package Net::OAuth::LP::Models::Linkedbranches; our $VERSION = '0.015_01'; # VERSION use strictures 1; use Moo; use Types::Standard qw(Str Int ArrayRef HashRef); use Method::Signatures; use List::Objects::WithUtils; with('Net::OAuth::LP::Models'); has 'linkedbranches' => (is => 'rw',); method entries { array(@{$self->linkedbranches->entries}); } 1; __END__ =head1 NAME Net::OAuth::LP::Models::Linkedbranches - Bug Linkedbranches Model =head1 DESCRIPTION Interface to setting/retrieving bug linkedbranches information =head1 SYNOPSIS my $c = Net::OAuth::LP::Client->new(consumer_key => 'blah', access_token => 'fdsafsda', access_token_secret => 'fdsafsda'); my $b = Net::OAuth::LP::Models::Bug->new(c => $c); $b->find(1); say $b->linkedbranches->all; =head1 ATTRIBUTES =head2 B<linkedbranches> =head1 METHODS In addition to those listed this object inherits methods from List::Objects::WithUtils. =head2 B<new> my $linkedbranches = Net::OAuth::LP::Models::Linkedbranches->new(linkedbranches => $bug->linkedbranches); =cut