Changes for Perl extension CPANTS-Weight
0.15 Mon 25 May 2009
- Add Win32-File-Summary to bogus dists (CHORNY)
0.14 Tue 19 May 2009
- Upgrading to Module::Install::DSL 0.88
- Allow a maxage import param that passes through to the
source ORDB:: modules.
0.13 Mon 11 May 2009
- Include UNKNOWN CPAN Testers results in the FAIL count
0.12 Tue 5 May 2009
- Factor out RC releases
0.11 Tue 5 May 2009
- Factor out patch versions of Perl from the FAIL counts
0.10 Mon 4 May 2009
- Fixing a massive bug where I was totaling FAIL results for
the FIRST release instead of the LAST release.
0.09 Mon 4 May 2009
- Upgrading to Module::Install::DSL 0.86
- Reverted to the old one-shot weight and volatility calculation
- Added integration with ORDB::CPANTesters to count FAILs
0.08 Sun 10 Apr 2009
- Upgrading to Module::Install::DSL 0.83
- Upgrading to ORLite::Migrate 0.03
0.07 Wed 9 Apr 2009
- Upgrading to Module::Install::DSL 0.81
0.06 Sun 29 Mar 2009
- Adding debug messages
- Adding a cpants-weight front-end script
0.04 Sun 22 Feb 2009
- Bug fix
0.03 Sat 21 Feb 2009
- Adding the META.yml Level 1, 2 and 3 scores
- Adding ORLite::Mirror 1.12 dep for offline support
0.02 Mon 16 Feb 2009
- Moving to ORLite::Migrate
- Adding data for the "Enemies of the Downstream" list
- Adding data for the "Debian Most Wanted" list
0.01 Sun 8 Feb 2009
- Creating initial implementation