Changes for Perl extension Perl-Dist-Strawberry
1.04 Mon 11 Aug 2008
- Upgrading to Module::Install 0.77
- This release corrosponds with Strawberry Perl August 2008
1.03 Tue 15 Jul 2008
- Upgrading to Module::Install 0.76
- Adding support for Math::Pari by default
- Updating Perl::Dist dep to 1.03 to get Vista support
- Cleaning up the documenation to refer to the current
release, removed historical innacuracies.
- Adding support for installing path via install_patch
1.02 Wed 16 Apr 2008
- Removed redundant docs from perldist_strawberry
- Enabled multi-version building in perldist_strawberry
1.01 Wed 16 Apr 2008
- Updating to use install_modules
- Adding Perl::Dist::Bootperl
1.00 Mon 07 Apr 2008
- Release to match Strawberry Perl April 2008
0.99 Thu 3 Jan 2008
- Final refactoring to new API
- Should support both 5.10.0 and 5.8.8 variants
- Removing URL files we don't need any more
0.53 Not released...
- 5.10.0 Final release
0.51 Thu 18 Oct 2007
- Beta 1 Release
- Various repairs and fixes
- Use binary packages from Perl-Dist-Downloads
- Updating binary packages to newer versions
- Add the installation of PAR::Dist
- Add the installation of pip
- Updated to use Perl::Dist 0.51 and Perl 5.10.0 final
0.1.2 Tue 29 Aug 2006
- Released as Strawberry Perl 5.8.8 Alpha 2
- Switched to new version number scheme for Perl::Dist::Strawberry
- Includes CPAN 1.87_57 (with CPAN::Reporter support!)
- Includes up-to-date ExtUtils::MakeMaker (as this isn't in Bundle::CPAN)
- Switched to standalone Win32API::File instead of the one embedded in
- Added mingw32-make binary (helps with Alien::wxWidgets)
- Removed fake Module::Signature as Bundle::CPAN no longer includes it
0.000001 Sun 9 Jul 2006
- Initial Alpha 1 release of Strawberry Perl