0.17 2023-11-11T12:38:33+01:00 (908076a => Abe Timmerman)
 - (Abe Timmerman, Sat, 11 Nov 2023 12:38:33 +0100) Autocommit for
   distribution V 0.17 (minor)

0.16_03 2023-11-10T19:40:30+01:00 (b8a9cbe => Abe Timmerman)
 - (Abe Timmerman, Fri, 10 Nov 2023 19:40:30 +0100) Autocommit for
   distribution V 0.16_03 (test)
 - (Abe Timmerman, Sat, 11 Nov 2023 12:22:10 +0100) Last minute
   documentation work
 -     Describe the new behaviour.

0.16_02 2023-11-10T16:26:04+01:00 (e679804 => Abe Timmerman)
 - (Abe Timmerman, Fri, 10 Nov 2023 16:26:04 +0100) Autocommit for
   distribution V 0.16_02 (test)
 - (Abe Timmerman, Fri, 10 Nov 2023 19:24:49 +0100) Update t::Test::abeltje
   to 1.09
 - (Abe Timmerman, Fri, 10 Nov 2023 19:25:12 +0100) Make an effort: we
   support 5.10.1
 -     The 'package Name 0.42' syntax is 5.12+ so, we need to account for
 -     This syntax shouldn't have an expression for the version, so it's
 -     that what you parsed as version. warn() for $] < 5.012.

0.16_01 2023-11-10T15:30:39+01:00 (4de489d => Abe Timmerman)
 - (Abe Timmerman, Fri, 10 Nov 2023 15:30:39 +0100) Autocommit for
   distribution V 0.16_01 (test)
 - (Abe Timmerman, Fri, 10 Nov 2023 16:23:21 +0100) Path need to be
   portable, use File::Spec!

0.16 2022-05-26T13:23:29+02:00 (47e59b4 => Abe Timmerman)
 - (Abe Timmerman, Thu, 26 May 2022 13:23:29 +0200) Autocommit for
   distribution V 0.16 (minor)
 - (abeltje, Tue, 28 Feb 2023 09:19:53 +0100) Add the debian/ directory.
 -     Change the bugtracker to GitHub.
 - (Abe Timmerman, Fri, 10 Nov 2023 10:09:18 +0100) Start development
 - (Abe Timmerman, Fri, 10 Nov 2023 11:24:30 +0100) Take package $version
   over $VERSION=$version
 -     This was raised in GitHub Issue 1:
 -     So now we take current package into account (starting off with *
 -     if we can find a specific version for the package, we take that;
 -     otherwise we take the version for 'any'.
 - (Abe Timmerman, Fri, 10 Nov 2023 11:52:32 +0100) Add 'class' versions as
 - (Abe Timmerman, Fri, 10 Nov 2023 15:05:34 +0100) Show all
   packages/classes in a file
 -     This was a request: show all package-names and class-names in the
 -     if they have a version, also show that.
 -     We still look for `«File::Spec->catfile(split(/::/, $module)) .
 -     anywhere in @INC.
 - (Abe Timmerman, Fri, 10 Nov 2023 15:13:57 +0100) bugtracker is part of
   resources in CPAN::Meta

0.15_01 2022-05-25T19:20:25+02:00 (2b8973d => Abe Timmerman)
 - (Abe Timmerman, Wed, 25 May 2022 19:20:25 +0200) Autocommit for
   distribution V 0.15_01 (test)
 - (Abe Timmerman, Thu, 26 May 2022 13:22:41 +0200) Update version in

0.15 2021-05-13T17:48:24+02:00 (984b594 => Abe Timmerman)
 - (Abe Timmerman, Thu, 13 May 2021 17:48:24 +0200) Autocommit for
   distribution V 0.15 (minor)
 - (Abe Timmerman, Wed, 25 May 2022 19:07:22 +0200) update to
   t::Test::abeltje 1.06
 - (Abe Timmerman, Wed, 25 May 2022 19:16:36 +0200) Add check for new
   version syntax
 -     We now support the `package Blah 0.42` syntax.

