Revision history for CtrlO::PDF

0.08 Wed Jan 06 2021

    * remove PDF::API2 as a prerequisite, allowing PDF::Builder to be used
      (and if absent, look for PDF::API2). The PDFlib option can be used to
      specify either PDF::API2 or PDF::Builder (the default) as your PDF
      support library.
    * PDF::API2 removed as an installation prerequisite (either PDF::API2 or
      PDF::Builder is needed to run). If neither is installed, Makefile.PL 
      will install PDF::Builder (easily configured which).
    * use instead of README, to get formatting
    * Fix infinite loop if text is too long to fit on one-line. This fix
      implements a workaround, which removes the word that is too long, carps,
      and then continues.

0.07 Tue Dec 22 2020

    * minor corrections and cleanup to make POD and README consistent
    * make example (POD, README) fully working, save out.pdf file
    * put example ( and logo.png into new sample/ directory
    * update version number in META.json and META.yml

0.06 Tue Nov 24 2020

    * Add header option
    * Reduce bottom margin if no footer defined

0.05 Thu Jul 2 2020

    * Automatically add space for logo whenever starting new page
    * Make sure space for table if at end of page
    * Add size option to text
    * Add move_y_position and change name of current_y
    * Add options to get and set y position
    * Add indent option

0.04 Tue Oct 1 2019

    * Fix uninitialized value warning when no logo specified (thanks Mike West)

0.03 Fri Apr 26 2019

    * Another attempt to add the missing font files

0.02 Mon Apr 15 2019

    * Fix failing test due to missing default font (thanks Tom Hukins). A
      better longer term solution would probably allow the module to not depend
      on any fonts - PRs welcome.

0.01 Sun Aug 12 2018

    * Initial release