Revision history for Perl module Perl-Dist

1.04 Wed 23 Jul 2008
	- This release co-incides with Strawberry August 2008
	- Tweak to allow libwww-perl to build behind a proxy
	- Add a temporary bug-fix/patch for
	- Add a workaround for Data::Compare failing on Win32
	- Adding Math::Pari to the default build

1.03 Tue 22 Jul 2008
	- Minor cleanups to support the July Strawberry release

1.02 Tue 15 Jul 2008
	- Updating to a Vista-capable mingw.
	- Adding install_pari for Math::Pari support

1.01 Tue 15 Apr 2008
	- Refactored a bit to use install_modules
	- Promoting some internals to public methods

1.00 Mon  7 Apr 2008
	- Release to match Strawberry Perl April 2008

0.90_04 Mon 24 Mar 2008
	- Adding Perl::Dist::Inno::System for [Run] and [UninstallRun]
	  block support.
	  This is needed for more sophisticated install and uninstall
	- Completing documentation for all the major install_foo methods.
	- Merging some idiosyncracies into the Perl::Dist::Inno core.
	- Converting force in install_module to use notest under the covers,
	  so that there are no errors to propogate upwards.
	- Added support for generating both zip and exe files simultaneously.

0.90_03 Fri  4 Jan 2008
	- Perl::Dist::Download was a bad idea, I wanted the ability to
	  to build distribution from a minicpan mirror, but maintaining
	  that package and incrementing it every time a minor release
	  happens of an upstream package will become a nightmare.
	- Merged in PAR support from Perl-Dist-Glutamate (Steffen Muller)
	- Adding more documentation
	- Completed first implementation of Perl::Dist::Machine, for
	  generating multiple variations of a dist at the same time.
	- This version used to create Vanilla Perl Build 15.
	- This version implements features needed for Strawberry Perl April.

0.90_02 Thu  3 Jan 2008
	- This release was used to build Vanilla Perl 14
	- Reorganising the default way that app_ver_name etc are done
	  to allow for distributions classes that can generate BOTH
	  5.8.8 and 5.10.0 distributions.
	- Changed the usage of perldist
	- Make sure Perl::Dist::Util::Toolchain in the tests uses the
	  full explicit Perl path.

0.90_01 Wed  2 Jan 2008
	- Major API refactoring
	- Converted Perl::Dist::Util::Toolchain to be completely
	  auto-resolving for what it should install.
	- Started the documentation process.

0.53 Sun 24 Dec 2007 (unreleased)
	- Adding support for websites in the start menu entries
	- Adding support for .bat launchers in the start menu
	- Completed Strawberry Perl 5.10.0 using this version
	- Wide-ranging refactoring and documentation to make
	  Perl::Dist suitable for other people to start using
	  for making Perl distributions.

0.52 Thu 20 Dec 2007
        - Adding an additional install flag to prevent
          installation to the old directory.

0.51 Wed 19 Dec 2007
	- Hard-code in the path to Perl 5.10.0 final
	- Move default environment vars from ::Script to ::Inno
	- Add share to no_index to prevent 5.8.8 overwritten
	  modules being listed on

0.50 Wed 19 Dec 2007
	- Merging in Perl::Dist::Vanilla
	- Merging in Perl::Dist::Bootstrap
	- Added Perl::Dist::Util::Toolchain
	- Dynamically generate the distribution list
	- Clean up the shared files
	- Bug fixing and repairing perldist
	- Completed generation of exe releases

0.30 Sun 18 Nov 2007
	- Adding support for Perl 5.10.0
	- Adding support for zlib
	- Adding support for bzlib2
	- Adding support for iconv
	- Adding support for libxml2
	- Adding support for SQLite
	- Completing generation of zip releases

0.29_03 Fri  9 Nov 2007
	- Completing install_perl_588
	- Completing install_distribution
	- Completing install_module
	- Adding install_library
	- Adding install_libraries
	- Completing installation of zlib
	- Starting installation of iconv
	- Adding pexports to the list of binaries to install

0.29_02 Thu 31 Oct 2007
        - Adding install_file support for tweaking stuff
          post-installation of binaries/perl/dists/etc
        - Removed post_copy and replaced with install_file
        - Renamed pre_copy to patch since it makes more sense
          that way now.

0.29_01 Wed 31 Oct 2007
	- Experimental release, only intended for review
	- Huge refactoring
0.10  Fri 19 Oct 2007
        - Converting from config-driver to code-driven
        - Implementing data classes for Inno
        - Implementing data classes for "Assets"
        - Converting binary-installation and source-compilation
          to the new class structure.
        - Adding various tests scripts.

0.0.5 Tue Aug 29 05:51:10 EDT 2006
	- fixed up version numbering format from Module::Install

0.0.4 Tue Aug 29 00:10:26 EDT 2006
	- Changed version numbering
	- Forced install of CPAN modules no longer dies if modules can't
	  be confirmed up to date.
	  (Hack to work around Bundle::CPAN with a specific file to install.)

0.000003 Mon Aug  7 07:23:55 EDT 2006
	- Added support for distributions names to modules section
	  to allow installation of developer releases (e.g. CPAN)
	- Removed Sub::Exporter from dependencies (not used)    

0.000002 Mon Jul 10 07:47:09 EDT 2006
	- Forgot to switch to YAML from YAML::Syck
0.000001 Sun Jul  9 13:30:10 EDT 2006
	- refactored build scripts from Perl::Dist::Vanilla to a module
	  in Perl::Dist::Builder