# Changes 
#   Revision history for Template Toolkit.
#   Andy Wardley   <abw@cre.canon.co.uk>
# $Id: Changes,v 1.43 1999/08/16 15:05:09 abw Exp $

# Version 0.25  1999/08/16 14:44:45

* Third public beta release.

* Added 'ttree' utility for process directory trees of template files,
  akin to the 'metapage' script in Text::MetaText.  Not yet documented 
  and missing a few features but very much working and useful.

* Added PRE_PROCESS and POST_PROCESS options to denote template files
  for processing before and after templates.  Changed organisation of
  Context module a little, adding explicit localise() and delocalise()
  methods. Added t/preproc.t.

* Change Template::process() method to accept optional third and fourth
  parameters, $output and $error, to denote output and/or error destinations
  for processing that template only.  The process() method calls the 
  context redirect() for output and/or error, processes the template file
  and then restores them to their previous values, effectively closing
  any files that may have been opened.  The destination may now also be
  a filename relative to OUTPUT_PATH which is constructed and passed 
  to output_handler() (see next item).  Added t/output.t.

* Modified Template::Utils:output_handler() to accept a string as a
  destination, treat it as a filename, open the file and return a glob,
  created by Symbol::gensym containing the file handle.

* Various minor documentation updates.

* Added t/accessor.t and made minor changes to t/texpectl.pl.

# Version 0.24  1999/08/12 22:04:26

* Second public beta release.

* Improved FILTERS configuration option which now allows filter 
  constructors (factories) to be defined.  These take responsibility
  for creating filter instances as they are required.

  directives.  Re-wrote the overview and summary sections, moved some
  bits around, generally improved various other parts of the docs.
  The Template.pod and README file are now constructed automatically 
  by the 'make dist' from source in doc/src, using bin/mkdoc.

* Removed operating-system dependant code which was detecting and
  storing path separators.  I realised that if everyone uses '/' as
  the path separator, then Perl will do the conversion automagically.  
  Much easier.  This also means that the OS, PATH_SEP and PATH_SPLIT 
  options are no longer required.  

* Deleted old and boring 'examples' directory.

* Deleted obsolete code from Template::Debug.pm

# Version 0.23  1999/08/10 12:12:07

* Interim (non-public) release.  This will become the next public 
  beta release once the documentation has been updated to reflect 
  the following changes.  For now, the best source of inspiration for 
  usage of new features can be found in the relevant test scripts.

* Added PROCESS directive which acts like INCLUDE but doesn't localise
  variables.  This allows configuration files, etc., to update non-local
  variables.  Added t/process.t to test suite.

* Added IMPORT directive to copy all members of a hash into the main 
  namespace.  Added t/import.t to test suite.

* Added WHILE directive to repeat a loop while an expression evaluates
  true.  The $Template::Directive::While::MAXITER variable defines an
  upper iteration limit and kills the loop with an error if it is exceeded.
  By default this value is set to 1000.  Added t/while.t to test suite.

* Added BREAK directive to prematurely exit FOREACH or WHILE loop.  Added 
  t/break.t to test suite and updated t/while.t and t/foreach.t.

* Added TAGS directive to allow per-file switching of the tokens that mark
  the start and end of directives.  Added t/tags.t to test suite

* Added FILTER directive to allow post-processing of output.  Filters
  are defined in the Template::Plugin::Filter module.  The Context 
  use_filter() method simply calls use_plugin(), requesting the 'filter'
  plugin module, providing he filter name and any additional parameters
  specified.  Thus "FILTER foo(bar)" is roughly equivalent to 
  "USE filter('foo', bar)".  Added t/filter.t to test suite.

* Changed Context to allow multiple PLUGIN_BASE packages to be defined.

* Added Template::OS module to autodetect operating system and return
  specific values such as path separator.  The Context creates an OS 
  object and stores it internally.

* Added OS option to Template.pm to specify operating system to override
  the autodetect.

* Changed old DIR_SEPARATOR option to PATH_SEP and old PATH_SEPARATOR to 
  PATH_SPLIT.  These are defaulted based on OS if not specified.

* Removed some old code which allowed an absolute filename to be specified
  and opened by the cache.  This isn't a bad thing, per se, but needs
  to be optional and disabled by default.  

* Added an AUTOLOAD method to Template.pm to delegate to Context object.
  Template redirect() removed, given that it is now accessible via 

* Added inc() and dec() root functions to the Context object which get 
  evaluated to simple increment/decrement subs when called as root 
  variables and not otherwise defined.  This may be extended in the 
  future to provide default object/package whose methods/subs should be 
  called when root variables are requested but not defined.

# Version 0.22  1999/08/04 20:37:43

* First public beta release.

