Revision history for Perl extension template.
1.00 Initial release
1.10 Working with cache ability is added
1.11 Inner method's interface had structured
1.21 New time managment for templates caching. You can set how long
template file will be cached before renew.
2.00 New abilities
* Simultaneous templates using errors is eliminated.
* Alternate interface of using methods is added.
* Method of conditional representation of template CAST_IF is added.
2.01 Cache-file access errors corrected
2.20 Module structure has rebuilt and changes has done
* galore scheme added
* update method deleted and constructor interface changed
* errors of cachefile compiling was corrected
(prefix is deleted, CRLF consecution output is corrected)
* UTF-8 codepage for templates added
* mod_perl 1.00 and 2.00 support added
2.21 Mass data processing error under MS Windows is corrected
2.22 Files in the distribution package are changed
2.23 File access errors corrected
3.00 Changes:
* Full UTF8 support added
* Direct reading of template file from a disk added
* SSL (HTTPS) support added
* Error while getting template via LWP::Simple module fixed
* Ability of use UserAgent, Request and Response objects added (see libwww-perl)