Revision history for CohortExplorer
0.01 2013-12-06
- Initial release
0.02 2013-12-09
- Documentation corrections and minor code changes
0.03 2013-12-15
- Fixed some broken links within the documentation and improved the command-line completion.
The application now allows the auto-completion of options and their values. For a given commmand
all possible options can be seen by typing the command name followed by '--' and pressing the tab key.
The user is also able to see all possible values the options can take by pressing the tab key after
specifying the option name.
0.04 2013-12-27
- Improved platform independence by employing File::Spec.
0.05 2014-01-11
- Minor code changes
0.06 2014-01-13
- The application now throws an exception if the command history file does not exist. The application requires
the command history file to exist with RW enabled for CohortExplorer.
0.07 2014-02-03
- Fixed bug related to supplying of duplicate arguments in search and compare commands
- Fixed inconsistency in the validation of variables present in arguments and condition option
0.08 2014-02-07
- Fixed bug related to imposing sql conditions in the search command
- Added support for 'AND' operation in the find command
0.09 2014-02-18
- Fixed inconsistency related to computing visit_max in longitudinal datasources (REDCap)
- Minor documentation changes
0.10 2014-04-30
- Added support for SQL datasources (Opal version 2.0)
- Minor documentation changes
0.11 2014-07-10
- Bug fixed within 'find' command REDCap API
- Added support for group permission in REDCap API. Now the users belonging to some group can only view records
created by their group.
- Improved syntax for imposing conditions in search and compare command.
- Improved logging
- Documentation changes
0.12 2014-07-11
- Documentation corrections
0.13 2014-07-20
- Fixed bug in REDCap datasource API:
variable_count in describe command does not show count of unique variables
- Documentation corrections