0.14_01 2021-05-12T18:52:57+02:00 (33bea16 => Abe Timmerman)
 - (Abe Timmerman, Wed, 12 May 2021 18:52:57 +0200) Autocommit for
   distribution V 0.14_01 (test)

0.14 2021-05-11T10:09:04+02:00 (3819d91 => Abe Timmerman)
 - (Abe Timmerman, Tue, 11 May 2021 10:09:04 +0200) Autocommit for
   distribution V 0.14 (minor)
 - (Abe Timmerman, Wed, 12 May 2021 18:51:27 +0200) Update our
 -     After reading the Test::Warnings docs (again) the CPANTesters errors
 -     were to be expected

0.13_04 2021-05-11T01:30:36+02:00 (4e1e942 => Abe Timmerman)
 - (Abe Timmerman, Tue, 11 May 2021 01:30:36 +0200) Autocommit for
   distribution V 0.13_04 (test)

0.13_03 2021-05-10T18:39:36+02:00 (32ae160 => Abe Timmerman)
 - (Abe Timmerman, Mon, 10 May 2021 18:39:36 +0200) Autocommit for
   distribution V 0.13_03 (test)
 - (Abe Timmerman, Tue, 11 May 2021 01:30:05 +0200) Fix more things for

0.13_02 2021-05-06T23:37:12+02:00 (f6f9add => Abe Timmerman)
 - (Abe Timmerman, Thu, 6 May 2021 23:37:12 +0200) Autocommit for
   distribution V 0.13_02 (same)
 - (Abe Timmerman, Mon, 10 May 2021 18:37:56 +0200) Update the
   (test)dependencies for t::Test::abeltje.

0.13_01 2021-05-06T00:16:18+02:00 (d7f4f5f => Abe Timmerman)
 - (Abe Timmerman, Thu, 6 May 2021 00:16:18 +0200) Autocommit for
   distribution V 0.13_01 (test)
 - (Abe Timmerman, Thu, 6 May 2021 23:30:42 +0200) Introduce
 -     This needed some kwalitee changes, mostly in POD

