Revision history for Perl extension Class::Inspector.

1.06 Wed Jul 21 2004
	- Fixed a major Win32 bug

1.05 Mon Jul 19 2004
	- Inlined a better version of self_and_super_class
	- Removed Class::ISA as a dependency

1.04 Tue Mar 23 2004
	- Apparently on Windows @INC/%INC uses Unix style backslashes
	  Updated to handle this fact.

1.03 Sun Dec 14 2003
	- Fixed an infinite loop bug in recursive_children

1.02 Sun Dec 14 2003
	- recursive children ignores ::ISA::CACHE::
	- Minor code tweaks

1.01 Mon Nov 10 2003
	- Symbol table entries due to overloads and anonymous subs
	  are filtered from the results correctly.
	- Did a large amount of code cleaning and optomising

1.0  Sat Dec 21 13:31:21 2002
	- Converted to use File::Spec

0.2  Tue May 28 18:47:00 2002
	- Added options for ->methods

0.1  Thu May 23 20:09:55 2002
	- original version