Revision history for Perl extension Module-Manifest

1.08 Tue 15 Jun 2010
	- Updated to Module::Install::DSL 0.99
	- Updated documentation
	- Changed to a production version

0.07 Mon 20 Apr 2009
	- Upgrading to Module::Install::DSL 0.83
	- Fixes for Win32
	- Removing distribution-specific skip file (the shared on works fine)
	- Removing custom README file (the generated one is the same)

0.06 Thu 12 Mar 2009
	- Adding a missing Test::Warn dependency
	- Updated Module::Install to 0.79

0.05 Sat 20 Dec 2008
	- Added option for file-less parsing
	- Clarified the docs
		o Added a synopsis
		o Added compatibility notes
		o Changed duplicate fatal error to a warning (cluck vs carp)
	- Added myself (Jonathan Yu) as a developer
	- Added a README file made by hand from the perldoc
	- Added a bunch of test files

0.04 Thu 11 Dec 2008
	- Upgrading Module::Install to 0.77
	- Adding a missing use Carp (Jonathan Yu)

0.03 Mon  5 May 2008
	- Upgrading Module::Install
	- Fixing a broken META.yml

0.02 Mon 25 Sep 2006
	- Fixing a major POD bug (got the name wrong) :(

0.01 Sun 24 Sep 2006
	- original version