Changes on 2017-03-06 for repository at:
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0.00_04 2017-02-28 19:29:40 +0100 (9c79516 => abeltje)

     Autocommit for distribution MooX::Role::CryptedPassword 0.00_04 (same)

0.00_02 2017-02-28 19:22:29 +0100 (8d86c23 => abeltje)

     A bit of TLC for create_crypted_password

        Processed user comments from the 1st presentation:
        - attempt to read the password from a echoless terminal if
         is available for create_crypted_password (NOT a dependency)
        - add test for create_crypted_password
        - make the cipher configurable in the role and script (default:

0.00_02 2017-02-05 14:44:37 +0100 (7281b89 => abeltje)

     Autocommit for distribution MooX::Role::CryptedPassword 0.00_03 (same)

0.00_02 2017-02-05 14:43:09 +0100 (6870d18 => abeltje)

     Add 'autodie' to the dependency list.

0.00_02 2017-02-01 19:53:54 +0100 (8097244 => abeltje)

     Autocommit for distribution MooX::Role::CryptedPassword 0.00_02 (test)

0.00_01 2017-02-01 19:52:12 +0100 (ed989f7 => abeltje)

     Fix dependencies in Makefile.PL

0.00_01 2017-01-28 12:03:29 +0100 (b16e6ad => abeltje)

     Autocommit for distribution MooX::Role::CryptedPassword 0.00_01 (test)

0.00 2017-01-28 11:39:57 +0100 (35d94dc => abeltje)

     Initial commit.

        A Moo::Role that adds a 'password' attribute to your Moo(se) class. 
        This password can be encrypted (using Rijndael cipher) in a file. 
        Decryption will take place on object instatiation...