Perl::PrereqScanner - a tool to scan your Perl code for its prerequisites


version 1.011


use Perl::PrereqScanner;
my $scanner = Perl::PrereqScanner->new;
my $prereqs = $scanner->scan_ppi_document( $ppi_doc );
my $prereqs = $scanner->scan_file( $file_path );
my $prereqs = $scanner->scan_string( $perl_code );


The scanner will extract loosely your distribution prerequisites from your files.

The extraction may not be perfect but tries to do its best. It will currently find the following prereqs:

  • plain lines beginning with use or require in your perl modules and scripts, including minimum perl version

  • regular inheritance declared with the base and parent pragmata

  • Moose inheritance declared with the extends keyword

  • Moose roles included with the with keyword

  • OO namespace aliasing using the aliased module

Scanner Plugins

Perl::PrereqScanner works by running a series of scanners over a PPI::Document representing the code to scan. By default the "Perl5", "Moose", "TestMore", "POE", and "Aliased" scanners are run. You can supply your own scanners when constructing your PrereqScanner:

# Us only the Perl5 scanner:
my $scanner = Perl::PrereqScanner->new({ scanners => [ qw(Perl5) ] });

# Use any stock scanners, plus Example:
my $scanner = Perl::PrereqScanner->new({ extra_scanners => [ qw(Example) ] });



my $prereqs = $scanner->scan_string( $perl_code );

Given a string containing Perl source code, this method returns a CPAN::Meta::Requirements object describing the modules it requires.

This method will throw an exception if PPI fails to parse the code.


my $prereqs = $scanner->scan_file( $path );

Given a file path to a Perl document, this method returns a CPAN::Meta::Requirements object describing the modules it requires.

This method will throw an exception if PPI fails to parse the code.


my $prereqs = $scanner->scan_ppi_document( $ppi_doc );

Given a PPI::Document, this method returns a CPAN::Meta::Requirements object describing the modules it requires.


  • Jerome Quelin

  • Ricardo Signes <>


This software is copyright (c) 2009 by Jerome Quelin.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.