Revision history for Perl extension DBD-SQLite.

1.19_07 not released yet
    - Starting to work the RT queue now the basics are settled.
    - Re-enable and fix t/70schemachange.t, as per RT #43448 (CORION)
    - Added a canary test to probe for RT #36863 (segfault on OSX 10.5.2) (CORION)
    - Added resources links to META.yml (ADAMK)
    - Resolved #30502: t\70schemachange.t fails on Windows (ADAMK)
    - Resolved #30167: Specify configuration depenencies with "configure_requires" (ADAMK)
    - Resolved #17623: make test fails when DBI_DSN is not DBD::SQLite (ADAMK)
    - Resolved #13631: wish: column_info support() (CORION)
    - Resolved #39938: Read-access to development repository (ADAMK)
    - Resolved #18617: Build error under win32 (ADAMK)
    - Resolved #35838: support for DBI::column_info call (CORION)
    - Resolved #29497: POD content bug (ADAMK)
    - Resolved #29520: 1.14 fails in test 6 (ADAMK)
    - Resolved #44647: Makefile.PL syntax error (ADAMK)
    - Resolved #29519: t/70schemachange.t failure (ADAMK)
    - Resolved #20286: DBD::SQLite leaks file descriptors (ADAMK)
    - Resolved #21406: DBD-SQLite 1.13 broke Class-DBI (ADAMK)
    - Resolved #4591: Test suite (t/t50*.t) is order dependent / bug in t/ (ADAMK)
    - Resolved #36467: Name "DBD::SQLite::sqlite_version" used only once (ADAMK)
    - Resolved #7753: DBD::SQLite error shouldn't include extraneous info (ADAMK)

1.19_06 Sat  4 Apr 2009
    - Fixed a segv with an error function under x86 linux
      (and hopefully Mac OSX). (TOKUHIROM)
    - Fixed yet another segv while testing DBIC reconnection (DMAKI)
    - Switched from to Test::More (though there're still
      some tests that don't use Test::More) (ISHIGAKI)
    - Added "use strict" to some. (ISHIGAKI)
    - Added a cleanup block to each test to allow it run clean and
      separately. (ISHIGAKI)
    - Adding an explicit minimum Perl version to the Makefile.PL (ADAMK)
    - Setting configure_requires dependencies for File::Spec
    - Splitting the LICENSE key into it's own MakeMaker
      version-dependency conditional (ADAMK)
    - All tests run under the same Perl environment
      (autoflush on, and warnings enabled via $^W = 1) (ADAMK)
    - Refactored away a ton of needless complexity from the
      older-style tests inherited from the CSV driver (ADAMK)

1.19_05 Thu  2 Apr 2009
    - DBD::SQLite::Amalgamation and DBD::SQLite 1.19
      should be feature identical now.
    - Added collations from DBD::SQLite::Amalgamation (CORION)
    - Removed statement handle activation after "execute" if
      there's no row to fetch. I hope this silences the
      Class::DBI's warnings. (ISHIGAKI)

1.19_04 Tue 31 Mar 2009
    - Updated to SQLite 3.6.12 (ISHIGAKI)

1.19_03 Tue 31 Mar 2009
    - Added ->column_info() (CORION)

1.19_02 Sun 29 Mar 2009
    - Updated to SQLite 3.6.11 (ISHIGAKI)
    - Added/updated several prototypes (ISHIGAKI)
    - Moved TODO into the POD (ADAMK)

1.19_01 Fri 27 Mar 2009
    - Updated to SQLite 3.6.10, and bumped up the version
      requirement for installed sqlite3 to 3.6.0 as 3.6.x
      has backward incompatiblity (ISHIGAKI)
    - Fixed "closing dbh with active statement handles" issue
      with a patch by TOKUHIROM. (ISHIGAKI)
    - Skip 70schemachange test for Windows users. (ISHIGAKI)
    - Applied RT patches including #29497, #32723, #30558,
      #34408, #36467, #37215, #41047. (ISHIGAKI)
    - Added TODO to show which issues are to be fixed. (ISHIGAKI)
    - License and configure_requires in Makefile.PL and META.yml (Alexandr Ciornii)
    - Spelling check for (Alexandr Ciornii)
    - Adding arbitrary Perl 5.00503 minimum

1.16 abandoned

1.15 abandoned

    - Updated to SQLite 3.4.2
    - Switch to sqlite3_prepare_v2 which fixes a number of bugs
      with re-using statements
    - Fix bug with overflowing integers in user defined functions
    - Fix bug when building under no-threads perl

	- A number of bug fixes from RT.
	- Support named bind parameters

	- Brought up to date with SQLite 3.3.5

    - Make blobs work transparently (without SQLBLOB binding)

    - Fix Unicode support (DOMQ)
    - Support usleep on all Linux (inc. debian) (DOMQ)
    - Upgrade to sqlite 3.2.7
    - Document how to use BLOBS

    - Support external SQLite library (rjray)
    - Don't convert things that look like numbers to numbers unless
      specifically requested.
    - Upgrade to sqlite 3.2.2