* Updated all of the documentation.  The general toolkit document, 
  Template-Toolkit.pod has been deleted and its content moved into

* Added facility to escape '$' in a document (and then have it correctly 
  unescaped) to avoid unintentionally referencing a variable when 
  INTERPOLATE is on.  Added test to t/interp.t

* Changed default tag style to be '[% blah_blah %]' whilst also supporting
  the old '%% blah_blah %%' style.  The TAG_STYLE parameter may be 
  specified as 'regular' ([% ...%]), 'percent' (%% ... %%) or 'default'
  (both of the above - [\[%]% ... %[\]%]).  The START_TAG and END_TAG 
  may still be specified and will override any values set by the TAG_STYLE.

* Added ERROR directive to allow reporting of errors via the $context->error()
  method, which by default writes to STDERR.  Changed 'error' variable as 
  passed to a CATCH block to 'e' to avoid a name clash with 'ERROR'.  Added
  t/error.t to test suite.

* Added CASE option, which by default is set to 0 to indicate non-case 
  sensitivity of *KEYWORDS* (variables are always case sensitive).
  When set off, a keyword such as 'INCLUDE' can be specified in any
  case.  When set on, all keywords must be expressed in exact, upper
  case.  Lower or mixed case versions of the same words (e.g. 'include',
  'for', 'Filter') are treated as variables.  The only exceptions are 
  'and', 'or' and 'not' which can *always* be expressed in any case.
  Added t/case.t to test.

* Added interpolation of "\n" into double-quoted text strings.

* Added THROW directive and t/throw.t to test it.  Usage is:
  %% THROW type info %%, mapping 'type' to a %% CATCH type %%.

* Improved handling of exceptions, blocking only multiple occurances
  of the same exception type.  Nested exception throwing now works OK.

* Added a catch($type, $handler) method to Template::Context for installing
  exception handlers.  Changed Template::Directive::Catch->process() to 
  call this method.

* Fixed memory leak caused by circular dependency rooted at Context.
  Template.pm DESTROY method calls context->old() to perform clearup.

* Removed ERROR_PARSE ('parse' exception) and made it a case of ERROR_FILE

* Removed redundant EXPAND_* constants from Template::Constants.

# Version 0.21  1999/07/28 16:12:58

* Fifth (and final?) alpha release.

* Improved Template::Iterator to allow data items to be ordered by an 
  external function or by one of the default ordering styles: 'sorted'
  or 'reverse'.  The Iterator will also accept an action parameter
  which is called on each iteration.  These can be set by passing an
  additional hash reference to the iterator constructor containing ORDER
  and/or ACTION keys.  e.g.
  my $iterator = Template::Iterator->new(['foo', 'bar', 'baz'], 
			{ ORDER => 'sorted', ACTION => \&format_data });

  These can also be added as named parameters in parenthesis after a 
  list constructor, e.g.

  %% FOREACH user = [ tom dick harry ] ( order => 'sorted') %%
  %% END %%

  %% iterator = [ foo bar baz ] ( order => 'reverse' ) %%
  %% INCLUDE winner FOREACH person = iterator %%

* Added the Template::Plugin::Format module which implements a very 
  simple plugin for creating sprintf-like formatting functions.  e.g. 
  %% USE format; bold = format('<b>%s</b>'); bold('foo'); bold('bar') %%
  %% FOREACH [ foo bar baz]( order='sorted' action=format('-- %s --') ) %%
  etc., etc.  See t/format.t for examples.

* Added thrown() method and internal flag to Template::Exception to 
  indicate if it has been handled by the $context->thrown() method.
  Changed Template::Directive::Block to throw any unthrown exceptions
  it recevies to the $context->throw() method.  The upshot is that 
  user code can now simply C<return (undef, Template::Exception->new(...))>
  and the calling block loop will throw the exception.  Previously, the 
  user code was required to directly call $context->throw() to raise an 
  exception.  User code is no longer passed a reference to the context 
  (although plugin objects have an internal reference they can use) so 
  this would not have been possible otherwise.  Fixed a couple of other 
  minor bugs in the exception throwing/handling in the process.

* Finalised the return protocol for user code and object methods and 
  implemented.  Code/methods may return a value and optionally, an 
  additional status.  The status code may be a Template::Exception
  (see previous item).  An undefined value returned will raise an
  'undef' exception unless the error is already defined.  If the 
  error is STATUS_OK (0) then the calue will be silently converted 
  to an empty string ''.

* Added tests t/code.t adnd t/object.t to test variable bindings to 
  user code and objects respectively.  Added t/private.t to test that
  members prefixed with '_' or '.' remain unexposed.

* Added OP_TOLERANT as a temporary fix to set a flag to prevent the 
  context runop() method from automatically raising an undef exception
  when it resolves a variable to an undefined value.  This is to allow
  directives such as IF to tolerate undefined values without raising 
  exceptions.  Added tests to t/if.t to test this.

* Fixed another instance of the OP_NOT bug (previously fixed in 0.18)
  which manifested itself when UNLESS was used as a side-effect, e.g. 
  %% RETURN UNLESS something_to_do %%.  Added tests to t/unless.t to 

* Fixed minor bug in the parser which wasn't allowing a trailing comma
  in an argument or named parameter list.  Updated t/hash.t and added 
  t/list.t to test this and other related issues.

