Badger::Changes - Summary of changes in the Badger toolkit

    This document contains a brief overview of what has changed between
    successive version of the Badger toolkit.

    Badger is now considered to be mature, stable, reliable, and unlikely to
    change significantly in future versions.

  Version 0.15 - 24th August 2022
    Added "filename_format" option to Badger::Log::File.

  Version 0.14 - 16th August 2022
    Added support for Cpanel::JSON::XS to Badger::Codec::JSON.

    Added strftime option to Badger::Log.

  Version 0.13 - 18th October 2018
    Silenced various "used only once" warnings.

    Win32 fixes for Badger::Filesystem::Virtual.

  Version 0.12 - 12th December 2016
    Added some tests for YAML modules in 3 test scripts that were failing.

  Version 0.11 - 11th December 2016
    Fix for missing file in distribution.

  Version 0.10 - 11th December 2016
    Added Badger::Comparable, Badger::Date, Badger::Duration,
    Badger::Filter, Badger::Progress, Badger::Workplace, Badger::Workspace
    and Badger::Config::Filesystem.

    Refactored parts of Badger::Config.

    Changed Badger::Base message() method to allow message formats to be
    defined in "$self-"{ messages }> when $self is a blessed hash object.

    Added no_config() method to Badger::Hub.

    Fixed a bug in the auto_can feature of Badger::Class::Methods which
    prevented it from working with subclasses.

    Fixed a bug in Badger::Debug dump_ref() to make it directly call other
    "dump_XXX()" functions instead of relying on inheritance of those
    methods through $self.

    Added plurality(), inflect(), list_each(), hash_each(), extend(),
    merge(), split_to_list(), join_uri() and resolve_uri(), to

    Added additional delegate hooks to Badger::Utils to load utility
    functions in Badger::Filesystem, Badger::Timestamp, Badger::Duration,
    Badger::Logic and Badger::URL.

    Squashed a non-numerical warning in Badger::Timestamp.

    Added the UTF8, JSON and YAML constants to Badger::Constants.

    Fixed Badger::Codec::YAML to work better with YAML::XS and
    Badger::Codec::JSON to work better with JSON::XS.

    Fixed a typo/bug in the "type_args()" in Badger::Factory method which
    was returning the wrong argument list.

    Fixed a parser bug in Badger::Logic.

    Fixes to silence warnings in perl 5.22.

  Version 0.09 - 8th February 2012
    Added Badger::Codec::Timestamp. Changed Badger::Timestamp to numify
    values to remove leading zeroes (e.g. 2012/04/20 now yields a month of 4
    instead of 04).

    Fixed some obscure bugs in the module loading code in Badger::Class and
    related modules that could potentially cause unpredictable results on
    case insensitive file systems (e.g. Apple's HFS with default settings).

    Added the restat() method to Badger::Filesystem::Path.

    Added documentation for various methods that was missing. Temporary
    disabled the Pod::Coverage tests on AUTOMATED_TESTING systems. We know
    there's still stuff to do.

    Added SLASH to Badger::Constants

  Version 0.08 - 13th January 2012
    Restored the $VERSION variable to rather than using the
    "version" import hook in Badger::Class which confused PAUSE.

    Changed Badger::Test::Manager to detect undefined results.

    Merged Michael Grubb's bug fix for Badger::Base:

    Fixed some minor documentation issues.

  Version 0.07 - 2nd January 2012
    Added Badger::Storage, Badger::Storage::Memory. and

    Added Badger::Codec::TT.

    Added the permissions() method to Badger::Filesystem::Path. Added
    temp_directory() and temp_file() methods to Badger::Filesystem. Also
    changed the Path(), File() and Dir() functions to short-circuit and
    return if passed a single object that is already of the expected type.

    Added some extra comparison methods to Badger::Timestamp (not_equal(),
    (not_before() and not_after()) and overloaded these and other methods
    onto the "==", "!=", "<", ">", "<=" and ">=" operators.

    Added the export_before() and export_after() methods to

    Added the if_env import hook and "-a|Badger::Test/all()" option to
    Badger::Test to make it easier to define tests that don't get run unless
    a particular environment variable is set (e.g. for Pod coverage/kwalitee
    tests that you only want to run if either of the "RELEASE_TESTING" or
    "AUTOMATED_TESTING" environment variables is set).

    Added the random_name(), camel_case() and permute_fragments() functions
    to Badger::Utils. Also add some extra debugging code to params() and
    self_params() to catch any attempt to pass an odd number of arguments.

    Changed the Badger::Factory module to use permute_fragments() on the
    module path when specified as a single string. Also added the default()
    and names() methods along with their corresponding package variable

    Added the debug_callers(), debugf() and debug_at() methods to

    Added the alias() method to Badger::Class.

    Added the auto_can() method to Badger::Class::Methods.

    Changed the Badger::Class::Config module to store the configuration
    scheme in $CONFIG_SCHEMA instead of $CONFIG.

    Added the Badger::Codec::HTML module which defines the "html" codec.

    Changed the throw() method in Badger::Base to pass the exception type to

    Changed the try() method in Badger::Base to preserve the list/scalar
    calling context and to handle false but defined values.

    Cleaned up and generalised the Badger::Hub module. The Badger-specific
    data has now been moved into Badger::Hub::Badger. The "configure()"
    method is now called construct().

