package Algorithm::Graphs::TransitiveClosure::Tiny; use 5.010; use strict; use warnings; use Exporter 'import'; our @EXPORT_OK = qw(floyd_warshall); our $VERSION = '1.01'; sub floyd_warshall { my $graph = shift; my $delEmpty = !shift; my @vertices = do { my %vertices; foreach my $v (keys(%$graph)) { if (%{$graph->{$v}}) { @vertices{$v, keys(%{$graph->{$v}})} = (); } elsif ($delEmpty) { delete $graph->{$v}; } } keys %vertices; }; foreach my $k (@vertices) { foreach my $i (@vertices) { foreach my $j (@vertices) { $graph->{$i}->{$j} = undef if (exists($graph->{$k}) && exists($graph->{$k}->{$j}) && exists($graph->{$i}) && exists($graph->{$i}->{$k}) && !exists($graph->{$i}->{$j})); } } } return $graph; } 1; # End of Algorithm::Graphs::TransitiveClosure::Tiny __END__ =head1 NAME Algorithm::Graphs::TransitiveClosure::Tiny - Calculate the transitive closure. =head1 VERSION Version 1.01 =head1 SYNOPSIS use Algorithm::Graphs::TransitiveClosure::Tiny qw(floyd_warshall); # The hash values here need not to be undef, but floyd_warshall() # only adds undef. my $graph = { 0 => {0 => undef}, 1 => {1 => undef, 2 => undef, 3 => undef}, 2 => {1 => undef, 2 => undef}, 3 => {0 => undef, 2 => undef, 3 => undef}, }; floyd_warshall $graph; print "There is a path from 2 to 0.\n" if exists($graph->{2}) && exists($graph->{2}->{0}); The latter can also be written shorter provided you accept autovivification: print "There is a path from 2 to 0.\n" if exists($graph->{2}->{0}); =head1 DESCRIPTION This module provides a single function, C<floyd_warshall>, which is exported on demand. It is an implementation of the well known I<Floyd-Warshall> algorithm computing the transitive closure of a graph. The code is taken from L<Algorithm::Graphs::TransitiveClosure> but has been modified. The difference is that this implementation of C<floyd_warshall()>: =over =item * works on hashes only, =item * uses C<undef> for hash values, so an incidence must be checked with C<exists()> (but for the input hash you are not forced to use C<undef>), =item * fixes following problem of L<Algorithm::Graphs::TransitiveClosure>: Example: my $g = { 0 => { 2 => 1}, 1 => { 0 => 1}, }; There is an edge from 0 to 2 and an edge from 1 to 0. So the transitive closure would contain an edge from 1 to 2. But calling C<floyd_warshall($g)> from L<Algorithm::Graphs::TransitiveClosure> results in: { 0 => { 2 => 1}, 1 => { 0 => 1}, } No change. The edge from 1 to 2 is missing (you would need to add C<2=E<gt>{}> to C<$g> to get it right). But if you call C<floyd_warshall($g)> from C<Algorithm::Graphs::TransitiveClosure::Tiny>, then the result is correct: { 0 => { 2 => 1}, 1 => { 0 => 1, 2 => undef}, } Edge from 1 to 2 has been added! (Also note that it was possible to use 1 instead of C<undef> as hash value. This value is kept, but the value added by the function is still C<undef>!) =item * By default, C<floyd_warshall($graph)> removes empty subhashes from C<$graph>, e.g. my $graph = { this => {that => undef}, that => {} }; floyd_warshall($graph); will result in { this => {that => undef} } This behavior can be changed by setting optional second argument of C<floyd_warshall> to a true value, i.e., calling C<floyd_warshall($graph, 1)> with the above example hash will not remove C<that =E<gt> {}>. =back For convenience, C<floyd_warshall> returns C<$graph>. For further information refer to L<Algorithm::Graphs::TransitiveClosure>. =head1 AUTHOR Abdul al Hazred, C<< <451 at> >> =head1 BUGS Please report any bugs or feature requests to C<bug-algorithm-graphs-transitiveclosure-tiny at>, or through the web interface at L<>. I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes. =head1 SEE ALSO L<Algorithm::Graphs::TransitiveClosure>, L<Text::Table::Read::RelationOn::Tiny> =head1 SUPPORT You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command. perldoc Algorithm::Graphs::TransitiveClosure::Tiny You can also look for information at: =over 4 =item * RT: CPAN's request tracker (report bugs here) L<> =item * CPAN Ratings L<> =item * Search CPAN L<> =back =head1 LICENSE AND COPYRIGHT This software is copyright (c) 2022 by Abdul al Hazred. This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.