
# $Id: parsediasql,v 1.8 2009/11/17 12:21:25 aff Exp $

use strict;
use warnings;

use Getopt::Long;
use Pod::Usage;

use lib q{lib};
use Parse::Dia::SQL;

my $help = undef;
my $file = undef;
my $ignore_type_mismatch = undef;
my $db   = undef;

  "help|?" => \$help,
  "file=s" => \$file,
  "db=s"   => \$db,
	"ignore_type_mismatch" => \$ignore_type_mismatch, 
) or pod2usage(2);
pod2usage(1) if $help;
pod2usage(qq{Missing argument 'file'}) if !$file;
pod2usage(qq{Missing argument 'db'}) if !$db;

my $dia = Parse::Dia::SQL->new(file => $file, db => $db, ignore_type_mismatch => $ignore_type_mismatch);
print $dia->get_sql();



=head1 NAME

  parsediasql - Command-line interface to Parse::Dia::SQL


  parsediasql [OPTIONS] --file FILE --db DB

=head1 OPTIONS

  file -  filename of Dia file
  db   -  Database type (e.g. 'db2')
  ignore_type_mismatch - Allows foreign keys to have a different 
          type than the primary key it references, if true.


Dia is a diagram creation program for Linux, Unix and Windows released
under the GPL license.

parsediasql is a Command-line interface to Parse::Dia::SQL

Parse::Dia::SQL converts Dia class diagrams into SQL. 

=head1 TODO


=item *

Add options that correspond to %param in Parse::Dia::SQL::new


=head1 SEE ALSO


=head1 AUTHOR

Parse::Dia::SQL is based on I<tedia2sql> by Tim Ellis and others.  See the
I<AUTHORS> file for details.

Modified by Andreas Faafeng, C<< <aff at cpan.org> >> for release on
