NKTI::general - The Part of CellBIS The Simple Web Framework
The "synopsis" just example to use subroutine in this module. If you want used subroutine for application, you can following or reading in section "explain".
my $os_server_info = NKTI::general->os_server_info();
my $os_info = NKTI::general->os_info();
my $browser_info = NKTI::general->browser_info();
my $delimiter_dir = NKTI::general->delimiter_dir();
my $db_config = NKTI::general->get_dbconfig( $dirloc , $fileloc );
my $time_even_mysql = NKTI::general->time_even_mysql( $time_char );
my $datetime_mysql = NKTI::general->datetime_mysql( $timestamp , $timezone );
cetak $your_string_print ;
cetak( $your_string_print );
cetak_r \ @your_array ;
cetak_r(\ @your_array );
cetak_pre \ @your_array ;
cetak_pre(\ @your_array );
This module only contains several subroutine to give problem solving about Perl for web.
EXPLAIN SUBROUTINE os_server_info()
Description Subroutine :
This subroutine can give OS Server information from file CGI.
Parameter Subroutine :
No parmeter subroutine.
Description subroutine os_info() :
This subroutine can give OS Client information from Client HTTP Request.
Parameter Subroutine os_info() :
No parmeter subroutine.
Description subroutine browser_info() :
This subroutine can identification Browser which in uses client from Client HTTP Request.
Parameter Subroutine :
No Parameter Subroutine.
EXPLAIN SUBROUTINE delimiter_dir()
Description Subroutine :
This subroutine can identify a delimiter based operating system
on the system used to run the current perl.
Parameter Subroutine :
No Parameter Subroutine.
EXPLAIN SUBROUTINE get_dbconfig_php()
Description subroutine get_dbconfig_php() :
This subroutine can read file database config PHP.
And output of subroutine in JSON Format and can used as
parameter database config in module L<NKTI::general::dbconnect>.
Parameter Subroutine :
$filename => Location of file database config.
$dirloc => Location of directory database config.
Contain File Database confi Format :
$db_config = array(
'db_user' => 'your_user' ,
'db_pass' => 'your_pass' ,
'db_name' => 'your_db_name' ,
'db_host' => 'localhost' ,
Example to used subroutine get_dbconfig_php() :
my $filename = 'your_filename.php' ;
my $dirloc = 'your/path/database/config/' ;
my $db_config = NKTI::general->get_dbconfig_php();
cetak $db_config
Description subroutine get_protocol() :
This subroutine can identify a protocol which used. Like "http" or "https" .
Parameter subroutine get_protocol() :
No parameter Subroutine.
Example to used subroutine get_protocol() :
my $get_protocol = NKTI::general->get_protocol();
Description Subroutine :
This subroutine can used to check module is exists in system or module already to load.
Parameter Subroutine :
$module_name => Your module name.
Output of subroutine :
True or false. OR 1 or 0.
EXPLAIN SUBROUTINE time_event_mysql()
Description subroutine time_event_mysql() :
This subroutine is function for convert character time
to format Time Event MySQL.
Parameter subroutine time_event_mysql() :
$time => Character time .
Ex: "1Y" => "tahun" ,
"1M" => "bulan" ,
"1W" => "minggu" ,
"1D" => "Hari" ,
"1H" => "Jam" ,
"1m" => "menit" ,
"1d" => "detik"
Example to used subroutine time_event_mysql() :
my $time_event = NKTI::general->time_event_mysql( '1Y' );
EXPLAIN SUBROUTINE datetime_mysql()
Description subroutine datetime_mysql() :
This subroutine is function for convert UNIX Timestamp
in to MySQL Datetime format . This subroutine must used
with give parameter UNIX timestamp and name of time zone.
This subroutine using moduel "L<DateTime>" .
Parameter subroutine datetime_mysql() :
$timestamp => The UNIX Timestamp format .
$timezone => You name timezone. e.g. Asia/Makassar
head2 Example to used subroutine datetime_mysql() :
my $timestamp = 1493547692;
my $timezone = 'Asia/Makassar' ;
my $datetime = NKTI::general->datetime_mysql( $timestamp , $timezone );
EXPLAIN SUBROUITNE cetak(), cetak_r(), cetak_pre
Description subroutine
- This subroutine cetak() only replaced "print" function.
- This subroutine cetak_r() only replaced "print Dumper" function.
Subroutine cetak_r() can to used for data type, string, array, arrayref, hashref.
- This subroutine cetak_pre() only replaced "print Dumper" and add html tag "<pre></pre>" .
Subroutine cetak_pre() same function subroutine cetak_r().
Parameter subroutine cetak() :
$data => string to will be printed.
Example to used subroutine cetak() :
my $example_string = 'My string' ;
cetak $example_string ;
Example to used subroutine cetak_r() :
This subroutine can used for array, arrayref, hash, hashref, and string. same function "print Dumper".
my @example_arr = (1, 2, 3, 4);
cetak_r \ @example_arr ;
Example to used subroutine cetak_pre() :
This subroutine can used for array, arrayref, hash, hashref, and string. same function "print Dumper".
my @example_arr = (1, 2, 3, 4);
cetak_pre \ @example_arr ;
Achmad Yusri Afandi, (
Copyright (c) 2017, Achmad Yusri Afandi, All Rights reserved.
This is free software, licensed under:
The Artistic License 2.0 (GPL Compatible)