Changes for Perl extension SDL-Tutorial-3DWorld

0.09 Thu 16 Dec 2010
	- The skybox cube faces now overlap just slightly, which removes the
	  visible tearing between each face.
	- Now the skybox doesn't suck, tweak the light position closer to
	  where the sun is on the skybox should the shading and reflection
	  look absolutely correct.

0.08 Thu 16 Dec 2010
	- Low-sophistication (Smooth Hinting) anti-aliasing enabled for all
	  three of points, lines and polygons.
	- Fixed the chessboard material so it works with blending enabled.
	- Add GL hinting to make the texture scaling prettier.
	- Movement is now done via the move callback, locking movement to real
	  world time and making it independant of render speeds.
	- Half-assed support for identifying speeds in real metres per second.
	- Fixed a stupid trig bug in the camera movement logic, walking no
	  longer makes you skew sideways like a drunken troll when facing east.

0.07 Thu 16 Dec 2010
	- Like all good games, 3DWorld now runs full screen

0.06 Wed 15 Dec 2010
	- The landscape is now a 10x10 metre chess board
	- A new "at the origin" event filter for removing warp_mouse events,
	  as the first "ignore next" one didn't account for event queueing
	  and stuttering was starting to occur.
	- Moved the light to approximately the location of where the sun is
	  on the skybox for added "realism"
	- All actors now have a velocity vector.
	- Slightly less sucky material for the teapots.
	- The teapots slowly fly away in the positive X, Y and Z directions

0.05 Wed 15 Dec 2010
	- Skybox is now both optional and actually works

0.04 Wed 15 Dec 2010
	- Adding a texture abstraction library
	- Adding a simple implementation of a skybox

0.03 Wed 15 Dec 2010
	- Do not show the mouse cursor
	- Capture the mouse cursor to allow infinite mouselook travel
	- Adding a trivial constructor test (that doesn't init OpenGL)
	- Adding Test::NoWarnings to the tests

0.02 Wed 15 Dec 2010
	- Fixed the lighting and material of the objects

0.01 Tue 14 Dec 2010
	- Created the initial game model