Revision history for Perl extension Perl::MinimumVersion
1.19 Sun 14 Sep 2008
- Updating PPI and several other dependencies to get a more
accurate parse on which to run the analysis.
- Add a dependency on File::Find::Rule::Perl instead of using
a deplicate (worse) copy of the code for it.
- If perlver is run in a CPAN-style distribution don't parse
blib or _build directories (but DO parse inc)
1.18 Sat 23 Aug 2008
- Moving bin/perlver to more correct script/perlver
- Adding test for localising soft references (BDFOY)
- Updating to Module::Install 0.77
0.16 Sat 10 May 2008
- Adding rules for and (Alexandr Ciornii)
- Adding rules for 5.10.0 operators and magic variables (Adam Kennedy)
- Internal fixes for 5.10.0 (read: 5.010) support (Ricardo Signes)
- Add version_analysis for complete (slow) analysis (Ricardo Signes)
- Adding a 5.005_03 dependency on qr// (Adam Kennedy)
0.15 Tue 17 Jul 2007
- No functional changes
- Updating List::Util dependency to 1.19 to resolve Win32 memory leak
- Adding rule for "use base 'Exporter';" (some old versions don't export import)
- Correcting the behaviour of minimum_syntax_version when provided a filter
0.14 Tue 6 Mar 2007
- Adding support for checking the 5.8 dep "use constant { ... };"
- Moderning the tests a little
- Push the dependency again to 0.70 to avoid
a number of edge case and legacy API issues that bit us earlier.
- Upgraded to Module::Install 0.65_01
0.13 Sat 22 Apr 2006
- No functional changes
- Moved over from SourceForge CVS to new collaborative SVN repository
- Upgraded to Module::Install 0.62
0.12 Fri Dec 30 2005
- Removed some Perl 5.8isms and coded one back in as a rule :)
- Upgraded to newer Module::Install
- Pushed version deps on some critical things
0.11 Thu Nov 10 2005
- Added missing File::Find::Rule dependency
0.10 Thu Oct 6 2005
- Fixed utf8 pragma
- Switched from qv() to version->new() due to bugs
- Please ignore perlver for now :)
- Updated dependencies to cover recent bugs and changes
0.09_01 Mon Sep 12 2005
- Added the perlver application
- Added some more minor optimisation
0.05 Sun Sep 4 2005
- Added support for explicit versions
- Added minimum_syntax_version method
- Added minimum_explicit_version method
- Updated PPI dependency to 1.000
0.04 Tue May 31 2005
- Added another chunk of checking methods
0.03 Wed May 25 2005
- Updated to handle API change at PPI 0.990
0.02 Mon Apr 25 2005
- Added tests for attributes, utf8 and a few other pragmas
0.01 Wed Apr 20 2005
- Created the initial implementation