  Version 0.06
    Added copy_file() and move_file() to Badger::Filesystem and copy() and
    move() methods to Badger::Filesystem::File.

    Added chmod_path() to Badger::Filesystem and chmod() to

    Added Bin() to Badger::Filesystem.

    Added the encoding() method to Badger::Filesystem::File for specifying
    the encoding of a file, along with the utf8(), bytes(), crlf() and raw()
    methods for enabling different encoding layers.

    Added the codec() method to Badger::Filesystem::File for specifying a
    serialisation codec to use in conjunction with the new data() method.

    Added Badger::Timestamp. This is returned by the new created(),
    accessed() and modified() methods in Badger::Filesystem::Path.

    Added Badger::Logic.

    Added Badger::Log and Badger::Log::File.

    Added numlike() to Badger::Utils as an alias for "looks_like_number".
    It's the numerical counterpart to textlike() and is significantly easier
    to type.

    Added debug_msg() to Badger::Base. Also added the "Badger::Base::Trial"
    class definition for use with the try() method.

    Added lib import hook to Badger.

    Added bclass as an alias for class in Badger::Class.

    Changed Badger::Class::Config to maintain the order of configuration
    parameters where possible (i.e. when expressed as a list ref rather than
    a hash ref). Also added "target:var" fallback which looks in the target
    object or hash ref for the variable. This allows options to default to
    the values set by preceeding options.

    Changed Badger::Codec::JSON to use JSON::XS if available.

    Mr T is now using Badger 0.06 in production code and is happy to report
    that everything seems to be working rather well. Anyone for a game of

  Version 0.05 - 23rd December 2008
    Refactored Badger::Factory.

    Added support to Badger::Exporter for the "=" pseudo-sigil which can be
    used to create constants on the fly.

        package Badger::Example;
        use Badger::Class
            exports => {
                tags => {
                    math => {
                        e   => '=2.718',
                        pi  => '=3.142',
                        phi => '=1.618',

        package main;
        use Badger::Example ':math';

        print e;            # 2.718
        print pi;           # 3.142
        print phi;          # 1.618

    Mr T is starting to feel rather confident about building a production
    system based on Badger v0.05.

  Version 0.04 - 2nd December 2008
    Added the throw_msg() method to Badger::Base.

    Added init_method hook to Badger::Class and initialiaser() to

    Changed Badger::Exception match_type() method to accept a list or hash
    reference, or a string of whitespace delimited exception types.

    Changed Badger::Factory to pass $name as an argument to various methods.
    Also passes arguments to load() (required for Template::TT2::Plugins)
    Also modified item() to accept a non-textlike type argument which
    bypasses the module lookup.

    Moved a whole bunch of stuff out of Badger::Class into
    "Badger::Class::*" modules.

    Added Badger::Class::Config for simple configuration.

    Added hash() method to Badger::Methods and hash_methods hook to

    Added trace() hook and related paraphernalia to Badger::Exception. Added
    the "-t" / "--trace" command line options to Badger::Test to enable it
    when running tests. Also added "-h" / "--help" options.

    Added Codec() exportable subroutine to Badger::Codecs.

    Added Badger::Codec::URL. It's similar to Badger::Codec::URI, but
    slightly different. See the TT uri/url filters for the reason.

    Changed the prototype() method in Badger::Prototype to accept a single
    "undef" value to clear any current prototype. Also added the
    has_prototype() method.

    Mr T is looking on the bright side about the possibility of building a
    production system based on Badger v0.04, but still advises caution.

  Version 0.03 - 7th October 2008
    Added delegate loaders to Badger. This provides some semantic sugar for
    loading a bunch of different "Badger::*" modules in one go.

        use Badger
            Filesystem  => 'FS $Bin',
            Codecs      => 'storable base64',
            Debug       => {
                modules => 'My::Module',

    Added different() to Badger::Test::Manager.

    Added textlike() to Badger::Utils

    Added the overload as_text and is_true import hooks and related method
    to Badger::Class. These delegate to the "overload" module.

    Added the print method to Badger::Filesystem::File.

    Added support for dynamic root directories to

    Added the defaults and aliases hooks to Badger::Class, implemented by
    Badger::Class::Defaults and Badger::Class::Aliases, respectively. There
    are still experimental.

    Fixed up some stat handling in Badger::Filesystem to help with
    subclassing in Badger::Filesystem::Virtual

    Mr T pities the fool that attempts to builds a production system based
    on Badger version 0.03 without first evaluating it carefully and reading
    the documentation.

  Version 0.02 - 6th September 2008
    Badger::Class got the vars method and hook for declaring and defining

    Badger::Utils gained the ability to load and export functions from
    Scalar::Util, List::Util, List::MoreUtils, Hash::Util and Digest::MD5.

    Various documentation updates.

    Mr T admires the tenacity of anyone attempting to build a production
    system based on Badger v0.02 and hopes they have a thorough test suite.

  Version 0.01 - 27th August 2008
    This was the first release version.

    Mr T pities the fool who builds a production system based on Badger

    Andy Wardley <>

    Copyright (C) 2008-2013 Andy Wardley. All Rights Reserved.

    This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
    under the same terms as Perl itself.