Revision history for Perl extension Test::Exception:

	-	Fixed poor English in throws_ok docs.

0.08  Fri May 31
	-	Added reference to Test::Inline to docs
	-	Test::More now in PREREQ_PM
	-	Culled some code that could never be called
	-	Added t/pod.t and t/documented.t
	-	Now bails if cannot load module in tests
	-	Fixed typo of Text::Differences in docs
	-	Added stacktrace.t to demontrate error reported by Janek 
		Schleicher <> where a stacktrace in the 
		exception can cause throws_ok to always succeed.
	-	Stopped stacktrace.t failing.

0.07  Fri Apr 12
	-	may_be_regex -> maybe_regex in Test::Builder

	-	couple of minor tweaks to the docs

	-	now uses may_be_regex public method from Test::Builder
	-	should work & test under 5.005, don't have a perl to hand
		to double check so feedback welcome

	-	Can now pass regex-like strings as well as regexes. Thanks to 
		Mark Fowler for the suggestion and Michael G Schwern for adding
		code to Test::Builder.

0.03  Tue Apr 9
	-	dies_ok, lives_ok & throws_ok now all return the result of the 
		underlying ok
	-	$@ is now guaranteed to be preserved (and is documented as such). 
		Thanks to Michael G Schwern for suggesting this.
	-	Tests run tainted, strict & with warnings 
		(just to be on the safe side :-)

0.02  Tue Apr 9
	-	Documented properly

0.01  Wed Mar 20 00:18:07 2002
	- original version; created by h2xs 1.21 with options
		-AX -n Test::Exception