package Test::Smoke::App::AppOption; use warnings; use strict; use Carp; our $VERSION = '0.001'; use base 'Test::Smoke::ObjectBase'; our $HTFMT = "%-30s - %s\n"; =head1 NAME Test::Smoke::App::AppOption - Object that represents an Application Option. =head1 SYNOPSIS use Test::Smoke::App::AppOption; my $o = Test::Smoke::App::AppOption->new( ); printf "%s\n", $o->gol_option; print $o->show_helptext; =head1 DESCRIPTION =head2 Test::Smoke::App::AppOption->new(%arguments) =head3 Arguments Named: =over =item name => $basic_option_name [required] =item option => $option_extention (see L<Getopt::Long>) =item allow => $arrary_ref_with alternatives =item default => $default_value =item helptext => $text_to_show_with help =back =head3 Returns An instance. =head3 Exceptions croak()s when: =over =item B<name not set> =item B<allow is not undef or an ArrayRef> =back =cut sub new { my $class = shift; my %args = @_; my $struct = { _name => undef, _option => "", _allow => undef, _default => undef, _helptext => "", }; $struct->{_had_default} = exists $args{default}; for my $known (keys %$struct) { (my $key = $known) =~ s/^_//; $struct->{$known} = delete $args{$key} if exists $args{$key}; } if (!defined($struct->{_name}) || !length($struct->{_name})) { croak("Required option 'name' not given."); } if ( defined($struct->{_allow}) and (ref($struct->{_allow}) !~ /^(?:ARRAY|Regexp|CODE)$/)) { croak("Option 'allow' must be an ArrayRef|CodeRef|RegExp when set"); } # had_default(): order == code < configfile < commandline return bless $struct, $class; } =head2 $otion->allowed($value[, $allow]) Checks if a value is in a set of allowed values. =head3 Arguments Positional. =over =item $value (the value to check) =item $allow [optional] C<$allow> can be: =over 8 =item * ArrayRef => a list of allowed() items =item * Regex => a regex to test C<$value> against. =item * CodeRef => a coderef that is executed with C<$value> =item * other_value => $value eq $other_value (checks for definedness) =back =back =head3 Returns (perl) True of False. =cut sub allowed { my $self = shift; return 1 if !defined $self->allow; my ($value, $allow) = @_; $allow = $self->allow if @_ == 1; GIVEN: { local $_ = ref($allow); /^ARRAY$/ && do { return scalar grep $self->allowed($value, $_), @$allow; }; /^Regexp$/ && do { return ($value || '') =~ $allow; }; /^CODE$/ && do { return $allow->($value); }; # default do { if (!defined $value) { return !defined $allow; } return 0 if !defined $allow; return $value eq $allow; }; } } =head2 $opt->gol_option Getopt::Long compatible option string. =cut sub gol_option { my $self = shift; my $gol = $self->name; if ($self->option !~ /^(=|!|\||$)/) { $gol .= "|"; } $gol .= $self->option; return $gol; } =head2 $opt->show_helptext() sprintf "%-30s - %s", $option_with_allowd, $self->helptext =cut sub show_helptext { my $self = shift; my $prefix = '--'; if ($self->option =~ /!$/) { $prefix .= '[no]'; } my @option = ($prefix . $self->gol_option); if ( defined($self->allow) && ref($self->allow) eq 'ARRAY' && @{$self->allow}) { my @values = sort { lc($a) cmp lc($b) } map defined($_) ? $_ : "'undef'" , @{$self->allow}; my $allowed = join('|', @values); push @option, "<$allowed>"; } my $text = join(" ", @option); return $text if !$self->helptext; return sprintf($HTFMT, $text, $self->helptext); } 1; =head1 COPYRIGHT (c) 2002-2013, Abe Timmerman <> All rights reserved. With contributions from Jarkko Hietaniemi, Merijn Brand, Campo Weijerman, Alan Burlison, Allen Smith, Alain Barbet, Dominic Dunlop, Rich Rauenzahn, David Cantrell. This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. See: =over 4 =item * L<> =item * L<> =back This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. =cut