* Added public context() method to Template.pm to return internal
  context reference.

# Version 0.20  1999/07/27 12:59:08

* Fourth public alpha release.

* Fixed bug in Context throw() method which was causing re-entrancy 
  problems in CATCH handlers.  Also changed to pass a variable named 
  'error' into the CATCH block containing the members 'type' and 'info'.
  e.g. %% CATCH undef %% <!-- $error.info --> %% END %%.  Added tests
  to t/catch.t.

* Added '+' chomp option to compliment '-' option.  The '+' disables chomping
  for that directive, the '-' forces it.  Improved the PRE_CHOMP to work 
  better when POST_CHOMP is also enabled and to pre-chomp correctly on the 
  first line of the file.  And hopefully, all this without screwing up line

* Fixed grammar to allow literals as lvalues.

* Changed BLOCK definition grammar to allow names that contain dots and 
  slashes as per INCLUDE.  These are treated as literal.

* Fixed bug in FOREACH which was causing an undefined variable reference
  to go un-noticed.  

* Changed FOREACH to clone (localise) a stash context so that it
  doesn't trample on previously defined variables.  In addition, it
  will also automagically import the members of HASH references that
  are returned by each iteration when a target loop variable isn't

  This now allows you to write things like:
     %% FOREACH userlist %%
        $name ($id)
     %% END %%

  Instead of:
     %% FOREACH user = userlist %%
	$user.name ($user.id)
     %% END %%

* added tests to t/foreach.t to verify the above behaviour.

* added test scripts binop.t, chomp.t, prechomp.t, postchomp.t
  and skel.t.  Extended/improved tests in if.t, predefs.t.

* Fixed bug in tokeniser that was failing to recognise '!='. 

# Version 0.19  1999/07/26 19:53:39

* Third public alpha release.

* Added Template::Plugin and engaged the USE directive to load plugin
  modules, instantiate plugin objects and bind them to variables in 
  the stash.  Modified the grammar a little to build the appropriate 
  reduction for the parenthesised parameters that may be passed from 
  the USE directive.  Wrote simple stubs for Template::Plugin::CGI and 

* Fixed bug in UNLESS which was using the old '!' character instead of
  OP_NOT.  Added t/unless.t to test UNLESS directive and IF directive
  with logical negation operator ('!', aka OP_NOT)

* Changed INCLUDE parameter to allow '/' as well as '.' within the name.
  This is in addition to the regular \w characters permitted.  Names 
  containing any other characters must be quoted.  Updated t/include.t
  to add test for this.

* Fixed bug that was causing the 'and' and 'or' boolean operations to 
  not be recognised unless specified in UPPER CASE.  

* Added t/direcive.t to test general directive options (e.g. chomping,
  whitespace and case insensitivity, etc.

* Fixed IMPORT option and added t/import.t test.

* Fixed EXPORT and added t/export.t test.

# Version 0.18  1999/07/23 11:50

* Second public alpha release

* Re-wrote the parser grammar and associated runtime support for the 
  very last time.  The grammar needs some polishing and there are a 
  couple of ugly/elegant hacks (depending on your perspective)  
  to manage special cases for INCLUDE, in particular.  These
  could be improved, but they work for now.

* The language now fully supports multiple namespace variables of 
  which any sub-element might be represented by a variable, hash array
  or entry, list, code reference or object.  The runtime opcode loop
  evaluates these with respect to one another where joined by '.'

* Parameters can be specified to any individual element.  e.g. foo(a).bar(b)

* An individual element may be an evaluated variable  e.g. user.${uname}

* The INTERPOLATE option now includes period as part of identifier names.
  Braces need only be used to delimit a variable against another period.
  e.g.  $user.name   ${user.id}.gif

* An assignment may now be enclosed in parentheses and used as a term, e.g.
  %% IF (users = mydb.get_userlist) %%

* Changed the calling convention for variables bound to code and
  object (methods).  A reference is no longer passed as the first 
  parameter.  This makes it easier to interface to existing code
  and marginally quicker to write new code.  The Template::Stash
  module can be sub-classed to create plug-in library modules which
  can have far greater intimacy with the Template Toolkit.

* Fixed broken parameter passing into code bound to variables.  Added
  t/call.t to test correct behaviour.  Then the whole calling convention
  got changed again, but its legacy remains...

* Re-wrote and/or cleaned up the entire test suite.  Some are still
  incomplete or missing.

* Updated Template-Toolkit.pod to remove some of the documentation that 
  was clearly obsoleted by these changes.  Added and corrected most of the
  obvious stuff, but there's still some lacking and it may include features 
  missing, changed or broken.

* Numerous minor bugs, typos, etc.

# Version 0.17  1999/06/24 23:55

* First public alpha release