Bread::Board::Types - types and coercions for Bread::Board


version 0.35


This package defines types and coercions for Bread::Board.



A hashref mapping strings to instances of Bread::Board::Container or Bread::Board::Container::Parameterized.

Can be coerced from an arrayref of containers: the keys will be the containers' names.


A hashref mapping strings to instances of Bread::Board::Service.

Can be coerced from an arrayref of services: the keys will be the services' names.


Hashref mapping strings to instances of Bread::Board::Dependency.

The values of the hashref can be coerced in several different ways:

a string

will be interpreted as the service_path

a hashref with a single key

the key will be interpreted as a service_path, and the value as a hashref for service_params

an arrayref

each element will be interpreted as a dependency (possibly through all the coercions listed here); see below for an example

a service object

will be interpreted as a dependency on that service

a dependency object

will be taken as-is

Instead of a hashref of any of the above things, you can use an arrayref: it will be coerced to hashref, using the (coerced) dependencies' names as keys.


service foo => (
  class => 'Foo',
  dependencies => {
    { bar => { attribute => 12 } },

The service foo depends on the parameterized service bar, and bar will be instantiated passing the hashref { attribute => 12 } to its get method.

service foo => (
  class => 'Foo',
  dependencies => {
    things => [ 'bar', 'baz' ],

The service foo depends on the services bar and baz, and when instantiating foo, its constructor will receive something like things => [ $instance_of_bar, $instance_of_baz ].

service foo => (
  class => 'Foo',
  dependencies => {
    things => [
      { bar => { attribute => 12 } },
      { bar => { attribute => 27 } },

You can mix&match the coercions! This foo will get two different instances of bar in its things attribute, each bar instantiated with a different value.


Hashref mapping strings to MooseX::Params::Validate specifications.

Can be coerced from an arrayref of strings:

[qw(a b c)]


  a => { optional => 0 },
  b => { optional => 0 },
  c => { optional => 0 },


Stevan Little <>


Please report any bugs or feature requests on the bugtracker website

When submitting a bug or request, please include a test-file or a patch to an existing test-file that illustrates the bug or desired feature.


This software is copyright (c) 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2011, 2009 by Infinity Interactive.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.