wdq - command line access to Wikidata Query Service


Access Wikidata Query Service via command line to perform SPARQL queries (query mode), lookup entities (lookup), or search items and properties (search or psearch):

wdq -g en solar system        # search 'solar system' in English
wdq psearch -g es parte       # search property 'parte' in Spanish
wdq P361 Q544                 # lookup properties and items
wdq '?c wdt:P361 wd:Q544'     # query parts of the solar system

See the manual for details or get help via wdq help:

wdq help options              # list and explain command line options
wdq help modes                # list and explain request modes
wdq help output               # explain output control
wdq help formats              # list and explain output formats
wdq help ontology             # show Wikidata ontology in a nutshell
wdq help prefixes             # list RDF prefixes allowed in queries
wdq help version              # show version of wdq


A mode can be set explicitly via first argument or it is guessed from request arguments. The default mode without arguments is query:

wdq < file        # read SPARQL query from file
wdq query < file  # ditto
wdq -q file       # ditto

SPARQL query is read from STDIN, option --query|-q, or arguments. Namespace definitions and SELECT clause are added if missing.

wdq '?c wdt:P361 wd:Q544'
wdq '{ ?c wdt:P361 wd:Q544 }'                 # equivalent
wdq 'SELECT * WHERE { ?c wdt:P361 wd:Q544 }'  # equivalent

Read Wikidata entity ids, URLs, or Wikimedia project URLs from STDIN or arguments. Result fields are label, description, and id:

wdq Q1
wdq lookup Q1                                 # equivalent
echo Q1 | wdq lookup                          # equivalent

Search for items or properties. Result fields are label, id, description, and possibly matched alias. Search and result language is read from environment or option --language/-g.

wdq search aliens

Default output format in search mode is pretty.


--query|-q QUERY

Query or query file (- for STDIN as default)


Output format or string template. Call wdq help formats for details.

--export EXPORTER

Use a Catmandu exporter as output format.


Exclude header in CSV output or other exporter.


Enumerate results by adding a counter variable n

--limit INTEGER

Add or override a LIMIT clause to limitate the number of results. Single-digit options such as -1 can also be used to also set a limit.


Abbreviate Wikidata identifier URIs as strings.


Language to query labels and descriptions in. Set to the locale by default. This option is currentl only used on lookup mode.


Ignore empty results instead of issuing warning and exit code.


By default output is colored if writing to a terminal. Disable this with --no-color or force color with --color or -C.

--api URL

SPARQL endpoint. Default value:


Don't query MediaWiki API to map URLs to Wikidata items.


Don't execute SPARQL queries but show them in expanded form. Useful to validate and pretty-print queries. MediaWiki API requests may be


Don't execute any queries. Same as --no-mediawiki --no-execute.


Show usage help


Show information about the Wikidata Ontology


Don't add default namespace prefixes to the SPARQL query


Show detailled manual


Show version if this script


Output can be controlled with options --format/-f, --export, --header/--no-header/-H, and --color/--no-color/-C.


Option --format/-f sets an output format or string template:

simple (default in query and lookup mode)

Flat JSON without language tags


Line delimited Flat JSON


SPARQL Query Results CSV Format. Suppress header with option --no-header/-H. Use Catmandu CSV exporter for more options


SPARQL Query Results TSV Format


SPARQL Query Results XML Format


SPARQL Query Results JSON Format

pretty (default in search mode)

Default string template to print label, alias, id, description. Also sets option --ids unless disabled


String template. Call wdq help pretty for details


Option --format can be set to a string template with bracket expressions with optional template parameters (for instance {id|pre= (|post=)}).


Highlight n name, v value, i identifier, t title, or e error


Abbreviate long values


Use left or right to align short values to a given length


Add string before/after value


Option --export sets a Catmandu exporter to create output with. Given the corresponding exporter modules installed, one can write results as YAML, Excel (XLS), and Markdown table (Table) among other formats:

wdq --export YAML                               # short form
wdq --format ldjson | catmandu convert to YAML  # equivalent

Use Catmandu config file (catmandu.yml) to further configure export. See also tools such as jq and miller for processing results.


Entity (item/property)
 wd:Q_ <-- owl:sameAs --> wd:Q_
       --> rdfs:label, skos:altLabel, schema:description "_"@_
       --> schema:dateModified, schema:version
       --> wdt:P_ "_", URI, _:blank
       --> p:P_ Statement

 wd:Q_ <-- schema:about <>
                        --> schema:inLanguage, wikibase:badge

 wd:P_ --> wikibase:propertyType PropertyType
       --> wkibase:directClaim        wdt:P_
       --> wikibase:claim             p:P_
       --> wikibase:statementProperty ps:P_
       --> wikibase:statementValue    psv:P_
       --> wikibase:qualifier         pq:P_
       --> wikibase:qualifierValue    pqv:P_
       --> wikibase:reference         pr:P_
       --> wikibase:referenceValue    prv:P_
       --> wikibase:novalue           wdno:P_

 wikibase: String, Url, WikibaseItem, WikibaseProperty, CommonsMedia,
           Monolingualtext, GlobeCoordinate, Quantity, Time

 wds:_ --> wikibase:rank Rank
       --> a wdno:P_
       --> ps:P_ "_", URI, _:blank
       --> psv:P_ Value
       --> pq:P_ "_", URI, _:blank
       --> pqv:P_ Value
       --> prov:wasDerivedFrom Reference

 wdref:_ --> pr:P_ "_", URI
         --> prv:P_ Value

 wikibase: NormalRank, PreferredRank, DeprecatedRank, BestRank

Value (GlobecoordinateValue/QuantityValue/TimeValue)
 wdv:_ --> wikibase: geoLatitude, geoLongitude, geoPrecision, geoGlobe URI
       --> wikibase: timeValue, timePrecision, timeTimezone, timeCalendarModel
       --> wikibase: quantityAmount, quantityUpperBound, quantityLowerBound,
                     quantityUnit URI


Copyright by Jakob Voss

Based on a PHP script by Marius Hoch at

Licensed under GPL 2.0+