]
Specify the method of combining multiple values within each window. The mean, median, minimum, maximum, standard deviation, or sum of the values may be reported. The default value is mean for score and length values, or sum for count values.
- --value [score|count|length]
Optionally specify the type of data value to collect from the dataset or data file. Three values are accepted: score, count, or length. Note that some data sources only support certain types of data values. Wig and BigWig files only support score and count; BigBed database features support count and length and optionally score; Bam files support basepair coverage (score), count (number of alignments), and length. The default value type is score.
- --strand [sense|antisense|all]
Specify whether stranded data should be collected for each of the datasets. Either sense or antisense (relative to the feature) data may be collected. The default value is 'all', indicating all data will be collected.
- --force_strand
For features that are not inherently stranded (strand value of 0) or that you want to impose a different strand, set this option when collecting stranded data. This will reassign the specified strand for each feature regardless of its original orientation. This requires the presence of a "strand" column in the input data file. This option only works with input file lists of database features, not defined genomic regions (e.g. BED files). Default is false.
- --avoid
Indicate whether features of the same type should be avoided when calculating values in a window. Each window is checked for overlapping features of the same type; if the window does overlap another feature of the same type, no value is reported for the window. This option requires using named database features and must include a feature GFF type column. The default is false (return all values regardless of overlap).
- --long
Indicate that the dataset from which scores are collected are long features (counting genomic annotation for example) and not point data (microarray data or sequence coverage). Normally long features are only recorded at their midpoint, leading to inaccurate representation at some windows. This option forces the program to collect data separately at each window, rather than once for each file feature or region and subsequently assigning scores to windows. Execution times may be longer than otherwise. Default is false.
- --log
Dataset values are (not) in log2 space and should be treated accordingly. Output values will be in the same space. The default is false (nolog).
- --win <integer>
Specify the window size. The default is 50 bp.
- --num <integer>
Specify the number of windows on either side of the feature position (total number will be 2 x [num]). The default is 20, or 1 kb on either side of the reference position if the default window size is used.
- --pos [5|m|3]
Indicate the relative position of the feature around which the data is mapped. Three values are accepted: "5" indicates the 5' prime end is used, "3" indicates the 3' end is used, and "m" indicates the middle of the feature is used. The default is to use the 5' end, or the start position of unstranded features.
- --(no)sum
Indicate that the data should be averaged across all features at each position, suitable for graphing. A separate text file will be written with the suffix '_summed' with the averaged data. Default is true (sum).
- --smooth
Indicate that windows without values should (not) be interpolated from neighboring values. The default is false (nosmooth).
- --gz
Specify whether (or not) the output file should be compressed with gzip.
- --cpu <integer>
Specify the number of CPU cores to execute in parallel. This requires the installation of Parallel::ForkManager. With support enabled, the default is 2. Disable multi-threaded execution by setting to 1.
- --version
Print the version number.
- --help
Display this help
This program will collect data around a relative coordinate of a genomic feature or region. The data is collected in a series of windows flanking the feature start (5' position for stranded features), end (3' position), or the midpoint position. The number and size of windows are specified via command line arguments, or the program will default to 20 windows on both sides of the relative position (40 total) of 50 bp size, corresponding to 2 kb total (+/- 1 kb). Windows without a value may be interpolated (smoothed) from neigboring values, if available.
The default value that is collected is a dataset score (e.g. microarray values). However, other values may be collected, including 'count' or 'length'. Use the --method argument to collect alternative values.
Stranded data may be collected. If the feature does not have an inherent strand, one may be specified to enforce stranded collection or a particular orientation.
When features overlap, or the collection windows of one feature overlaps with another feature, then data may be ignored and not collected (--avoid).
The program writes out a tim data formatted text file. It will also generate a '*_summed.txt' file, in which each the mean value of all features for each window is generated and written as a data row. This summed data may be graphed using the biotoolbox script or merged with other summed data sets for comparison.
These are some examples of some common scenarios for collecting data.
- Collect scores in intervals around start
You want to collect the mean score from a bigWig file in twenty 50 bp intervals flanking the start position of each feature in Bed file. --data --in input.bed
- Collect scores in intervals around middle
You want to collect median scores in 20 bp intervals extending 500 bp from the midpoint of each feature. --win 20 --num 25 --pos m --data --in \ input.txt
- Collect scores in intervals from annotation database
You want to collect scores in intervals around the transcription start site of genes in an annotation database, but also avoid intervals that may overlap neighboring genes. You want to collect alignment counts from a Bam file in a stranded fashion. You also want to plot the profile. --db annotation --feature gene --avoid --strand \ sense --value count --method sum --data alignments.bam --out gene_tss --in gene_tss_summed.txt --min 0 --max 100
Timothy J. Parnell, PhD
Howard Hughes Medical Institute
Dept of Oncological Sciences
Huntsman Cancer Institute
University of Utah
Salt Lake City, UT, 84112
This package is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GPL (either version 1, or at your option, any later version) or the Artistic License 2.0.