FU - Framework Ultimatum: A Lean and Efficient Zero-Dependency Web Framework.


This module is still in development: it's missing important functionality and there will likely be a few breaking API changes. This framework currently powers as a test. I'll do a stable 1.0 release once FU is used in production for, which will take a few months in the best case scenario.


use v5.36;
use FU -spawn;
use FU::XMLWriter ':html5_';

sub myhtml_($title, $body) {
    fu->set_body(html_ sub {
        head_ sub {
            title_ $title;
        body_ $body;

FU::get qr{/hello/(.+)}, sub($who) {
    my_html_ "Website title", sub {
        h1_ "Hello, $who!";



Distribution Overview

This top-level FU module is a web development framework. The FU distribution also includes a bunch of modules that the framework depends on or which are otherwise useful when building web backends. These modules are standalone and can be used independently of the framework:

Note that everything in this distribution requires a moderately recent version of Perl (5.36+), a C compiler and a 64-bit POSIXy system (not Windows, that is). There are a few additional optional dependencies:

  • - required for FU::Pg, dynamically loaded through dlopen().

  • Compress::Zstd - to support transparent HTTP compression through Zstandard.

Framework Overview

FU is a mostly straightforward and conventional backend web framework. It doesn't try to be particularly innovative, but it does attempt to implement existing ideas in a convenient, coherent and efficient way. There are a few inherent properties of FU's design that you will want to be aware of before digging further:

FU is synchronous

FU is an entirely synchronous framework, meaning that a single Perl process can only handle a single request at a time. This is great in that it simplifies the implementation, makes debugging easy and performance predictable.

The downside is that you will want to avoid long-running requests as much as possible. Potentially slow network operations are best delegated to a background queue. FU intentionally does not support websockets, long-polling might work but is a bad idea because you'll need to run as many processes as there are concurrent clients, which gets wasteful very fast. If some UI latency is acceptable, interval-based polling tends to be simpler to reason about and more reliable. If such latency is not acceptable, you'll want to run a separate daemon for asynchronous tasks.

FU is buffered

The entire request is read into memory before your code even runs, and the generated response is buffered in full before a single byte is sent off to the client. This is, once again, great for simple and predictable code, but certainly not great if you plan to transfer large files.

The rest of this document is reference documentation; there's no easy introductionary cookbook-style docs yet, sorry about that.

Unless specifically mentioned otherwise, all methods and functions taking or returning strings deal with perl Unicode strings, not raw bytes.

Framework Configuration


Set database configuration. $info can either be a connection string for FU::Pg->connect() or a subroutine that returns a FU::Pg connection. The latter can be useful to set default parameters such as cache(), text_params(), client_encoding, etc.

A query_trace() callback is registered after connection to collect per-request performance metrics. If you want to register your own trace callback, you'll want to have it call FU::query_trace($st) to keep the functionality.

The configured database is used for fu->db and related methods; you can of course still manage alternative database connections in your own code if you need that, but then that won't benefit from FU's integrated transaction handling and performance tracing.


Enable or disable debug mode. Returns the current mode when no argument is given.

Debug mode currently only enables more verbose logging, but it may influence other features in the future as well. You're of course free to use the debug setting to enable or disable debugging features in your own code.


Enable logging of requests that took longer than $ms milliseconds to process. Can be set to 0 to disable such logging.


Returns a modifiable hashref that serves as a lookup table from file extension to MIME type, used by fu->send_file().


Returns a modifiable hashref listing which mime types should get a UTF-8 charset parameter appended to them in the Content-Type header.


Returns a modifiable hashref listing mime types for which compression makes sense.


Add filesystem paths to be monitored for changes when running in monitor mode (see --monitor in "Running the Site"). When given a directory, all files under the directory are recursively checked. The given paths do not actually have to exist, errors are silently discarded. Relative paths are resolved to the current working directory at the time that the paths are checked for changes, so you may want to pass absolute paths if you ever call chdir().

You do not have to add the current script or files in %INC, these are monitored by default.


Register a subroutine to be called in monitor mode. The subroutine should return a true value to signal that something has changed and the process should reload, false otherwise. The subroutine is called before any filesystem paths are checked (as in FU::monitor_path), so if you run any build system things here, file modifications are properly detected and trigger a reload.

Only one subroutine can be registered at a time. Be careful to ensure that the subroutine returns a false value at some point, otherwise you may end up in a restart loop.

Handlers & Routing

FU::get($path, $sub)
FU::post($path, $sub)
FU::delete($path, $sub)
FU::options($path, $sub)
FU::put($path, $sub)
FU::patch($path, $sub)
FU::query($path, $sub)

Register a route handler for the given HTTP method and $path. $path can either be a string, which is matched for equality with fu->path, or a regex that must fully match the request path. If the regex contains capture groups, its contents are passed to $sub as arguments.