0.00_00 2003-03-09T23:16:24+00:00 (fc60a31 => abeltje)
 - (abeltje, Sun, 9 Mar 2003 23:16:24 +0000) Create space for the V module
 -     git-svn-id: https://source.test-smoke.org/repos/cpan/trunk/V@64
 - (abeltje, Sun, 9 Mar 2003 23:17:33 +0000) Initial import of V-0.06
 -     git-svn-id: https://source.test-smoke.org/repos/cpan/trunk/V@65
 - (abeltje, Sun, 9 Mar 2003 23:37:05 +0000) Change the way we C<< use lib
   $lib; >> for Test-More
 -     git-svn-id: https://source.test-smoke.org/repos/cpan/trunk/V@66
 - (abeltje, Sun, 9 Mar 2003 23:38:13 +0000) $VERSION += 0.01
 -     git-svn-id: https://source.test-smoke.org/repos/cpan/trunk/V@67
 - (abeltje, Sun, 9 Mar 2003 23:40:16 +0000) $VERSION += 0.01
 -     git-svn-id: https://source.test-smoke.org/repos/cpan/trunk/V@68
 - (abeltje, Fri, 22 Aug 2003 01:46:32 +0000) * [REMOVE] No more
   Test::More, make it a PREREQ
 -     git-svn-id: https://source.test-smoke.org/repos/cpan/trunk/V@70
 - (abeltje, Fri, 22 Aug 2003 01:49:41 +0000) * [FIX] make the tests pass
 -     git-svn-id: https://source.test-smoke.org/repos/cpan/trunk/V@71
 - (abeltje, Fri, 22 Aug 2003 01:51:06 +0000) * [CHANGE]
 -	 general cleanup and $VERSION += 0.01
 -     git-svn-id: https://source.test-smoke.org/repos/cpan/trunk/V@72
 - (abeltje, Fri, 22 Aug 2003 01:53:24 +0000) * [PRIVATE] do the
   ChangeLog/Changes dance
 -     git-svn-id: https://source.test-smoke.org/repos/cpan/trunk/V@73
 - (abeltje, Fri, 16 Jan 2004 12:58:27 +0000) * [FIX] by Merijn Brand
 -	 fix a syntax error in the PREREQ_PM target
 -     git-svn-id: https://source.test-smoke.org/repos/cpan/trunk/V@74
 - (abeltje, Fri, 16 Jan 2004 13:09:03 +0000) * [ADD]
 -	 feature request by Merijn Brand:
 -	   Can you add a sub that returns the version only for a given
 -	 added a test for V::get_version
 -	 VERSION += 0.01
 -     git-svn-id: https://source.test-smoke.org/repos/cpan/trunk/V@75
 - (abeltje, Fri, 16 Jan 2004 13:13:13 +0000) * regen Changes for 0.09
 -     git-svn-id: https://source.test-smoke.org/repos/cpan/trunk/V@76
 - (abeltje, Wed, 24 Mar 2004 06:43:27 +0000) * [CHANGE]
 -	 added the license stuff
 -     git-svn-id: https://source.test-smoke.org/repos/cpan/trunk/V@77
 - (abeltje, Wed, 24 Mar 2004 06:44:42 +0000) * Regen Changes for 0.10
 -     git-svn-id: https://source.test-smoke.org/repos/cpan/trunk/V@78
 - (abeltje, Fri, 3 Feb 2006 16:04:17 +0000) * [CHANGE]
 -	 add untainting stuff by Stas Bekman (2004/03/24)
 -     git-svn-id: https://source.test-smoke.org/repos/cpan/trunk/V@79
 - (abeltje, Fri, 3 Feb 2006 17:07:51 +0000) * Regenerate Changes for V
 -     git-svn-id: https://source.test-smoke.org/repos/cpan/trunk/V@80
 - (abeltje, Fri, 31 Mar 2006 14:03:49 +0000) * [PRIVATE]
 -	 redo 01basic.t for core
 -     git-svn-id: https://source.test-smoke.org/repos/cpan/trunk/V@82
 - (abeltje, Fri, 31 Mar 2006 15:28:21 +0000) * [CHANGE]
 -	 small rework of the AUTHOR/LICENSE sections in pod
 -     git-svn-id: https://source.test-smoke.org/repos/cpan/trunk/V@83
 - (abeltje, Fri, 31 Mar 2006 15:29:56 +0000) * [CORE]
 -	 put the tests for the core-distribution in their own directory
 -     git-svn-id: https://source.test-smoke.org/repos/cpan/trunk/V@84
 - (abeltje, Wed, 7 Nov 2007 00:10:02 +0000) * [CHANGE]
 -	 FIX: bug reported by Merijn:
 -	       my $version = map { "$_ " . V::get_version( $_ ) } qw/ Cwd
 -	   "Modification of a read-only value attempted"
 -	   local()ize $_ before reading the file to find the version
 -     git-svn-id: https://source.test-smoke.org/repos/cpan/trunk/V@85
 - (abeltje, Wed, 7 Nov 2007 00:11:35 +0000) * Regenerate Changes for V
 -     git-svn-id: https://source.test-smoke.org/repos/cpan/trunk/V@86
 - (Abe Timmerman, Wed, 5 May 2021 23:38:36 +0200) Fix bug with v-strings
   and update repository
 -     Whenever a module used a v-string-version the module would return
 -     we now use the core module 'version' to make sure we also return a
 -     version for these cases.
 -     Moved V.pm to the lib/ directory
 -     Moved README to README.md and added some markdown
 -     added a .gitignore and MANIFEST.SKIP
 - (Abe Timmerman, Thu, 6 May 2021 00:14:28 +0200) Fix test to also run
   under 'prove'