$Id: Changelog 2006/01/06 17:50 $

version 1.15 (2006/01/06):
	- fixed t/05-size.t (now skips if we don't have Devel::Size)

version 1.14 (2006/01/06):

    - fixed compilation on Solaris (thanks to Andre Schmidt for bug report)
    - fixed minor memory leaks
    - added t/05-size.t
    - changed version numbering format
    - minor changes and typo fixes in POD

version 1.1.3 (2005/12/27):

    - fixed typo in Makefile.PL
    - fixed pointer types in XS code

version 1.1.1 (2005/12/22):

    - minor bug fixes
    - fixed typo in POD
    - improved Makefile.PL for locating libgcrypt
    - added t/03-pod.t and t/04-podcoverage.t

version 1.1 (2005/10/10):
	- added finish() to handle partial blocks
	- added padding with null and standard methods
	- added compatibility test with Crypt::CBC

version 1.00 (2005/10/09):

	- new