package PITA::Image; =pod =head1 NAME PITA::Image - PITA Guest Manager for inside system images =head1 SYNOPSIS A typical startup script #!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use IPC::Run3; use PITA::Image; # Wrap the main actions in an eval to catch errors eval { # Configure the image manager my $manager = PITA::Image->new( injector => '/mnt/hbd1', workarea => '/tmp', ); $manager->add_platform( scheme => 'perl5', path => '', # Default system Perl ); $manager->add_platform( scheme => 'perl5', path => '/opt/perl5-6-1/bin/perl' ); # Run the tasks $manager->run; # Report the results $manager->report; }; # Shut down the computer on completion or failure run3( [ 'shutdown', '-h', '0' ], \undef ); exit(0); And a typical configuration image.conf class=PITA::Image version=0.10 support= [ task ] task=Test scheme=perl5.make path=/usr/bin/perl request=request-512311.conf =head1 DESCRIPTION While most of the PITA system exists outside the guest images and tries to have as little interaction with them as possible, there is one part that needs to be run from inside it. The C<PITA::Image> class lives inside the image and has the responsibility of accepting the injector directory at startup, executing the requested tasks, and then shutting down the (virtual) computer. =head1 Setting up a Testing Image Each image that will be set up will require a bit of customization, as the entire point of this type of testing is that every environment is different. However, by keeping most of the functionality in the C<PITA::Image> and L<PITA::Scheme> classes, all you should need to do is to arrange for a relatively simple Perl script to be launched, that feeds some initial configuration to to a new C<PITA::Image> object. And it should do the rest. =head1 METHODS =cut use 5.005; use strict; use base 'Process'; use Carp (); use File::Spec (); use File::Which (); use File::Remove (); use Config::Tiny (); use Params::Util '_INSTANCE'; use LWP::UserAgent (); use HTTP::Request::Common 'GET', 'PUT'; use PITA::Image::Platform (); use PITA::Image::Task (); use PITA::Image::Discover (); use PITA::Image::Test (); use vars qw{$VERSION $NOSERVER}; BEGIN { $VERSION = '0.29'; } ##################################################################### # Constructor and Accessors =pod =head2 new my $manager = PITA::Image->new( injector => '/mnt/hdb1', workarea => '/tmp', ); The C<new> creates a new image manager. It takes two named parameters. =over 4 =item injector The required C<injector> param is a platform-specific path to the root of the already-mounted F</dev/hdb1> partition (or the equivalent on your operating system). The image configuration is expected to exist at F<image.conf> within this directory. =item workarea The optional C<workarea> param provides a directory writable by the current user that can be used to hold any files and do any processing in during the running of the image tasks. If you do not provide a value, C<File::Temp::tempdir()> will be used to find a default usable directory. =back Returns a new C<PITA::Image> object, or dies on error. =cut sub new { my $class = shift; my $self = bless { @_ }, $class; # Create some lists $self->{platforms} = []; $self->{tasks} = []; # Cleanup param is boolean $self->{cleanup} = !! $self->{cleanup}; # Check some params unless ( $self->injector ) { Carp::croak("Image 'injector' was not provided"); } unless ( -d $self->injector ) { Carp::croak("Image 'injector' does not exist"); } unless ( -r $self->injector ) { Carp::croak("Image 'injector' cannot be read, insufficient permissions"); } # Find a temporary directory to use for the testing unless ( $self->workarea ) { $self->{workarea} = File::Temp::tempdir(); } unless ( $self->workarea ) { Carp::croak("Image 'workarea' not provided and automatic detection failed"); } unless ( -d $self->workarea ) { Carp::croak("Image 'workarea' directory does not exist"); } unless ( -r $self->workarea and -w _ ) { Carp::croak("Image 'workarea' insufficient permissions"); } # Find the main config file unless ( $self->image_conf ) { $self->{image_conf} = File::Spec->catfile( $self->injector, 'image.conf', ); } unless ( $self->image_conf ) { Carp::croak("Did not get an image.conf location"); } unless ( -f $self->image_conf ) { Carp::croak("Failed to find image.conf in the injector"); } unless ( -r $self->image_conf ) { Carp::croak("No permissions to read scheme.conf"); } $self; } sub cleanup { $_[0]->{cleanup}; } sub injector { $_[0]->{injector}; } sub workarea { $_[0]->{workarea}; } sub image_conf { $_[0]->{image_conf}; } sub config { $_[0]->{config}; } sub perl5lib { $_[0]->{perl5lib}; } sub server_uri { $_[0]->{server_uri}; } ##################################################################### # Configuration Methods sub add_platform { my $self = shift; my $platform = PITA::Image::Platform->new( @_ ); push @{$self->{platforms}}, $platform; 1; } sub add_task { my $self = shift; my $task = _INSTANCE($_[0], 'PITA::Image::Task') or die("Passed bad param to add_task"); push @{$self->{tasks}}, $task; 1; } sub platforms { @{$_[0]->{platforms}}; } sub tasks { @{$_[0]->{tasks}}; } ##################################################################### # Process Methods sub prepare { my $self = shift; my $class = ref($self); # Load the main config file unless ( $self->config ) { $self->{config} = Config::Tiny->read( $self->image_conf ); } unless ( _INSTANCE($self->config, 'Config::Tiny') ) { Carp::croak("Failed to load scheme.conf config file"); } # Verify that we can use this config file my $config = $self->config->{_}; unless ( $config->{class} and $config->{class} eq $class ) { Carp::croak("Config file is incompatible with PITA::Image"); } unless ( $config->{version} and $config->{version} eq $VERSION ) { Carp::croak("Config file is incompatible with this version of PITA::Image"); } # If provided, apply the optional lib path so some libraries # can be upgraded in a pince without upgrading all the images if ( $config->{perl5lib} ) { $self->{perl5lib} = File::Spec->catdir( $self->injector, split( /\//, $config->{perl5lib} ), ); unless ( -d $self->perl5lib ) { Carp::croak("Injector lib directory does not exist"); } unless ( -r $self->perl5lib ) { Carp::croak("Injector lib directory has no read permissions"); } require lib; lib->import( $self->perl5lib ); } # Check the support server unless ( $self->server_uri ) { $self->{server_uri} = URI->new($config->{server_uri}); } unless ( $self->server_uri ) { Carp::croak("Missing 'server_uri' param in image.conf"); } unless ( _INSTANCE($self->server_uri, 'URI::http') ) { Carp::croak("The 'server_uri' is not a HTTP(S) URI"); } unless ( $NOSERVER ) { my $response = LWP::UserAgent->new->request( GET $self->server_uri ); unless ( $response and $response->is_success ) { Carp::croak("Failed to contact SupportServer at $config->{server_uri}"); } } # We expect a task at [ task ] unless ( $self->config->{task} ) { Carp::croak("Missing [task] section in image.conf"); } unless ( $self->config->{task}->{task} ) { Carp::croak("Missing task.task value in image.conf"); } # The ping task is a nullop my $taskname = $self->config->{task}->{task}; if ( $taskname eq 'Ping' ) { # Do nothing } elsif ( $taskname eq 'Discover' ) { # Add a discovery task $self->add_task( PITA::Image::Discover->new( %{$self->config->{task}}, platforms => [ $self->platforms ], ), ); } elsif ( $taskname eq 'Test' ) { # Add the testing task $self->add_task( PITA::Image::Test->new( %{$self->config->{task}}, injector => $self->injector, workarea => $self->workarea, ), ); } else { Carp::croak("Unknown task.task value in image.conf"); } $self; } sub run { my $self = shift; # Auto-prepare $self->prepare unless $self->config; # Test each scheme foreach my $task ( $self->tasks ) { $task->run; } 1; } ##################################################################### # Task Methods sub report { my $self = shift; # Test each scheme foreach my $task ( $self->tasks ) { $self->report_task( $task ); } 1; } sub report_task { my $self = shift; my $task = shift; my $agent = LWP::UserAgent->new; my $request = $self->report_task_request( $task ); unless ( _INSTANCE($request, 'HTTP::Request') ) { Carp::croak("Did not generate proper report HTTP::Request"); } unless ( $NOSERVER ) { my $response = $agent->request( $request ); unless ( $response and $response->is_success ) { Carp::croak("Failed to send result report to server"); } } 1; } sub report_task_request { my ($self, $task) = @_; unless ( $task->result ) { Carp::croak("No Result Report created to PUT"); } # Serialize the data for sending my $xml = ''; $task->result->write( \$xml ); unless ( length($xml) ) { Carp::croak("Failed to serialize report"); } # Send the file PUT $self->report_task_uri( $task ), content_type => 'application/xml', content_length => length($xml), content => $xml; } # The location to put to sub report_task_uri { my ($self, $task) = @_; my $uri = $self->server_uri; my $job = $task->job_id; my $path = File::Spec->catfile( $uri->path || '/', $job ); $uri->path( $path ); $uri; } ##################################################################### # Support Methods sub DESTROY { # Delete our tasks and platforms in reverse order ### Mostly paranoia, some actual problems if we do not ### do it as strictly correct as this if ( defined $_[0]->{tasks} ) { foreach my $i ( reverse 0 .. $#{$_[0]->{tasks}} ) { undef $_[0]->{tasks}->[$i]; } delete $_[0]->{tasks}; } if ( defined $_[0]->{platforms} ) { foreach my $i ( reverse 0 .. $#{$_[0]->{platforms}} ) { undef $_[0]->{platforms}->[$i]; } delete $_[0]->{platforms}; } # Now remove the workarea directory if ( $_[0]->{cleanup} and $_[0]->{workarea} and -d $_[0]->{workarea} ) { File::Remove::remove( \1, $_[0]->{workarea} ); } } 1; =pod =head1 SUPPORT Bugs should be reported via the CPAN bug tracker at L<> For other issues, contact the author. =head1 AUTHOR Adam Kennedy E<lt>cpan@ali.asE<gt>, L<> =head1 SEE ALSO The Perl Image Testing Architecture (L<>) L<PITA>, L<PITA::XML>, L<PITA::Scheme> =head1 COPYRIGHT Copyright 2005 - 2006 Adam Kennedy. All rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. The full text of the license can be found in the LICENSE file included with this module. =cut 1;