FU::get '/', sub {
    # Here goes the code for the root path.

FU::post '/sub/path', sub {
    # POST requests to '/sub/path' go here.

FU::get qr{/hello/(.+)}, sub($name) {
    # "GET /hello/world" goes to this code, with $name='world'.

It is an error to register multiple handlers for the same method and path. This is verified for exact paths, but if you register handlers with overlapping regexes, it's not defined which one is actually called.


Register a callback to be run when a request has been received but before it's being routed to the main handler function. Callbacks are run in the order that they are registered. If $sub throws an error or calls fu->done, any later before_request callbacks are not run and no routing handler is called.


Register a callback to be run after the routing handler has finished but before the response is sent back to the client. Callbacks are run in reverse order that they are registered. These callbacks are always run, even when a previous before_request or the routing handler threw an error.

FU::on_error($code, $sub)

Register a callback to be run when the given error code (HTTP status code) is generated. $sub is called with the error code as arguments and should generate a suitable error page to send to the client. Only one callback can be registered for each code, calling this function another time with the same $code overwrites a previous callback.

Internally, FU can generate errors with code 400, 404 and 500, but fu->error() can be used to generate other errors. If no callback exists for a certain error code, 500 is used as fallback.

The 'fu' Object

While the FU:: namespace is used for global configuration and utility functions, the fu object is intended for methods that deal with request processing (although some are useful used outside of request handlers as well).

The fu object itself can be used to store request-local data. For example, the following is a valid approach to handle user authentication:

FU::before {
    fu->{user} = authenticate_user_from_cookie_or_something();

FU::get '/registered-users-only', sub {
    fu->error(403) if !fu->{user};

In addition to the request information and response generation methods described in the sections below, it has a few utility methods:


Read-only alias of FU::debug.


Returns the current database handle, as set with FU::init_db(). This is mainly useful for configuration, you generally shouldn't use this for running queries inside a request handler, see fu->db for that instead.


Returns the database transaction for the current request. Starts a new transaction if none is active.

Transactions initiated this way are automatically committed when the request has successfully been processed, or rolled back if there was an error.

fu->sql($query, @params)

Convenient short-hand for fu->db->q($query, @params).


Convenient short-hand for fu->db->Q(@args).

Request Information


The path component of the request. E.g. if the request is for, this returns /some/path.


Upper-case request method, e.g. 'POST' or 'GET'.


Return the request header by the given $name, or undef if the requests did not have that header. Header name matching is case-insensitive. If the request includes multiple headers with the same name, these are merged into a single comma-separated value.


Return a hashref with all request headers. Keys are lower-cased header names.


Return the client IP address.


Return the raw query part of the request URI, e.g. this returns query.


Parses the raw query string with query_decode in FU::Util and returns the value with the given $name. Beware: multiple values are returned as an array. Prefer to use the $schema-based validation methods below to reliably handle all sorts of query strings.

fu->query($name => $schema)

Parse, validate and return the query parameter identified by $name with the given FU::Validate schema. Calls fu->error(400) with a useful error message if validation fails.

fu->query($name1 => $schema1, $name2 => $schema2, ..)

Parse, validate and return multiple query parameters.

state $schema = FU::Validate->compile({
    keys => { a => {anybool => 1}, b => {} }
my $data = fu->query($schema);
# $data = { a => .., b => .. }

# Or, more concisely:
my $data = fu->query(a => {anybool => 1}, b => {});

Like fu->query() but returns data from the POST request body.

TODO: Support multipart/form-data and file uploads.

TODO: Support JSON bodies.

TODO: Cookie parsing.

Generating Responses


Throw an exception to indicate that the response is "done", i.e. the current function will return and no further handlers (if any) are run. Only works if you're not catching the exception elsewhere, of course.

fu->error($code, $message)

Throw an exception with a status code. If the exception is not caught elsewhere, this ends up in running the appropriate FU::on_error handler.

$message is optional and currently only used for logging.


Reset the response to an empty state, basically undoing all effects of the methods below.


Set the HTTP status code for the response. Defaults to 200 if not set and no error is thrown.

fu->add_header($name, $value)

Add a response header, can be used to add multiple headers with the same name.

fu->set_header($name, $value)

Add a response header or overwrite the header with a new value if it already exists. Set $value to undef to remove a previously set header.


