

version 0.092


use CMS::Drupal::Modules::MembershipEntity::Membership;

$mem = CMS::Drupal::Modules::MembershipEntity::Membership->new(
         'mid'       => '1234',
         'created'   => '1234565432',
         'changed'   => '1234567890',
         'uid'       => '5678',
         'status'    => '1',
         'member_id' => 'my_scheme_0123',
         'type'      => 'my_type',
         'terms'     => \%terms


Note: This module does not currently create or edit Memberships.

This module is not designed to be called directly, although it can be. This module is called by CMS::Drupal::Modules::MembershipEntity, which has a method to retrieve all Memberships and create an object for each of them. Error checking is handled in the latter module, so if you use this module directly you will have to do your own error checking, for example, to make sure that the Membership actually has at least one Term associated with it. (Yes, I know it should be impossible not to, but it happens. This is Drupal we are dealing with.)


All parameters are required. Consult the Drupal MembershipEntity documentation for more details.

mid The mid for the Membership. Must be an integer.

created The date-and-time the Membership was created. Must be a Unix timestamp.

changed The date-and-time the Membership was last changed. Must be a Unix timestamp.

uid The Drupal user ID for the owner of the Membership. Must be an integer.

status The status of the Membership. Must be an integer from 0 to 3.

member_id The unique Member ID that Drupal assigns to the Membership. This is separate from the uid and the mid and can be configured by the Drupal sysadmin to take almost any string-y format.

type The Membership type.

terms A hashref containing a CMS::Drupal::Modules::MembershipEntity::Term object for each term belonging to the Membership, keyed by the tid (term ID).



Returns true if the Membership is active, as defined bythe value of the 'status' field in the database record.


Returns true if the Membership has a renewal Term that has not yet started. This is defined by the value of $term->is_future and $term->is_active both being true for at least one of the Membership's Terms.



