File::Serialize::Serializer - Role for defining File::Serialize serializers


version 1.4.0


package File::Serialize::Serializer::MySerializer;

use Module::Runtime qw/ use_module /;

use Moo;

with 'File::Serialize::Serializer';

sub extensions { 'mys' }

sub init { use_module('SomeThing') }

sub serialize { ...}
sub deserialize { ...}



This role is used to define serializers for File::Serialize.

As all the serializer plugins are typically loaded to figure out which one should be used to serialize/deserialize a specific file, it's important that the modules on which the serializer depends are not just used, but are rather marked for import via the required_modules and init functions.

Required methods

A serializer should implement the following class methods:


Required. Must return a list of all extensions that this serializer can deal with.

The first extension of the list will be considered the canonical extension.


Returns the list of modules that this serializer needs to operate.

If not provided, the required module will be extracted from the package name. I.e., the serializer File::Serialize::Serializer::YAML::Tiny will assume that it requires YAML::Tiny.

serialize( $data, $options )

Required. Returns the serialized $data.


Required. Returns the deserialized $data.

groom_options( $options )

Takes in the generic serializer options and groom them for this specific one.

groom_serialize_options( $options )

Groom the options for this specific serializer. If not provided, groom_options is used.

groom_deserialize_options( $options )

Groom the options for this specific serializer. If not provided, groom_options is used.

Provided methods

The role provides the following attributes / methods:


Returns the serializer's precedence, used to determine which one of the available serializer for a format to use. Default to 100. A value of 0 means "don't use".


Yanick Champoux <>


This software is copyright (c) 2021, 2019, 2017, 2016, 2015 by Yanick Champoux.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.