Set the (raw, binary) body of the response to $data. This method is not very convenient for writing dynamic responses, so usually you'll want to use a templating system or FU::XMLWriter:

use FU::XMLWriter ':html5_';

fu->set_body(html_ sub {
    body_ sub {
        h1_ "Hello, world!";
fu->send_file($root, $path)

If a file identified by "$root/$path" exists, set that as response and call fu->done. Returns normally if the file does not exist. This method is mainly intended to serve small static files from a directory:

FU::before_request {
    # We can set custom headers before send_file()
    fu->set_header('cache-control', 'max-age=31536000');

    # Attempt to serve files from '/static/files'
    fu->send_file('/static/files', fu->path);

    # If that fails, fall back to another directory
    fu->send_file('/more/static/files', fu->path);

    # Otherwise, continue processing the request as normal

$path may be an untrusted string from the client, this method prevents path traversal attacks that go below the given $root. It does follow symlinks, though.

This method loads the entire file contents in memory and does not support range requests, so DO NOT use it to send large files. Actual web servers are much more efficient at sending static files.

The content-type header is determined from the file extension in $path, using the configured FU::mime_types. As fallback, files that look like they might be text get text/plain and binary files are served with application/octet-stream.

This method sets an appropriate last-modified header and supports conditional requests with if-modified-since.

fu->redirect($code, $location)

Generates a HTTP redirect response and calls fu->done. $code can be one of the following status codes or an alias:

Status  Alias      Semantics
301     perm       Permanent, method may or may not change to GET
302     temp       Temporary, method may or may not change to GET
303     tempget    Temporary to GET
307     tempsame   Temporary without changing method
308     permsame   Permanent without changing method

TODO: Setting cookies.

TODO: JSON output.

Running the Site

When your script is done setting "Framework Configuration" and registering "Handlers & Routing", it should call FU::run to actually start serving the website:


In normal circumstances, this function does not return.

When FU has been loaded with the -spawn flag, %options are read from the environment variables or command line arguments documented below. Otherwise, the following corresponding options can be passed instead: http, fcgi, proc, monitor, max_reqs, listen_sock.

Command-line options are read only when FU has been loaded with -spawn, the environment variables are always read.


Start a local web server on the given address. addr can be an ip:port combination to listen on TCP, or a path (optionally prefixed with unix:) to listen on a UNIX socket. E.g.

./ --http=
./ --http=unix:/path/to/socket

WARNING: The built-in HTTP server is only intended for local development setups, it is NOT suitable for production deployments. It has no timeouts, does not enforce limits on request size, does not support HTTPS and will never adequately support keep-alive. You could put it behind a reverse proxy, but it currently also lacks provisions for extracting the client IP address from the request headers, so that's not ideal either. Much better to use FastCGI in combination with a proper web server for internet-facing deployments.


Like the HTTP counterpart above, but listen on a FastCGI socket instead. If this option is set, it takes precedence over the HTTP option.

Nginx and Apache will, in their default configuration, use a separate connection per request. If you have a more esoteric setup, you should probably be aware of the following: this implementation does not support multiplexing or pipelining. It does support keepalive, but this comes with a few caveats:

  • You should not attempt to keep more connections alive than the configured number of worker processes, otherwise new connection attempts will stall indefinitely.

  • When using --monitor mode, the file modification check is performed after each request rather than before, so clients may get a response from stale code.

  • When worker processes shut down, either through --max-reqs or in response to a signal, there is a possibility that an incoming request on an existing connection gets interrupted.


How many worker processes to spawn, defaults to 1.

--monitor or --no-monitor

When enabled, worker processes will monitor for file changes and automatically restart on changes. This is immensely useful during development, but comes at a significant cost in performance - better not enable this in production.


Worker processes can automatically restart after handling a number of requests. Set to 0 (the default) to disable this feature. This option can be useful when your worker processes keep accumulating memory over time. A little pruning now and then can never hurt.

--debug or --no-debug

Set the initial value for FU::debug.


Set the initial value for FU::Log::set_file().


Listen for incoming connections on the given file descriptor instead of creating a new listen socket. This is mainly useful if you are using an external process manager.

When --monitor or --max-reqs are set or <--proc> is larger than 1, FU starts a supervisor process to ensure the requested number of worker processes are running and that they are restarted when necessary. When FU has been loaded with the -spawn flag, this supervisor process runs directly from the context of the use FU statement - that is, before the rest of your script has even loaded. This saves valuable resources: the supervisor has no need of your website code nor does it need an active connection to your database to do its job. Without the -spawn flag, the supervisor has to run from FU::run, which is less efficient but does allow for more flexible configuration from within your script.

When not running in supervisor mode, no separate worker processes are started and requests are instead handled directly in the starting process.

In supervisor mode, sending SIGHUP causes all worker processes to reload their code. In both modes, SIGTERM or SIGINT can be used to trigger a clean shutdown.

TODO: Alternate FastCGI spawning options & server config examples.




Yorhel <>