    - Support 64 bit integers (uses floating point numbers when perl is not 
        compiled with 64 bit int support). This also fixes issues with using
        sqlite timestamps.
    - Upgrade to sqlite 3.1.3
    - Fix issues of not finding rows when providing a number that perl sees as
        a string.
    - Fixes for most current bugs in RT (see to check if your
      favourite bug got fixed).
    - Fix for a memory leak (spotted by Joel Noble)
    - Update to sqlite 3.0.8 (fixes bug on Solaris-sparc)

    - Resolve symbol conflicts on mac os x.
    - Fix define in WriteMakefile lacking space.
    - Fix DBI prereq in Makefile.PL
    - Update to sqlite 3.0.7

    - Enabled HAVE_USLEEP where available which should massively
      improve concurrent usage of DBD::SQLite
    - Update to sqlite 3.0.6

    - Patched to make it compile on Windows (Steve Hay)
    - Fetch next row at end of DBI's fetch() so that one-row
      selects don't need to call ->finish(). This restores DBD::SQLite
      0.31's behaviour (and should make popfile work again)
    - last_insert_id will only work on DBI 1.43, so enforce that
    - Use snprintf from sqlite library to improve portability

    - Update to sqlite 3.0.4
    - More bug fixes
    - Don't hang forever when db is BUSY
    - Make trace macro work where vararg macros don't

    - Cleanup docs
    - More bug fixes

    - Bug fixes
    - Implement get_info

    - Port to sqlite3 API
    - Support bind types SQL_BLOB, SQL_NUMBER, SQL_TEXT etc
    - Support $dbh->last_insert_id()
    - Added timeout API

    - Fixed a free() bug on Win32
    - Silence warnings in test suite
    - Updated to sqlite 2.8.12

    - Updated to sqlite 2.8.11
    - A few minor bugs fixed

    - Updated to sqlite 2.8.7
    - A number of bugs fixed

    - Perl 5.8.0 removed long deprecated SvOK_off()
    - Aliases for perl_call_*
    - Updated to sqlite 2.8.6
    - use sqlite_freemem everywhere

    - Changed API to use sqlite streaming API. This makes things slightly
      slower for large result sets, at the benefit of being more "sane"

    - Update to sqlite 2.8.5
    - Automatic binary encoding added (via a flag)
    - Better - now deals with new files
    - Extension functions and aggregates can be created in
      perl space now.

    - Fixed Makefile.PL to no longer try creating a .c file to determine
      the OS ptrsize - use directly in the DEFINE
    - Major updates from Tim Bunce to bring DBD::SQLite in line with
      the DBI spec and other drivers, including:
      - Support for table_info_all() and primary_key_info()
      - $sth->{NAME} updates
      - execute() returns number of rows updated
      - $dbh->{sqlite_version} returns the SQLite version in use
      - $dbh->{sqlite_encoding} returns the SQLite encoding in use
      - Improved trace debugging
      - Improved error handling
      (many MANY thanks to Tim for all these patches!)
    - Updated to sqlite 2.8.0

    - Fixed major crash bug affecting Mac OS X
    - Removed from distribution
    - Upgraded to sqlite 2.7.6

    - Fixed unicode tests

    - Merge with sqlite 2.7.4

    - Ooops - forgot new opcodes files from MANIFEST

    - Port to SQLite 2.7.2
    - Fixed bug in not freeing memory if you re-execute a $sth

    - Upgrade to SQLite 2.6.3 - this now allows databases to work across
      different endian architectures.

    - Upgraded to SQLite 2.5.6 - All users are advised to upgrade
      due to a corruption bug in SQLite 2.4.0 - 2.5.6

    - Upgraded to SQLite 2.5.3
    - Fixed
    - Upgraded to SQLite 2.5.0

    - Upgraded to SQLite 2.4.5

    - Added NoUTF8Flag option, so that returned strings don't get flagged
      with SvUTF8_on() - needed when you're storing non-unicode in the database

    - Upgraded to SQLite 2.4.3
    - Added script to download sqlite core library when it's upgraded

    - Upgraded to SQLite 2.4.2

    - Upgraded to SQLite 2.4.0, which adds views, subqueries, new builtin
      functions, performance, and even sheds some weight
    - Changed transaction support to only BEGIN TRAN when you execute some
      SQL, which should improve locking problems.

    - Fixed missing SQLiteXS.h from 0.09

    - Updated to SQLite 2.3.3, and some file cleanups to make that easier
      next time.

    - Last of the mem leaks fixed
    - Doc fix on last_insert_rowid

    - Memory leak fixes (though still leaks some, beware)
    - Some API cleanups and test cleanups
    - Added last_insert_rowid() method and docs

    - Win32 and 5.00404 build fixes
    - Added some more performance tests to
    - Make sure to set $sth->{Active} only on selects

    - Added all DBD::CSV tests (ported, of course)
    - Fixed bugs that the above revealed.

    - Fix multiple placeholders bug

    - Fixed multiple execute on single $sth

    - Fixed transactions

0.01  Sat Feb 16 16:10:42 2002
    - original version; created by h2xs 1.20 with options
        -A -X -n DBD::SQLite