Revision history for Perl extension Test::Exception:
- Fixed a bunch of spelling mistakes in the POD
- Added an (optional) spelling test in t/developer
- Added a bunch of missed acknowledgements
- Made the fact that $@ is preserved by T::E subroutines explicit in
the synopsis
0.22 - or the "about bloody time" release
- We now test that the import works (it does :-)
- Now works with exception classes that override isa
- Added link to AnnoCPAN
- Applied patch from Ben Prew to turn the misused TODO tests into
proper Test::Builder::Tester tests - thanks Ben
- Now cannot pass undef as the exception to throws_ok
- The optional test description for lives_and is now optional :)
- Can now have empty test description for throws_ok
- Requires Sub::Uplevel 0.13 - squashing several bugs (thanks to David
Golden for fixing Sub::Uplevel, and for reporting the issue - along
with Cees Hek & Steve Purkis)
- Uses Test::Pod::Coverage rather than home grown script
- Added (optional) Perl::Critic tests
- Updated Test::Builder::Tester dependency to 1.04
- Tidied up tests, code and POD a little
- All developer tests live in t/developer and do not run by default
- Added example of only using Test::Exception if it's installed (thanks
to Rob Muhlestein for suggesting this)
- Test coverage now at 100% (statement, branch, condition, subroutine
& POD) according to Devel::Cover 0.58
- Most of build_requires should have been in requires, which was
causing CPANPLUS to choke on installs. Fixed (thanks Jos I. Boumans)
- Test names now called test descriptions to fit in with latest TAP
- Added link to tada list to TO DO section of documentation
- Added COMMUNITY section to POD
- Added description of how to use Test::Exception in a sub-passing non
prototype style (after feedback from Jim Keenan & Perrin)
- fixed bug in lives_and where $Test::Builder::Level was
set to high if test in block lived
- Added support for Module::Build
- Cosmetic POD tweaks
- Added Test::Warn and Test::NoWarnings to SEE ALSO (thanks to
Andy Lester for pointing out the lack)
- Tests now pass with Test::Simple 0.48
- pod.t now uses Test::Pod
- cleaned up code a little
- Fixed year in copyright in POD
- Added import() after suggestion from Peter Scott
- tidied tests a bit
- Removed live() and added lives_and() after an excellent
suggestion from Aristotle
- Default name for throws_ok now has better output when passed
exceptions that overload "".
- Refectored t/Exception.t a bit
- Now handles bad exception classes that overload "" without
overloading eq (thanks to Mark Fowler for bug report & patch).
- extended _exception_as_string to cover undef and normal exit
- made format of exception display in throws_ok constant with
other functions.
- extended _exception_as_string to add appropriate prefix
- Added live()
- Added default test name for throws_ok if no supplied
- fixed MANIFEST and added MANIFEST.SKIP
- better output for lives_ok and throws_ok if exception classes
overload ""
- bug where it would fail if Test::Builder::ok ever threw
exceptions internally fixed.
0.12 Mon Aug 26 2002 2002
- patched return.t so that it skips if we don't have a
Test::Harness that can handle TODO tests (thanks to
<> for pointing this out).
- tweaked POD and README
- Fixed prototypes
0.11 Sat Jun 29 2002
- corrected README file
- refactored code a little
- minor tweaks to POD
- Added test to Exception.t that demonstrated bug in throws_ok
(you couldn't regex an empty string - i.e. normal exit).
- Fixed bug.
0.10 Sun Jun 2 2002
- Stopped over-exuberant pod.t and documented.t checking that
other peoples modules were documented and had legal POD!
- Couple of minor tweaks to the docs.
- Added caller.t and patch to from Michael G Schwern
to stop dies_ok, lives_ok and throws_ok interfering with
caller(). Much better than the regex hack added in 0.08 ---
which has now been removed.
0.09 Sat Jun 1 2002
- Fixed poor English in throws_ok docs.
0.08 Fri May 31 2002
- Added reference to Test::Inline to docs
- Test::More now in PREREQ_PM
- Culled some code that could never be called
- Added t/pod.t and t/documented.t
- Now bails if cannot load module in tests
- Fixed typo of Text::Differences in docs
- Added stacktrace.t to demontrate error reported by Janek
Schleicher <> where a stacktrace in the
exception can cause throws_ok to always succeed.
- Stopped stacktrace.t failing.
0.07 Fri Apr 12 2002
- may_be_regex -> maybe_regex in Test::Builder
- couple of minor tweaks to the docs
- now uses may_be_regex public method from Test::Builder
- should work & test under 5.005, don't have a perl to hand
to double check so feedback welcome
- Can now pass regex-like strings as well as regexes. Thanks to
Mark Fowler for the suggestion and Michael G Schwern for adding
code to Test::Builder.
0.03 Tue Apr 9 2002
- dies_ok, lives_ok & throws_ok now all return the result of the
underlying ok
- $@ is now guaranteed to be preserved (and is documented as
such). Thanks to Michael G Schwern for suggesting this.
- Tests run tainted, strict & with warnings
(just to be on the safe side :-)
0.02 Tue Apr 9 2002
- Documented properly
0.01 Wed Mar 20 00:18:07 2002
- original version; created by h2xs 1.21 with options
-AX -n Test::Exception